InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ After the Battle ❯ Returning to People of the Past ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter one

She had walked for days on end, trying to find her way to her destination. She had walked through torturous mountain landscapes, through scratching, slicing shrubs, through the deep, seemingly never ending forests. She was now walking up another mountain slope, her life in danger with every step she had taken. She was trying not to fall and so far, it had been working well for her. When she finally did slip, a hand had grabbed hers and pulled her up to safety.

Stuck in the past, where she longed to be, she thought it was her beloved Inuyasha. Unfortunately, it hadn’t been, it had been Hakkaku. Ginta was standing next to him, awaiting his orders for help to take her to Kouga. Looking into Hakkaku’s eyes, she had seen a look of pity and sorrow for her, she saw the same look from Inuyasha when he had chosen Kikyo after the battle. Not able to stand the look, she had tilted her head slightly and smiled at the two, acting as if she was perfectly fine, although everyone had known she wasn’t.

“Haven’t seen you in quite some time, Hakkaku, Ginta. Thank you, you saved me from certain death.” She said in a pseudo cheery voice. “It was no problem. I suppose you are here to see Kouga.” Ginta said, offering a hand to the miko. “Yes, that’s why I came here. Is it all right if I go up there?” She had only asked because she was afraid he had found someone else to go after instead of herself. “Yeah, it’s safe. Don’t worry, Kouga is still lusting after you. That wolf wont quit until you’re his.” Hakkaku says, jumping into the conversation. “Okay, well let’s go then, I haven’t seen him in a while.” She says, taking Ginta’s outstretched hand, as well as Hakkaku's.

The three had traveled up the rest of the mountain, which was a lot safer for her then traveling alone. Upon arriving, Kouga was already outside the cave, sniffing around for the scent he thought he had caught. Turning to see her, he had welcomed her with open arms, embracing the one he hadn’t seen in over five months. “I’ve missed you.” He proclaims, holding her in his arms, breathing in the smell he had grown so fond of. “And I have you.” She replies, hugging him back.

“How have you been? Are you ready to come live here? Are you done with that mutt?” He asks, letting the girl move away from him to look into his face. “I’ve been fine, you?” “Well, I’m fine now that you’re here.” “Kouga, you’re so flattering.” She says, watching as he chuckles softly. “I was actually coming to see if I could stay here for a while. Nothing permanent, but I just need a place to stay for now.” She explains, sitting on a large rock that had been behind her for a while now. “As long as that mutt doesn’t come and start a fight, I have no problem with you living here. Stay as long as you’d like.” He tells her softly, running his rough hand across her smooth cheek. “No, he won’t be coming. He’s too caught up with Kikyo.” She tells him, walking away to the edge of the mountain.

The wolf prince walked to her, standing behind her shuddering form, wrapping his solid arms around her hips. “So, he left you for that witch, did he?” Kouga asks, resting his chin on her shoulder. “Yes, but it was my doing. I wished for her to be alive so he would be happy.” She tells him, turning around to clutch onto him, to cry into his chest. Rubbing her back soothingly, he had promised her anything in the world, anything that she could want, if she would stay with him for eternity. Staring out into the horizon, watching the sun dip behind the mountains, painting the sky different colors, as though the sky were its paper and it were a brush, he knew that he would keep that promise, whether she was with him or not.

He had been standing with her for quite some time, making silent promises to the girl he had loved for so long. He knew she probably only loved him as family, or as a friend, but he longed day in and day out for something so much more then that. Not only would he have the one he loved, but he would be able to rub it into that stupid mutts face, showing the hanyou that he had the better women of the two. Although he wished for this to happen, he was sure it could never be, he was sure she would find another love and kill him inside more, but no matter how much she had hurt him inside, he had still wanted her, still loved her with all of his heart. He had handed her his heart, as well as his soul, long, long ago.

“Kagome, will you stay here, will you become my mate and make me the happiest wolf that has ever lived?” He asks, tickling her ear with his whispered questions. “Kouga.” Was all she was able to say, all she was able to produce from the inside of her chest. “I understand, I just want you to be happy Kagome.” He tells her, sighing to himself at another failed attempt at getting her. “Kouga, it’s not that. It’s just,” She starts, not knowing if she can find the proper words. She wouldn’t let him down, she wouldn’t make him entirely happy either, she wasn’t sure what she would make him. “Just what?” He asks, waiting to hear the let down he had heard so many times before. “No one has used my name for so long. It made me feel so wonderful. Kouga, if I could stay here for the rest of my life, I would, but I cant stay in the mountains, it’s too quiet, too hidden.” She tells him, making his heart leap as she said it.

“You would really stay here, just to make me happy?” “Of course Kouga, I would do anything to make you happy, you’re the only person I have left in this world.” “Then I’ll move, I’ll move the whole tribe, or you and I can live at the bottom of the mountain, protect the tribe from anything that tries to come its way.” He tells her, making plans for the two of them, for their future together. She giggles softly, arousing his attention from the wonderful thoughts of the future with her, to the wonderful sight of her in present time. “Kouga, maybe I came too early, maybe I should find somewhere else to stay so I can clear my head, so I can plan for my future.” “No, stay here, please.” He begs, almost ready to chain her to his wall so she can never leave him again. “I’ll stay, but I will need to go see Sesshoumaru for a while in a couple of days.” She explains to him, walking inside the den to see all the wolves she had missed so dearly for so long.

“Hi there!” Everyone shouted at once, startling the poor girl. She had grasped her chest, heaving air in and out, trying not to die of a heart attack. “Hello everyone, how have you all been?” “Good, you?” “Fine, have you been good for Kouga lately?” She asks them, sounding like a mother wondering if her child had been good for the babysitter while she was out for the night. “Yes Miss Kouga.” She laughs for a moment and then sits down. “Oh guys, I’m not Kouga's mate.” “But you will be, right?” They ask, hoping that she’ll be there to stay. They all loved her so much, they wanted her and Kouga to be happy, and they wanted them to be happy together. “We’ll see where my life takes me. I’m here for a little while, but I’m going to visit someone for a while, see how they’re doing?” She tells them, standing right back up to find the place she would be staying.

