InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ A Tale about a Tail ❯ A weird development ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own inuyasha

A weird development


They were standing in a forest on of the high branches of a tree. Pretty much green every where. With a few flowers and some dirt pathches here and there.

"About your tail" she replied simply.

"NOT THAT!" he tried to calm down, "why did you walk away?"

"I already told, because of your tail, you looked so funny with you tail wagging" Kagome giggled.

"Stop playing games" he growled

"But I'm not"

"You could've been attacked"

"But I wasn't"

"You're acting immature"

"I'm acting like you"

"I DO NOT act like that"

"Do too"

"Do not"

"Do too"

"Do not"

"See I just proved my point!" replied Kagome.

Inu-Yasha let out a scream of frustration. `Don't take the bait, don't take the bait'. That's what he was currently chanting in his head.

She knew she shouldn't bait him. But she couldn't help it. It was like she lost control.

"I DO NOT act like that" he repeated.

"Do so"

`I will not fall for that again' thought the hanyou.

"See you just admitted it"

She was pushing all the wrong buttons, or in her case the right ones.

"Your acting like a damn child " he was trying to keep his temper.

"Then you have to change your attitude" she retorted.


Kagome had been staring at his tail trying to avoid eye contact since they landed in the tree. She soon become entranced with the tail lazily swinging back and forth, back and forth, back and forth…

Inu-Yasha was also wandering why Kagome hasn't sit him yet. He should've sat a long time ago. She was acting so weird ever since she saw his tail, like hypnotized by it…

"Sorry" said Kagome as she looked away with a faint blush on her cheeks. A lone leaf fell by.

`Did I just miss something' thought Inu-Yasha a bit puzzled by her behavior. All she had to do was look away from his tail and she would act normal again. Weird…

"Feh, whatever bitch, just don't do it a-". Wrong move



She was acting normal again. Much to Inu-Yasha displeasure.

"And you think I act strange" he mumbled into the dirt.

"What was that Inu-Yasha? I didn't quite hear what you said" called Kagome from above "oh, and I think I neglected to mention that to shards coming this way, and also no fighting"

`Damn. Kouga.'

The heard a rustle of leaves and very fast footsteps as the mini twister approached. There stood the `almighty' Kouga being a damn showoff in front of the wrench. With of course, his repulsive stench. Or that was at least what Inu-Yasha thought.

"I thought I knew that sweet scent" said Kouga as he went over to Kagome's tree stepping on Inu-Yasha head on the way.

"WATCH IT" he yelled.

Kouga looked down on him as if he just noticed he was there. Not seeing the tail at all. He turned to Kagome, craning his neck to get a good view. Thank god Kagome decided to sit down after she sat Inu-Yasha.

"Was this `dog' giving you any trouble, Kagome"

"Can it, wolf" snarled the rival male. He had got up and was nose to nose with Kouga His purpose of winning Kagome or just wanting to kill him is unknown to us. Most probably him too.

"You think you can intimidate me…"

Kagome signed.

They always did the same thing. Exchange insults, get into a fighting stance and so on.

Kagome signed again.

`There so predictable'

Inu-Yasha was about to take the first move when…

"Sit boy"

`Almost missed my cue' was Kagome's afterthought.

"I told once and I will tell you again, NO fighting"

"If you wish, Kagome" replied Kouga

`Yeah right' was what Inu-Yasha thought in response.

Sango and Miroku decided to join them that minute. They had gotten bored after waiting awhile in the hut so they decided to follow them.

"Lady Kagome, what are you doing in a tree?" asked Miroku

"See, I told you they were just arguing" interrupted Sango.

Inu-Yasha and Kagome turned to glare at Miroku. Kouga also turned to glare at him.


I think today Miroku bad day. He have been hit a total of twelve times and knocked out three of those times. No, actually make that four. This time Sango slapped him hard. Kouga actually pitied him; even through he wouldn't if he knew his record. He looked dead. As usual.

"Can someone get me down from here" asked Kagome

"Of course, my mate" said Kouga about to make his jump but knocked of balace cas a red and silver blur beat him to it.

"You shouldn't touch another male's mate" Kouga lectured.

"And who are you to tell me" snarled Inu-Yasha

They heard a howl in the distance.

"Kagome, I must depart now, and you mutt face better protect her or I will skin you alive" Kouga added as a snarl.

Sango and Kagome walked away dragging Miroku with them.

Kouga started to run but looked back to see the familiar scene. Sango dragging Miroku, Kagome happily chatting away, and Inu-Yasha deep in thought lazily dragging his tail along the floor. He continued on until it hit, Inu-Yasha had a tail? He did a double take but they were already out of sight.

`Damn, now I have to get my eyes checked'

A/N: Thank you to those who reviewed. But I still want reviews. I try to get another chapter soon.