InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Revelation of Love ❯ True Love ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A Revelation of Love
Summary: Old Fluffy ponders his life with a certain lady and his new family. (fluffy/kagome)
Chapter one: Love
He knew in his heart he loved her from the first moment he saw her, but at the time he did not truly understand what love was. He used to think of love as his father's downfall, and he knew that his brother was cursed to a tree for fifty years because of it. When Kagome came and saved his brother and also stood up to he, Sesshomaru, in their first battle against each other, he knew that he found the one for himself, but tried to push it from his mind. After a few more battles with Inuyasha though, he remembered the time he got hurt and the little girl Rin, came and helped him, even though he was cold to her and told her to stay away. Eventually, he took her under his care as his ward, and now she was his adopted daughter. Actually, if it hadn't been for Rin, then he and Kagome would never have met outside of battle. When Rin was kidnapped by a demon and Kagome saved her, they talked and actually got to know each other a little better. Sesshomaru joined the group who had just welcomed Kikyo as well. Kagome performed a spell to give Kikyo her own new soul and now the former dead girl and Inuyasha were mates. Inuyasha and Kagome became more like brother and sister, but when she got pissed, you could still hear her scream of `sit!' over a mile away. After the final battle, Sango and Miroku got married and went back to Sango's village to rebuild it with the help of her brother Kohaku, who broke out of Naraku's spell when he died. Koga finally let go of his hopes for Kagome and mated Ayame last year, and now most of the pups in the pack he stood proud to call his own. Shippo was also adopted by Kagome and Sesshomaru and was looking forward to being a big brother…
Speaking of big brothers… `Milord your mate is in labor'. He never in his life ran as fast as he did while going to his mate's side. The midwife delivered a little girl who looked like her daddy with silver ears and big blue eyes. At that moment he knew his life was perfect, but then the midwife mentioned the other baby. Sessho almost hit the floor with shock. Another child? Why couldn't he tell before? Then he figured that if the Kamis wanted to give him a larger family, then who was he to argue? A new voice joined the world as the firstborn son of the taiyoukai was introduced into it. With midnight blue hail and ears, and golden amber eyes, Kage (shadow) looked at his sister Sakura (cherry blossom) and his mom and dad, yawned then looked in Sesshomaru's eyes in a blank gaze that took he himself one hundred years to master. Sakura cooed and glowed pink for a moment as Midoriko appeared in the room to bless the future taiyoukai and his miko princess sister. She blessed them both with wishes of joy and health. As she disappeared, Sesshomaru took a look at his family, called in Rin and Shippo, and hugged them all while crying. Shippo looked startled to see his dad cry and Kagome and Rin laughed. Taking one more look around the room, Sesshomaru smiled. `This', he thought, 'this is true love'.
The End