Walking into Kouga's room, she had laid out her sleeping bag, in hopes of getting a good night sleep, since she hadn’t for close to a week now. After getting comfortable, Kouga walks in, making more noise that really appreciated. “Kagome!” He shouts, looking around for the young girl. Curling up inside her sleeping bag, she had wished he would leave her alone for the night. Shortly after those thoughts, she had fallen into a deep sleep, not listening to anything else that Kouga had wanted to say to her.

Awaking the next morning, she had found herself in a completely different place then she had fallen asleep. Instead of her sleeping bag, she was laying in a futon. Instead of being covered by her sleeping bag, she was covered by the strong body of Kouga. Trying to situate herself out of the futon, she had pushed herself too close to the wolf and he grunted at her movements. Finding herself being pulled closer to the body, she was now breathing on his chest, which had woken him up quickly. “Ah!” He squealed, sounding almost equivalent to a little girl. “Kagome, what on Earth are you doing?” He asks “Sorry Kouga. I was trying to get out of the futon and I accidentally woke you up.” She says, sitting up and running to the door. “That’s not all you did woman.” He grumbles as she walks out the door.

Bracing her back on the door, she slid down to the floor, only to stand right back up when she had heard moaning coming from the room she was in moments ago. Knocking on the door and then opening it slightly, she had seen Kouga relieving himself of the pressure she had accidentally built up inside him. “Uh.” She managed to get out, startling the wolf and making him run behind a screen that was in the room. “Kagome, what are you doing in here?” He asks, a blush spreading wildly across his face. “Uh.” She said again, turning her own head to hide the blush that was running across her cheeks. “I just came in here to tell you I’m going to go visit Sesshoumaru for a week or so.” She explains, ready to grab the door and swing it shut. “Wait! Can I come with you?” He asks, coming out from the screen, now fully clothed and looking as if nothing happened. “It’s all right Kouga. You stay here and watch over your tribe. I’ll be back in a few days. Who knows, maybe Sesshoumaru will come with me.” She says, running to him and hugging him gently and then saying goodbye. “See you in a few days.” She tells him while leaving the cave.

On her way to the Western Lands, she had run into a few problems, demons that were out for blood, but it wasn’t anything she couldn’t handle, she had her arrows. Plus, her miko powers had grown immensely and she was fully capable of anything that Kikyo could do and more.

It was mid afternoon of the third day away from Kouga's cave that she had finally arrived at the Western Lands. She had finally gotten to see Sesshoumaru's house, more like castle, but nevertheless, she still got to see it. There were thriving plants all around, gardens filled with lovely, foreign flowers everywhere. There where so many beautiful birds, as well as other small creatures running around, enjoying whatever they could find. She could sense the purity and serenity that filled this place. It was the most spectacular, pure thing she had ever seen, despite the fact that an arrogant, narcissistic youkai lord was residing there. She had guessed it was Rin’s doing so that made this place so wonderful.

Looking around, she kind of felt that she was trespassing, considering she didn’t think he knew she was there. Moments later, she had found out quite the opposite. Sesshoumaru had basically just appeared right in front of her, making her fall back startled. “Miko.” He says, acknowledging the fact that he knew her and wouldn’t kill her. “Hello Sesshoumaru.” She says, standing up and brushing herself off. After doing so, she had bowed deeply to him, showing him her newly found respect for him. Nodding his head, he walks to a bench put in the middle of the garden and places himself upon it, watching as the miko had made her way and stood next to it.

“Are you not going to sit miko?” He asks, moving over a little to show her the place he had saved for her. “Oh. Thanks.” She says, sitting next to him, feeling a little awkward, she hadn’t been near him since that unfortunate day. She didn’t want to remember it, so she had refrained from letting the memories of it overcome her. “I suppose you have come here to see your companions graves.” He assumes, getting ready to get up and lead her over to the grave sites. He had been nice enough to dig them for her personally and carefully put the bodies in, covering them and putting markers on top. She hadn’t known of this until he had told her about a month after it had actually happened. She had thought Naraku had sucked in their bodies and hadn’t worried about it since then.

“No, I came here to visit.” She replies, thinking it kind of awkward for him to get a random visit from someone such as herself. “I see.” He says, seeming to wonder why she was here for a visit. “You came to visit Rin then.” “No. Just to visit in general. I thought it would be nice to see you and Rin again.” “What of Jaken?” He asks, raising his delicately shaped eyebrow. “Not to be rude, but he was kind of annoying.” “Indeed.” He says, agreeing wholly with her statement about the ignorant toad. “So how have you been?” She asks, not wanting to sit in silence. “Livable.” He replies, sounding very unenthused about his life. “Oh.” “And how have you been miko?” “Very unlivable.” She tells him, laughing at her own misfortunes. “Explain.” “Explain what?” “How it is to be unlivable. I don’t see how one can be unlivable.” He says, wondering indeed, how it was possible. “Eh, just wandering alone a lot, looking for somewhere to belong, somewhere where I can be loved.” She tells him sadly, not wanting to tell him exactly how pitiful she was. “Then how come you had not come sooner?” He asks, sounding completely out of character. “I’m not too sure.”

They had talked about her life, about his, about everything. They had grown a lot closer over the couple of hours she had been there. “I should probably be going.” “Where will you be staying? He asks. “I have been staying in the mountains with Kouga. He was happy to have me there.” She tells him, standing up from the bench, falling down instantly. “Why have you been staying there? Surely you could have found somewhere better then a cave in the mountains.” He says, sounding disgusted that you could even think about sleeping in a dirty cave. “It’s a nice cave. It’s comfortable.” She answers, massaging her leg, trying to get the sleepy feeling out. “Why did you not come to stay here? I offered you a place to stay, even live.” He says, confused highly about your decisions. “I didn’t want to intrude. I mean, you have such a strict life already so I didn’t want to ruin everything.” She says, trying to make up a decent story to cover her true reasons. “I assure you, it wouldn’t be a burden. Besides, the wolf prince leads an entire pack of lusting animals, would it not be safer for you here?” He asks, almost sounding concerned about her well being. “I suppose it would, but I really don’t mind being there. Besides, I think Kouga plans to mate with me soon.” She explains, finally standing up and dusting the grass off her skirt. “All right, but stay in my home tonight, there are many untrustworthy youkai out there. It’s not good for a human to be out at night.” Sesshoumaru demands, offering a safe night of rest instead of camping out in the woods again. “All right, but only tonight. I think Kouga probably wants me back there soon.” She tells him. “Why are you worried about the desires of the wolf? You never cared about what my half brother told you to do, why start following orders now?” He asks, making an excellent point. She just shrugs as she follows Sesshoumaru into the shelter he so graciously offered for the night.

