InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Hanyou's Thoughts ❯ chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

It stared and stared until something stepped out of the thick trees and into the brighter light of the sparse trees.
It was a woman. A very short women, about half again the height of a child, but a women nonetheless. She did not notice the thing in the clearing with her at first. She looked to her right and left a few times, before straight ahead, straight at the Thing. Her face was expressionless, but her voice held evil pleasure in it when she spoke.
“I've been tracking you. It's easy for a trained assassin like myself.” She stated as she took a step forward.
The Thing neither moved nor spoke, not that it seemed it could.
“Since you left that castle far away in these woods.” She continued.
Again, the Thing did nothing, only oozed a little and its skin boiled.
“Your apart of that demon. That Naraku”
The Thing boiled faster, but still silence.
“But how did you get away? I don't think he'd let any of himself go to waste.”
Silence form the Thing, but laughter from the women. All the while that she had been talking she had been coming closer and closer to the Thing.
“Something must be happening to him right now, if you got away. Am I right?”
She stopped now, an arms distance from the Thing, and smiled at it, as if it were an old friend she had arranged to meet. The Thing said nothing, only boiled away.
“What are you made from?” She asked finally, after a long silence. She started to reach out and touch the Thing.
As soon as her arm rose, the Thing moved as well, rising up and throwing itself at her, all in one swift, fluid motion. There wasn't even enough time for her to scream or make any noise at all before the Thing had completely consumed her and made her apart of itself.
Although it kept its awful shape, colors appeared on it in spots. These were the colors of the women's skin, clothing, hair, and whatever else had been on her person. These grew for a few moments before shrinking back into the Things skin and disappearing. The only parts to remain visible were the eyes, ears, and mouth of the women.
“Thank you.” Thing hissed with the women's voice. “Thessse will come in handy.” It tried out a cruel smile with the women's mouth before slumping off, back into the forest and again away from where it had come.
(Back at Kagura and Kanna)
“Is he really here?” Kagura asked, looking around their surroundings. They were flying over a field…of flowers. Brightly colored flowers. Moreover, their fragrance, even from as high up as Kagura and Kanna were, was almost suffocating.
Kanna didn't respond, but quietly looked around their surroundings. The flowers, though short, could hide many dangers, even to demons. Such places were sometimes protected by humans, though for what reason, Kanna could not grasp. The simple fact of it was, though, that any number of these flowers could be hiding protective spells that would keep Kagura and Kanna from finding what they had come for.
“This smell is killing me.” Kagura said. “And these colors are going to make me blind. Let's just find him and get out of here.”
A/N: Short, yeah, I know, but whatever, it's a chapter! More to come soon.