InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Friendly Look ❯ Chapter 1

[ A - All Readers ]
Despite Miroku's wandering hands he really was a good friend. He was easy to talk to and to Sango that meant a lot. Kagome was her best girl friend and Inu Yasha, well, Inu Yasha was a silent friend. One that didn't express his appreciation and acceptance of someone with words. He fought for the people he cared about and provided for them. He was just that way. Miroku, however, was her best male friend. Sango couldn't think of any other man she could argue with and get mad at and still be good friends after a good fight. All the men and boys in her village had been either too afraid of her, or of her father to even consider being buddy, buddy with her.

One night around the fire the ragtag group was mostly just lounging around. Kagome and Inu Yasha were bickering like usual. Something about ramen and homework. Shippo was falling asleep on his coloring book and Kirara was curled on Sango's sleeping mat by the fire. Sango looked over at Miroku as he walked just outside the clearing to the pile of firewood. She wondered when the last time was that the two of them had bickered over something other than his wandering hands.

Sango leaned her head against the tree she sat before and half closed her eyes. Soon the bickering voices turned to teasing and Kagome giggled. Sango opened her eyes and looked over at her. Kagome's face mouth was stretched into a large gaping grin as giggles escaped her lips. Inu Yasha was even smiling. A rare thing indeed. Sango smiled for them. She was glad they were friends even though their lives were so complicated. Fighting for freedom and love could make anyone crazy. Inu Yasha's journey to be free from ridicule and scorn because of his Hanyou being. His desire to be loved no matter what that meant. Becoming human or full demon. Searching for tiny shards of a jewel that may or may not grant his wishes.

Kagome fought for the freedom and love of her companions. She fought for Inu Yasha's freedom from himself, for Sango's own brother, for Miroku's cursed hand. She fought to make a mistake well again. Her only reason for staying, as far as duty went, was making the jewel, that she broke, whole again. She remained out of love. The love of her friendship with Sango, the love for a man suffering from a curse and the love of her hanyou. A man she loved with all her might who supposedly loved another woman. She fought for his love hardest of all. Sango could see it even if Inu Yasha didn't. He loved her as well. At least he cared about her. Enough to hide disturbing things from her. After she complained about having to watch animals being skinned and gutted he started doing that before coming back to camp. He claimed it was because he didn't want to hear the complaining but really, they knew it was because he'd rather see appreciation and pride on her face after a particularly good kill. Kagome used to grimace at the fact that we had to kill our food before we ate it but I think she finally resigned herself to the fact that that is how we live. We take what we need and use what we take. Sango sighed her contentment and closed her eyes part way again only to open them moments later when Miroku sat down again after adding a log to the fire.

Miroku looked around the group and paused when he came to Sango. She was reclining against a large old tree he couldn't remember the name of. Her eyes were open and watching him. She wore a happy look on her face. He hoped that was because she wasn't worried about Kohaku or Naraku tonight. Her eyes left his briefly to scan their companions again. Kagome had finally stopped giggling and was now resting with her head against Inu Yasha's arm with her eyes closed. Inu Yasha looked a little uncomfortable but Miroku figured that was because Kagome didn't do that very often. He hadn't quite gotten used to someone being so affectionate to him. Miroku looked to Sango again. Her eyes were still looking around but eventually came back to him. She smiled. The corners of her mouth were turned up in a way that made her look like she had no care in the world. Miroku was amazed at the look her smile made. He was amazed by the woman smiling at him. One corner of his mouth turned up at the thought. She was his best friend. She understood him even if his situation was different than hers. She also believed in him. She believed he could be a better person. She believed he would someday be free from his curse and she also believed that each individual in their strange group would one day be happy.

Miroku's half smile soon turned into a look of confidence and determination. He looked directly at Sango and told her with his eyes that he believed in her right back. His eyes told her she was a woman of divine nature and that made her worth all the trouble in the world. He would fight for her and the rest of the group. Friendship was the basis of all good relationships and Miroku knew that friendship was more than being nice to one another and doing things with each other. He knew that it was more than saying you'll be there for them. It's proving time and time again that you are there for them. Sango saved his life probably more times than he could count as he did for her. No matter what happened when they finally met up with Naraku he was confident they would look after each other. The whole group but especially Sango and himself. They were a team. Inu Yasha and Kagome also. At least after Kagome got captured and Inu Yasha had to save her. After the initial saving they would work together as if they could read each other's minds. They'd cover for each other when it looked like things couldn't have any outcome other than injury or death. Miroku and Sango also did that. When one stepped back the other went forward. When they worked side by side they were deadly.

Sango's smile changed when she saw the look Miroku gave her. It changed from happy and content to encouraged and hopeful. Anything could happen but with the help of a best friend anything could be won. Sango got up from her spot at the tree and made her way around the fire to Miroku. She kneeled beside him and wrapped her strong arms around his shoulders.
"Thanks." She whispered in his ear.
Miroku's arms wrapped around her tightly and he answered, "No. Thank you."
A quick squeeze later, Sango was pulling away and sitting next to him. She fidgeted a while before she got comfortable but soon settled and they feel into quiet conversation.

A/N: Well, here is my first fanfic to ever hit a site. I've written some on paper while bored in Math class and what not but I have never posted one. I have a problem with finishing stories. I usually start them then leave them hanging. But as a solution to that I am putting this on the site and give anyone, I repeat, ANYONE and everyone permission to plagiarize and finish my story or whatever. I just ask that you send me a note so I can read it.