“Oyasumi Nasai!” She says, walking into the room behind the shoji screen he had just shown her. He bows lightly telling her, “I will get a servant to come and tell you when dinner is ready, get different clothing on.” He says, turning to walk off. “Sesshoumaru!” She yells, hoping that got his attention. “Hai?” He was now standing in the room and she had no shirt on. “Ah!” She screams, trying to cover herself to the best of ability, but only succeeding in bending over and giving Sesshoumaru a wonderful up skirt view. Sensing her frustration and modesty, he turns and looks at the ever so boring walls thinking, I must get some more things to look at in here. “I don’t have any other clothes Sesshoumaru.” She whispers, not knowing if he heard or not. “There are some laying on the futon over there, should you have looked, I would not have seen you in those odd contraptions I am sure you call clothing.” He says, stepping towards the shoji screen. “Oh, um, thanks.” She says, “Hai.” He says, walking out of the room to get himself more presentable, after all, he had been outside the majority of the day and his hair was in tangles.

After a while of sitting in the room, trying to make her hair stay the way you wanted it to, she got sick of it not doing anything and threw the brush across the room. Hearing someone enter the room, she turns around and see a female servant standing in front of her. “Sesshoumaru-sama heard you yelling from down the hall and thought you might need some assistance with the kimono or something, so he sent me in here.” The young girl said softly, looking at the ground instead of at you. “You can look at me, don’t worry, it doesn’t offend me. It’s not the kimono, the kimono was perfect, who picked it out?” Kagome asked, thinking it was someone who had a very good guess on her size. “Sesshoumaru-sama picked it out himself. What did you need help with?” The young girl informed her. “Oh, it was my hair. It wont do anything I want it to.” She growls, getting angry at her lack of ability to do anything with the ball of fluff upon her head. “I can fix that for you.” The girl says as she hurries over to Kagome. The young girl had talented hands. She had run only a gel through her hair, something foreign knowing Sesshoumaru, and easily put up her hair with that and expensive hair pins. “All done.” She says, standing back to admire her work. “Thank you so much!” The miko said, hugging the girl who couldn’t be anymore then fifteen years old, around Kagome’s age. “It was easy, it only took me a few minutes. I think Sesshoumaru-sama said that dinner would be ready in soon so you should probably go make your entrance.” She says, turning to leave the room. “Hey!” The miko yells, making the girl turn. “Hai?” “What’s your name?” “Sakura.” “That’s a beautiful name, I’m Kagome. Come here later, I would like to get to know you more.” “All right, I will.” Sakura says happily, running out of the room to tell the other servant girls how nice you are.

Making her way to the dining room, from the directions a make servant had given her, she slides the screen open and walks in. “Konnichi Wa, Sesshoumaru-sama.” “Kon’nichi Wa.“ He replies, looking at her like she had grown another head. “Come sit.” He tells her, watching as she moves to the small table, sitting directly across from Sesshoumaru. “You look… nice” Sesshoumaru tells her, sounding scared of giving a compliment and scaring her away. “Thank you. You look nice as well.” She replies, smiling at him. The dinner was then brought out and the two ate in silence. After dinner, Sesshoumaru had walked the girl to her room and opened the door. Kagome walked in, but was a little surprised when Sesshoumaru had followed her. “Uh, Sesshoumaru?” She asks, looking at him warily. “What are you doing in here?” “Just seeing you to your room. You are a guest, so I should do so, should I not?” “I suppose so.” She replies, thinking that, that may not have been his intentions.

Well, Oyasumi Nasai.” “Am I being thrown out of a room in my own home?” Sesshoumaru asks, laughing inside. “No! I didn’t mean to be rude! I just thought you were leaving now.” She explains, trying not to sound completely stupid. “I was going to visit for a while, but if you would like to rest, I will leave.” “It’s fine, come sit down.” She says, motioning him to sit with her on the floor. “I prefer to stand in here, it is not too comfortable on the ground.” He says, watching the girl scramble off the floor to join the person in her room. “I did not say you must stand as well.” “I know, but that way I don’t have to strain my neck to look up at you.” She tells him, making complete sense only in her mind. “Ah.” He says, moving closer to the girl and placing his hand on her shoulder. Looking at his hand and then into his eyes, she didn’t know what was going to happen next until it did. He bent down and placed a gentle kiss on her lips, and the turned to leave. Opening the shoji screen, he looks back at her and sees her touch her lips and then look at him, questioning his actions. “So you did not have to strain your neck.” He replies, as he walks out of the room and slides the screen shut.

Soon afterwards, Sakura comes running into her room and basically jumps on her. “I heard you kissed Sesshoumaru-sama.” She squeals, her face lit up with delight. “Well, he kissed me, but I suppose you could say that.” Kagome says, pondering upon the thought. “What was it like?” Sakura asked, wanting to know every detail. Kagome thought for a minute, trying to think of the right words. “It was wonderful. His lips were so soft, but I doubt it’ll happen again, so I shouldn’t get so happy about it.” Kagome tells the girl. Did I actually enjoy it? I cant believe that I did. I thought I was supposed to grow to love Kouga as a mate, not getting off on a mere kiss that a youkai lord gave me. “Still, you’re so lucky, I don’t even think Sesshoumaru-sama has even done that in his life. He’s never cared enough about someone.” Sakura explains, getting up and straitening her clothes. “I should get back to my room before Sesshoumaru-sama finds out I was in this hall without any reason.” She says as Kagome gets up and hugs her. “See you later Sakura.” Kagome says, slipping out of her kimono and watching the young girl leave. Kagome gets into her futon and under the covers. Little did she know, Sesshoumaru had heard their entire conversation. It was true he hadn’t cared about anyone like he cared for Kagome and yes, that was the first time he had ever done that, but was it that obvious? Why did Kagome think that he would never do it again, it wasn’t like he had done it while he was under the influence. He would think about it more in the morning, right now, he needed to clear his thoughts by sleeping.

