InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Afraid to Love ❯ Kagome's Goal ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

This is the last time I will say it, I do not own Inuyasha.

2: Kagome's Goal

Kagome curled up in her sleeping bag trying to hide from the pain that she felt. Why? She had been so loyal, kind, and forgiving. All Kikyo had done was try to murder them. Her eyes were red and brimmed with tears. She didn't want to cry again, for crying would change nothing.

Inuyasha walked back to camp carrying Kikyo in his arms. He smiled down at her lovingly as she snuggled in closer. "Miroku, Sango, Shippo, Kirara, Kaede, Kagome, I have claimed Kikyo as my mate and she will be with us for the rest of the trip and with me forever." he said. Kikyo's arms liked around his neck as everyone gasped and turned away, angry at Inuyasha for trusting someone who might be there enemy and hurting Kagome.

Kagome's eyes began to fill with tears as she walked to the hot springs. "Inuyasha, why can't you love me? I gave you everything. You opened your heart to me, and then pushed me aside to allow Kikyo to enter it." She felt broken, used, and lonely. Now, she finally realized the truth. He had been honest at what he said when they first met Miroku. She really was just a shard detector.

Kagome closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. Kagome was surrounded by a white light when a dark silhouette came nearer. There was a human woman in a warrior's armor with flowing black hair and in her hand was the completed Shikon no Tama. "Kagome, I have completed the Shikon no Tama for you." She placed the jewel in Kagome's hands. "Why? Who are you?" "I am Midoriko. I am your incarnate." "I am Kikyo's reincarnation…" "No, Kagome. You are my reincarnation."

"I look like Kikyo." "Looks are nothing. Kagome, give the others the Shikon jewel to defeat Naraku and go to achieve your true goal in this life." "What do you mean?" "You have an even greater goal to accomplish. You see, I was once in love with a taiyoukai, but then I left him for a human. He was heartbroken and he committed suicide and he was reborn into someone else. You are destined to do what I didn't do. You are to become that man's mate and melt his heart." "Wait, I have to make someone love me???" "Well, something like that, but I warn you, his reincarnation has suffered and now has a frozen heart."

"Who is he?" "He is Sesshomaru, the Lord of the Western Lands." Kagome almost fell backwards at the impact of the words. She had to love Sesshomaru and find a way for him to return the love? Then, the white light began to fade as her eyes shot open.

"OMG, what do I do?" Kagome still had so many questions for Midoriko. Sighing, she packed up her stuff and left, leaving the Shikon no Tama in the lap of Shippo, who was still asleep. She walked into the forest in the direction of Sesshomaru's castle hoping that she wouldn't have trouble finding it and that finding it would be a good thing. What if he killed her? It didn't matter. This was what her goal in life was.