InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Afraid to Love ❯ Back to the Feudal Era ( Chapter 19 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Inuyasha is the property of Rumiko Takahashi.

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19: Back to the Feudal Era

Once again, Kagome was in Sesshomaru's arms as they leapt into the Bone Eater's Well to be enveloped by a blue light and be transported 500 years into the past. They hadn't even been in the modern era for a day, but Kagome could tell that Sesshomaru was worried about Rin. When Sesshomaru leapt out of the well, the sky had already darkened and was full of twinkling stars.

Jaken was dozing with Ah and Un outside of the hut. When they entered the hut, Kagome and Sesshomaru found everyone fast asleep. Not wanting to wake Rin, the two silently decided that they would be staying another night near Inuyasha's Forest. Sesshomaru sat down before the fire as usual, keeping an eye on Rin in case she had nightmares about the bandits again.

Kagome walked back out of Kaede's hut. So many thoughts ran through her head and she needed time for her thoughts to clear up. Walking into the forest, she walked down the dirt path until she came to the hot springs. She had already taken a bath in her era, so she didn't worry about her hygiene. Sitting down on a boulder and looking up at the stars, she didn't notice the footsteps that came behind her.

"One should not venture alone at this time of night." came a smooth and silky voice. Kagome whirled around, ready to scream for the others, to find that it was only Sesshomaru. "Oh, nothing…" she replied, immediately stiffening at his gaze. "Why do you seem so uncomfortable?" "It's just…I don't know you well…" It was a poor excuse indeed. If Kagome did not know it, she knew him better than anyone else.

"I do not know you well, yet I do not recall ever tensing around you." he said, hoping that he would gain the results that he hoped for. "You're a lord and you're never tense. Besides, I told you where I'm from." `Well, you forced me…' "Fine, I suppose that we both should learn more about each other since we'll be around each other for quite a while." Kagome nodded in agreement.

"Why did I not sense your father in your home?" Kagome relaxed, thankful that he had not asked `the question'. "My father died when I was eight. He was murdered by a greedy man. He had wanted a free box of my grandfather's `Shikon no Tama' good-luck charms because he thought they would give him `special powers'. My father wouldn't give it to him, so he killed him. The man had mental problems."

"I'm sorry…" "It's o--- ." Kagome stopped. Did she hear wrong or was the Great Sesshomaru apologizing for something as petty as that? The change wasn't bad, but it just seemed so…sudden. `Guys these days… One minute they're holding a sword to your throat and the next they're giving you silk kimonos…' "…kay." she finished. "It's your turn to ask me a question." "Why do you hate Inuyasha so much?"

"I don't hate him. I just have to get Tetsusaiga back. That sword is not rightfully his. His mother was whom I truly hated. She…lied to me about everything. Why did you love Inuyasha?" Kagome wanted to smack her head against the boulder that she was currently seated upon. The dreaded question had come. "He was always trying to hide behind this tough mask, but what I liked about him was that I was one of the only people that got to see his sensitive side."

`Sensitivity?' "If you don't hate Inuyasha, why isn't his name on the fountain in the gardens?" How did you answer that? "I had nothing to do with that. Whenever a member of the House of the Moon is born, their name automatically appears there. Inuyasha's mother had been in love with another man before my father forced her into marriage. The other man, Inujo, became her personal servant. Before long, she gave birth to Inuyasha. I had loved her as a mother and Inuyasha as a brother, hanyou or not. I caught her and Inujo one day and I killed Inujo, for he was Inuyasha's father. I promised her to never tell my father about Inuyasha. After my father died, I had her beheaded and I chased Inuyasha out of the castle. That is why Inuyasha does not have the crescent moon upon his forehead. My father never visited the gardens, so he did not notice that Inuyasha's name was not on the fountain."

Suddenly, everything made sense to Kagome. Sesshomaru had not wanted the sword for power, but because Inuyasha was not a son of Inutaisho, so he did not deserve the fang. Inuyasha…was not related to Sesshomaru at all. Still, it shocked her that he had beheaded Inuyasha's mother. It was not her fault that she had been in love with another man and had been forced into marriage. Once again, though, she was arguing with herself. Sesshomaru must have felt horrible finding that his stepmother had been lying to him all along and that the half-brother he had loved was a lie.

"Why was it that I could pass through the well?" Sesshomaru asked, breaking the silence. "I don't know… The only Other person who could pass through it was Inuyasha." (A/N: I have an explanation at the bottom for those who do not understand.) "Thank you." "For what?" Sesshomaru asked curiously. "Thank you for letting me visit my family."

The taiyoukai and human sat there in a comfortable, companionable silence, although their statuses differed greatly. A while later, the human fell asleep and woke up the next morning on a futon in the hut, a quilt of Kaede's covering her.


The only people that were supposed to be allowed to travel through time were Sesshomaru and Kagome, since their souls allowed them to. The souls were in different times, but the souls must be joined, therefore the well was created by someone. (I'll explain later on.) Kagome had to cross time for the jewel and for Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru could cross time because of Kagome. Inuyasha isn't able to cross time just because he is related to Sesshomaru, because Sota cannot cross through and he is related to Kagome. Inuyasha is allowed to go through because his rosary links him to Kagome.