Sesshoumaru had woken before everyone, even before Rin had bothered Jaken enough to play with her in the early hours. Deciding to go sit out in the garden and watch the sun rise, he walked outside. When he got to the garden, he realized he was not alone. The miko had come outside moments before to do the same thing. “Hello Sesshoumaru.” She says as she feels his presence approaching. “Hello miko.” “Why don’t you ever use my name?” Kagome asks, she had been wondering this for a while now. “Because, I thought it would be rude of me to assume I could call you by your given name, so I call you by your status, like everyone else.” He replies, hoping that she wont ask anymore questions. “Oh, everyone else.” She whispers, letting a single tear slip down her face just as the sun had come up. “Why do you cry?” He asks, scolding himself for saying anything to her at all. “Huh? I wasn’t crying, I just had something in my eye.” She says, but he saw right through her lies. “I believe it is something more then that. Would you care to tell me?” He asks, now interested in why she had lied to him. “Don’t worry about it.” She tells him, getting up to walk back to her room. “It cant be nothing, people do not just cry for no reason. It was obviously something terrible if it caused you to stain your lovely face with red.” He tells her, grasping her hand and pulling her down on top of him.

“Sesshoumaru?” She asks, now on top of the youkai. She thought it was strange that she would end up on him of all places. “Tell me?” He asks, not particularly wanting to see her cry anymore. She leaned her head into his chest and closed her eyes, listening to his heart beat for a moment or two. “It’s just, everywhere I go, no one speaks my name. Everyone calls me ‘miko’ like I’m a part of a group. I know I may not be terribly original, but I’m certainly not like a lot of the miko’s that I have met. I guess that I just wish someone loved me.” She explains, starting to let her tears roam around freely, dampening Sesshoumaru's clothing. He stokes her back as she cries out whatever’s left in her and wraps the other around her. Hearing her gasp, he raises an eyebrow. “Sesshoumaru, when did you grow back your other arm?” She asks, she had been completely oblivious to the fact that he had used it so often now. “Before the fight. I have had it a while. I didn’t use it at first, that’s why you probably did not notice.” He tells her, pulling her closer to him as she continues to cry on him.

The two sat there, unknowing of what to say, finding it kind of odd that she is now sitting in his lap. “Sesshoumaru.” She starts, looking up into his pale face, seeing that he equally confused. “We should return inside.” He tells her, picking her up with himself. “I wish I could, but I have to get back to the den.” Kagome states sadly, not ready to leave, but needing to clear her head more then any other time she has had to in her life. “I see. I will accompany you to the wolves den. There is no reason for you to have to travel alone.” “Will Kouga be fine with it?” She asks, wondering if it was really a good idea to have the two together. “He will welcome me, that is sure. Let me gather Rin, she must banish her fear of those mangy wolves.” He explains, pivoting and walking to get her.

When the youkai lord and the two ningen women were traveling back, there were no problems except for Kagome’s constant need to rest. “Miko, if you keep resting, we shall never make it there.” Sesshoumaru states during one of these stops. “I’m sorry, but it’s not like I’m really athletic here.” She complains, rather grouchy that she had to walk all this way when they were capable of flying Aun. “Do you really wish to ride Aun that badly? If you have a need to sit on your backside for excessive amounts of time while we are traveling, you should have say something.” He tells her snidely, throwing her onto Aun along with Rin and taking off into the sky, leaving the green, two headed dragon to follow his master.

Arriving at the den in a very short amount of time, the miko had jumped off of the dragon and ran to the opening, obviously seeing Kouga and jumping on him when she got to him. “Whoa! Kagome, you’re back.” He says, sniffing around, unable to process whose smell was around. “It’s Sesshoumaru.” The girl says. “Oh, he came, did he?” “Yeah, it was a lot more safe for me to travel with him.” “I offered to go.” Kouga tells her, trying to get the point across that he didn’t like the youkai lord.

“I do believe it is because the wolf does not like me. He and I have had some run ins previous to this moment, but I know he will certainly let Rin and I stay here with you. After all, he would not want something to happen to the precious tribe.” Sesshoumaru says, rounding the rocky corner, glaring at Kouga. “Sure, come trampling into my den, that’s just what we need, another male.” Kouga sarcastically throws out. “My pleasure.” Sesshoumaru replies, grabbing the miko’s arm and bringing her along with him. “By the way, tell your mutts in there that, if any of them lay a hand on Rin, I will personally see to it that they are severely punished for it.” Sesshoumaru growls, walking into Kouga's room with Kagome, leaving Rin outside with Aun.

“Sesshoumaru, what are we doing in here?” Kagome asked blindly. “We are finishing what happened yesterday. I had to leave early because of that Sakura girl and I have been waiting all day.” He explains to her, the chocolate brown eyes on her face blowing up in size. “I didn’t know anything else needed to happen.” She said wearily. “It is obvious, that girl told you right, I have not felt this excellent in many years and I will do anything to keep it that way, even mate with a ningen.” He tells her, walking to her and dropping his haori to the floor in the process. “Uh, do I have no say in what happens to me?” “No, not anymore. I will not let you control me like you did my stupid half brother.” “I am not yours, you have to ask first!” She demands, yelling and crashing out of the room.

Stepping outside, she sits beside the wolf prince, who had stayed outside the entire time. “Have fun with your dog?” He asks, glaring at her out of the corner of his eyes. “My dog? Sesshoumaru is not my dog.” “Well, you two have certainly gotten a lot closer over the past few days.” Kouga says, assaulting her with words of disgust. “I haven’t gotten close to anyone! That’s what I was trying to prevent!” She yells, running away from the den as fast as she could. Sesshoumaru had suddenly dropped in front of her and was now holding her to his body. She had then chosen to leave quickly and used her miko powers. She hadn’t known she could go so long, but she was near the well.

Jumping through with no thoughts, she disappeared into the miasma of blue that had thread the past and future together. It wasn’t closed, it wasn’t going to be closed, that was Kikyo’s only promise for bringing her back to life. Landing on the other side, she saw legs dangling over the side, and a young boy peering down at her. “Sister!” Souta yelled from the rim of the deep well. “Hello Souta. How’ve you been?” “Not bad. When are you bringing Inuyasha back here for me?” Souta asks excitedly. “Never. He isn’t able to come back anymore, he’s too busy.” She tells him, climbing up the ladder and swinging her self over the edge. She then ran upstairs without saying hello to her Mother or Grandfather.

Back in the Sengoku Jidai, Sesshoumaru had been looking for Kagome for a weeks time. Every time he got to that well, her smell would stop, like she had just stop existing. Running to the small village of Edo, he rips open the Shoji screen of Inuyasha’s house and yanked him from the ground. “Whadya want ya bastard?” He asks. “Brother, you need to stop drinking, it is an undesirable habit if it is done frequently.” “Shuddup.” Inuyasha spits out, his voice slurring letters and words together. “Where is Kagome?” Sesshoumaru asks, raising Inuyasha to his height. “Why the hell would I know? She’s no longer in my life, didn’t tha little wench tell ya that?” Sesshoumaru had heard quite about enough and backhanded his half brother across his face, leaving streaks of blood behind. “Never refer to her as a wench, you hear me you insolent little brat? Where does she normally go after that well out in the field?” Sesshoumaru asks, getting ready to demand answers. “She goes down into it to her time. Only her and I can pass through it, maybe I should go tease her, make her think I left Kikyo again.” Inuyasha says, his voice filled with hatred for the miko he once knew. “You will do nothing of the sort, if I can not go down there myself, I will be waiting for her and I will not let anyone pass.” Sesshoumaru says, throwing the hanyou against his home and turning towards the well. “What do you want with her anyways, she’s no good anymore!” Inuyasha yells to Sesshoumaru. “Just because you are blind younger brother, does not mean that I am as well, you get that trait from your late Mother, not your Father.” Sesshoumaru spits out and walks away.

Sesshoumaru had looked at the well for a while, seeing if he could figure out a key or something to get himself through. Finally just jumping in, he sees blue all around him and lands on the bottom of the well. “Damn, I thought I had made it through. Oh well, I shall wait for her here then.” He says as he jumps up. Instead of the blue skies above, he noticed that he had been in some kind of a cabin or house. Opening the big wooden doors, he sniffs the air, smelling nothing but Kagome. He knew she was here, this must have been her home, this must have been where she had gone all those times when he had visited Inuyasha and she was not there. He followed her scent to the house that was by the old shack that kept the well and he knocked against the modern door.

When Miss. Higurashi answered the door, he had bowed to her and asked for the miko. “Oh, Kagome is in her room. Do you mind if I ask you for a name?” She asks ever so politely. “Sesshoumaru.” “I’ve heard about you Sesshoumaru-san. I didn’t know you could travel through the well like Inuyasha and Kagome.” “I did not know until just now either. May I find my way upstairs and see the miko?” He asks, not wanting to just push through the house and force her out. “Yes, her room is right up stairs, the first door.” Miss. Higurashi says, stepping aside to let the youkai inside the small house.

Making his way up the stairs, he had opened the door to her room, figuring that she was just sleeping anyways. He had been completely wrong. It seemed to him that she had just gotten out of the bath. Just staring at her nude form, she didn’t even notice him standing there, watching as she mover to put her clothes on. Turning around to look for her shirt, she had finally seen him. After screaming for a good two minutes, she had scurried around and eventually just decided to grab a dress out of her closet and slip it on over her head. Sesshoumaru was still watching her when she was done dressing herself. “What are you staring at?” She snaps, trying to force down her embarrassment. “I was seeing where you had gone off to in such a hurry.” “Well, now that you know, please leave.” The miko says, moving to the sliding glass door that her Mother had just put in and opened it, standing on the balcony outside her room.

After thinking for a while, she had come back in to find Sesshoumaru sitting propped up against her bed, sitting on the floor. “Sesshoumaru, if you’re going to stay, at least sit somewhere comfortable. Sit in the bed.” She says, trying to adapt him into her world. “What is this bed?” “The thing that you are using as a back rest, now up.” “What else is this ‘bed’ useful for?” He asks, sitting down, surveying the thing he was sitting upon. “Sleeping. It is normally used for sleeping.” She answers, sitting on the other end of the bed. “I would think it would be nice for the females while mating, since they like soft things, or so I have heard.” He says, not really to Kagome, but not to himself either. “Uh, yeah, I suppose it could be used for that.” She says, looking oddly at Sesshoumaru. He had been saying very interesting, out of character things to her lately, she was starting to wonder if he had a head problem or something.

“I do wish to try that one of these days.” He says randomly. “Sesshoumaru! It’s not like you have anyone you can do that with here!” Kagome squeals, hoping that he doesn’t think anything weird. “You are quite wrong.” “Who then?” “Well, the woman who had given birth to you seems to be quite strong.” He tells her. “MY MOTHER?!” “I was only joking. It is not my intention to mate with your Mother. It has been my intention to mate someone else, but it has not happened yet.” “Oh.” She says as she lays down and her eyes flutter closed. Now she had been sleeping. Sesshoumaru decided that it was probably safe for him to rest as well, so he laid down next to the miko and wrapped his arm around her, keeping her safe for the night.

When she awoke, she found a sleeping youkai next to her and almost jumped three feet into the sky. She had forgotten he had made a visit the night before. His arm was around her waist and he was sleeping on his stomach, not really ready for any battle that may occur, not that there would in the modern era. Deciding to just wait until he woke up, she laid there, thinking about her life, about her future, about everything. Eventually her had woken up and looked at her with groggy eyes. “Don’t you look absolutely stunning in the morning.” Kagome says, laughing at the youkai who had terrible bed head at the moment. “These are quite comfortable. I do wish to stay a little longer, if that is fine with your Mother and you of course.” He tells her, explaining that he is intrigued in the world she had originated from. “All right, I’m going to bathe though, make yourself comfortable.” “Mhm.” He replies, following her into the bathroom. “Sesshoumaru, what are you doing in here? I told you I was taking a bath.” “I wish to take one as well.” “Then take one after me.” “Why waste water?” He asks, making total sense. “Because, people don’t take baths together here unless they’re married or are very in love with each other.” She explains to him. “Let us get married then. That way, you do not waste so much water.” “What?” She asks, completely shocked he said something like that to her.

“Marriage is for people in love, not for people who want to save water. You don’t know the concept of a lot of things here. Just go sit in my bed and wait for me to come out.” She tells him, pushing him out the door. After locking the door and running the bath water, she had settled in. Sesshoumaru then unlocked the door from the outside and slipped into the bathroom without her knowing. “Kagome, I am coming in.” He warns, undressing himself quickly. She now had a youkai lord sitting behind her in the bathtub and she was wondering why she had ever been stuck in this predicament anyways. He washed her back for her, rubbing his slender fingers along her spine, making her shiver inside. Feeling that something would happen if she didn’t get out of there soon, she washed her hair and got out, only to be followed by Sesshoumaru.

“Sesshoumaru, why do you keep following me around all the time?” She asks, not used to having people follow her around, she had always followed others around. “I do not live in this world, I live in the one on the other side of that well, therefore, should I not follow around someone who knows what they are doing?” He asks rhetorically, dropping the towel he had around his waist and dressing himself right in front of her. “Mom!” Moments later, trampling feet come up the stairs and down the hall. “What is it dear?” Miss. Higurashi asks, her eyes widening as she sees her daughter in a towel and the youkai lord in his clothing, his hair wet. “I need you to take Sesshoumaru to the store with you. Get him used to outside and everything. Are there any of Fathers old clothes in your closet still?” “Yes, Sesshoumaru, come on.” “Hai.” He says, loyally following Kagome’s mother.

While walking down the hall, Miss. Higurashi stared deeply at the tall youkai. “Is there something you need Miss. Higurashi, or are you just staring at me because you find me attractive?” Sesshoumaru asks out of nowhere. “Oh, gomen. I didn’t mean to stare. I do have to ask you something though.” She states, stopping once the two are in her room and the door is shut. “What is it?” “Are you and Kagome having sex?” She asks him, looking at him with her careful eye. “What is that supposed to be?” “Uh, never mind, I’ll ask Kagome about it.” She states quickly, opening the closet and pulling out a suit. “This should do.” She says to herself, holding it up to Sesshoumaru.

After helping Sesshoumaru get into the suit, he picks up his swords and begins to get his obi so he can tie them to his side. “What are those?” She asks. “My swords.” “You cant go out in public with swords, it’s illegal!” “I do not leave them anywhere or in the care of anyone.” He tells her. “They stay here. I cant have you parading around the streets with swords tied to your side.” She grabs the swords from him and throws them onto the bed. Growling at her, she screams and Kagome comes rushing in. “What happened?!” She yells, instantly suspecting Sesshoumaru. “He growled at me!” She yelps, moving away from him slowly. “Sesshoumaru!” “She took my swords from me AND she threw them!” He yells, not remembering the last time he had raised his voice to anyone. “You still don’t growl!” She tells him, reaching up and flicking his nose.

He then started to glare at her, wanting to jump and tear them both to shreds. “Don’t give me the death glare mister! You’re the one who growled then yelled at me!” She tells him, pulling him by his hyper-sensitive ear. “Let go of me you damnable woman!” “No! You’re going to learn your lesson.” She tells him, swinging open her door and pulled him in with her. She threw him in the corner and made him face the wall. “You have a very boring wall.” He tells her, angering her further. “I don’t care! You stay there until I come and get you! If you move, I’ll be so angry!” She yells, stomping out of the room. Right after she had slammed the door shut, he had moved to her bed.

Hours later, Sesshoumaru had heard her coming up the stairs. Not wanting to anger her further, he swiftly moved to the corner and faced the uninteresting walls again. When she opened the door, she had walked over to him and rested her head against his back. “Sorry Sesshoumaru.” She apologized, starting to cry once again. “It is fine.” “No, I shouldn’t have been so mean.” She tells him as he turns and wraps his arms around her. She had yet to fell comfortable in his arms, so she gasped a little and he held tighter. The two moved to the bed and he laid her down softly, then he got on as well.

Swinging one leg over her, he was now holding himself up with his arms and knees. He softly kissed her nose and then her lips. Since he had been here, he had wanted to try out this bed and he would if he could. “Sesshoumaru.” The girl moans out quietly. “Do not make noise, just enjoy.” He tells her, running his searing tongue from the hollow of her throat, to the tip of her throat. Just as Sesshoumaru and herself were caught up in another passionate kiss, Miss. Higurashi walks in and jumps.

“Kagome! What on Earth are you doing with that boy?!” She asks, horror evident in her face. “Mom!” Kagome yelled, sitting up and colliding heads with Sesshoumaru. “Downstairs, now!” “But Mom…” “But Mom, nothing!” She yells, turning her back and walking down to the kitchen. Kagome sighed and swung her legs over the edge of her bed. “Come on Sesshoumaru.” She says, getting up and walking out of the room. “Where is Sesshoumaru?” Her Mother asked her as she got down the stairs. “Sesshoumaru!” Kagome called. Seconds later, he was there, his right hand sitting in the small of her back protectively.

“Just explain what you were doing in there.” Miss. Higurashi says, as the three of the sat at the table, Sesshoumaru and Kagome on one side, her Mother across from them, glaring at the both. “We were simply…” “It was nothing Mom!” Kagome quickly says, jumping in before Sesshoumaru said anything too deadly. “That didn’t seem like nothing to me Kagome. Now, let Sesshoumaru speak.” Pounding her head against the table, Kagome thought her life would now be over. “Miss Higurashi, I will tell you this once and once only, we were doing nothing wrong. We were simply kissing. There is nothing wrong with just that, is there?” “You were hanging over her! That wasn’t going to be just kissing.” “I would not do any sort of act that you are thinking of, against your daughter without your consent, I assure you.” Sesshoumaru says solidly, not leaving any room to argue. “I see. Well, in that case, the two of you are going shopping.” Miss Higurashi says, handing Kagome enough yen to get what she needed.

When the two were out of hearing range of enraged Mothers, Kagome stopped and stared at Sesshoumaru’s back as he kept walking. He then realized she was not next to him anymore and stopped. He turned to her and raised an eyebrow. “What is it?” He asks, beckoning her to keep walking so they can get back to previous actions. “How in the hell did you get my Mother to believe that?!” She asks suddenly, wanting to know how he persuaded her when even she couldn’t do that. Her Mother was a wise Japanese lady and wouldn’t fall for such trickery easily. “Believe what? I told her nothing she had to believe, I told her the truth.” Sesshoumaru tells her, turning back around and walking down the street. “What was that up stairs then?” “Exactly what I told her it was, it meant nothing.” “Didn’t mean anything?” She yelled, running up to him and smacking him hardly in the back of the head. “If you do not mind me asking, what was that for?” “I do mind and, don’t worry, it didn’t mean anything.” She said snidely, running down the street, away from the youkai who had caused her such pain just moments ago. Tears were now falling freely from her eyes and she was getting many looks as she ran by.

In the store, males were staring at her, not because she had been crying, but because of her choice of attire. After all, she had been wearing a very short skirt and a shirt that had made her chest look about five times bigger. When she was in the middle of shopping, one of them had come up to her and started hitting on her. “Get away from me!” Kagome yelled, slapping him across the face. “Stupid Bitch.” He said, pushing her to the ground. Just as she had hit the shelf, Sesshoumaru had appeared and helped her to her feet. “Do not touch her.” He says coldly, walking away with Kagome beside him. “Who are you to say who touches her and who doesn’t? What are you, her body guard or something?” He asks, stupidly stepping up to the taller man.

“Sesshoumaru, just leave him alone, he’s not even worth your time.” Kagome says as she grabs his arm and walks away. “Hey, why don’t you dump the looser and come with me and my friends.” The guy says, still trying to test Sesshoumaru’s ability to keep his emotions in. The youkai had turned around just after that had been said and angrily walked up to the guy, grabbing his collar and lifting him up. “I said, do not talk to her.” He says, throwing the guy down as Kagome had ran over to him. “Ditch the freak.” The guy said, still trying to get her come with him. Sesshoumaru had been loosing his cool very quickly. The guy was now on his feet and pushing Kagome to the floor, just to see up her skirt. She had tried to prevent herself from falling, but she had twisted her wrist and now, it felt as if it was broken.

Kagome cried out in pain, holding her wrist to her chest. “Now you will pay. If you would have kept to yourself, you would have been fine. You will just have to learn the hard way.” Sesshoumaru spoke lowly, his eyes flashing red. “Sesshoumaru, leave it alone!” She yells from the floor. Hearing her calls to him, he turned around and walked over to her. Helping her up, he picked up her hand basket and carried it along as they finished their shopping. The guys had left them alone for the remainder of their shopping trip, but she was sure they would be seeing them again some time. After getting out of the store, Sesshoumaru had walked with Kagome to the back of the building and picked her up, holding the groceries in his other hand. “What are you doing?” She asked. She soon found out because they were flying off towards her house.

He let Kagome down and they walked through the front door of the house. After all the food was put away by Sesshoumaru, Kagome directing him where to put it, he had taken her upstairs and raided her medicine cabinet. Cleaning up her cuts with warm water and a cloth, he had helped her wrap her wrist in bandages. Hopefully, in the morning, Kagome wouldn’t have a swelled wrist and have to go to the doctors, she had always hated doctors. She sat silently on the edge of her bed, watching Sesshoumaru as he had tended to her wounds with care. When he was done, he disposed of the water and threw the cloth into the laundry. He then helped her lay down in her bed, pulling the covers to her and laying beside her to watch her as she slept.

“Sleep.” He said after a while of her just laying there, staring into space. “I cant.” “Are you having troubles with one of your injuries?” He asks, sitting up instantly and getting ready to get whatever she needed. “No.” “Then what is preventing you from resting?” “My thoughts.” She tells him, standing up and walking to her door. “Where are you going?” “For a walk, just around here, I’ll be back in a few minutes.” She explains, waving goodbye to him. “Be safe.” “I will.” She says before walking out of her room and then out of the front door. Sesshoumaru decided to just lay in the bed until she returned to him.

As Kagome walked, she thought she kept hearing people run around, but she didn’t see anyone, so she didn’t worry about it. She was just happy to be outside, the wind whipping her hair around her face. The only problem was, she hadn’t changed out of the skirt so she was freezing cold, but she dealt with it and kept walking. Before she knew it, she had been at the park just down the street from her house. She walked to the swings and sat down, gently kicking her legs, drifting back and forth. She now heard whispers all around her and she knew it was real, she could almost hear what they were saying. She had been straining hard to listen in on the conversation that she hadn’t noticed the person standing behind her. She yelped and jumped when she felt his hand upon her shoulder. “Who are you?” She asked, turning around and seeing the guy from the store earlier. “I’m the guy that is going to take you away from that stupid person you were with earlier.” He says to her, pulling her off the swing.

He had a hold of her wrist and was now taking her a dark corner of the park. “Let me go!” She yelled, trying to pull out of his grasp. Eventually, he had to throw her onto the ground and have his friends hold her down. He pulled up her skirt and took off her panties. Unbuttoning his pants, he smirked at her, telling her what was happening next. She thrashed and yelled at much as she could, but it didn’t help her any, she had just ended up with a gag in her mouth and the guys holding her down harder, pressing her into the ground. Feeling at a loss, she gave up and let her body go limp.

She was exhausted, she had killed her energy from trying to get away so much that she couldn’t even fear him anymore. When he had slipped into her, she had gasped and tried to scream, but it was no help, she had no way of letting anyone know she was in trouble. He had grinded into her, painfully breaking her spirit. When he was finally done, he had let her gag go and she did not yell, she did not move, she just laid there, her eyes void of anything. “Did I break the little virgin girl?” He asks, laughing at his work, laughing at how easy it had seemed to get her.

When he was done teasing her, he held himself in front of her mouth, expecting her to do what he told her, and she had. She had done everything they had told her and she didn’t fight. She had no will left in her, she had nothing to fight for anymore. Eventually he had been done with her and he left her laying on the park ground, shivering and replacing her clothes to their proper place. She had then slipped into a deep sleep, just as Sesshoumaru back at her home, had done the same.

Everyone was screaming, trying to vent their pain, tell her how hurt they were. There were burning things everywhere, nothing was alive besides the few people left. Sango was nearly dead, Miroku was dead, as were Shippo and Kirara. Inuyasha had been laying on the ground, unconscious. Sesshoumaru and herself had been fighting Naraku for a while now. He threw everything he had at them and they were a basically unstoppable team. Soon enough, he had learned that he had caused enough damage to hurt Kagome. Sure, he had hurt her physically, but she didn’t care. She wanted to be dead at the moment. She wanted to run away, find somewhere, and die. Her friends were dead, the people that she loved so much were gone, they had been easily killed and a couple were still fighting. The smell of rotting flesh, dead bodies, and blood were all around them. She could no longer stand it and dropped to the ground, pounding on the Earth as if it would bring everyone back to her. Now, the only one left was Inuyasha and he had already gone to Kikyo. She sat there, soaking in her friends blood and stared blankly at her surroundings. Sesshoumaru had offered to bring them back to life, but Kagome refused. She knew they died happily, defending what they thought was right and their loved ones.

That is when the both of them woke up. Sesshoumaru hadn’t known why he remembered that, but he was sure that it had to do with being around Kagome so often lately. Looking around, he noticed she wasn’t in the room. Walking down the stairs, he looked around and noticed she was not there either. “Miss Higurashi?” He calls out, hoping she knows where Kagome is. “Yes dear?” She answers, coming out of the kitchen. “Do you know where Kagome is?” “No, I’m sure she’ll be back soon.” Miss Higurashi says, smiling at him. “She left for a walk last night and she was gone when I awoke this morning, I am not entirely sure she came home last night.” Sesshoumaru says worriedly. “Oh my Kami! We have to find her!” Miss Higurashi yells, setting down her cup of tea and running out the door.

They had split up, Sesshoumaru took the right and Miss Higurashi took the left. Sesshoumaru had only done that because he had caught her scent, barely, but he had caught it. Running to find her, he used his nose to find the park she was in. It didn’t smell like the same Kagome anymore. She smelled different, as though she were void of feeling. Finding her on the grass under a tree, her eyes open but not seeing anything, he tried to pick her up. She had swatted at his hand, telling him not to touch her. She had been crying, but there was absolutely no emotion in her eyes. What had happened?

“Kagome?” He asks, taking her hand. “Let me go! Don’t touch me! Get away! Don’t hurt me!” She yells, crawling desperately away from him. “I will not hurt you Kagome. Come here.” “No! Stay away!” “I will not.” He tells her, grabbing her and sitting down, pulling her in between his legs, holding her to him. She just screamed and thrashed around. “Kagome! Stop, there is nothing wrong. No harm will come to you!” He says, trying to calm her down. Finally, she just gave, up, letting herself slip into her mind, just like she had the night before.

Sesshoumaru had taken her back home, helped her change, and went to find Miss Higurashi. He told her she was at the house and she hugged him, thanking him for safely returning her daughter. “Something is wrong Miss Higurashi.” He says, not knowing how to tell her. “What do you mean? Was she hurt?” She asks frantically, trying to run to the house. “I do not know what is happening, but she thrashed and screamed when I found her. She was in the park, laying in the grass.” “Let’s go then, I have to find out.” Miss Higurashi yells. Running down the street towards the house.

She had immediately gone upstairs and slammed Kagome’s door open and then shut, warning Sesshoumaru not to go in, so he sat outside her door, listening to what was being said.

“Kagome. What happened?” She asked softly, taking her little girl into her arms and rocking her back and forth. Just then, something inside Kagome snapped and she just started crying uncontrollably. “Mama!” She said, clinging to the safety of her Mother. “What happened baby?” “I-I. . . They. . .” “Come on, you can tell me anything.” “They hurt me.” She says, not knowing what else she can handle saying. “How?” “Well, you know when Sesshoumaru and I were in here. . . A-and. . . You thought we were doing. . . Something we weren’t?” She asks, knowing her Mother remembered it well. “Oh, my poor baby!” She says, crying along with her daughter.

Just then, Sesshoumaru had entered the room, slamming the door open, nearly putting his fist through the wall. “Who was it?” He asked dangerously. “Those guys from the store.” She spits out, hating any breathing male at the moment. “I will be back.” He says, spinning around and running down the stairs. He was till wearing Kagome’s Fathers clothes, so he didn’t have to change and he didn’t necessarily always need his swords to kill someone. “Sesshoumaru! Don’t hurt them!” Kagome yelled from the room, but he was already out the door, tracking them down.

When he had returned later, he was still fuming. “Kagome.” He spoke shortly, looking her way. “Yes?” She asked, trembling in her bed, still afraid of anyone that could possibly hurt her that way again. “They are taken care of, you will not have them doing any such crimes towards you again.” He tells her, walking closer to her. She was now visibly shaking and he didn’t want to overdo it, but he needed to be around her. He sat on her bed and laid down next to her sitting form. She had then laid down next to him, trying not to make him think she didn’t want him there anymore. She knew she did, but her protective instincts wanted any male away from her at the moment.

They had just laid there, she was now sleeping, obviously dreaming of the previous night because she was crying. Later, she had woken up to Sesshoumaru staring at her. She had slide away from him a little, but he had moved her back. He had gotten cold because of the space that had then formed between them. He kissed her, not roughly, not passionately, but lovingly, telling her that he was there for her. “Kagome, do not worry. I will never let another male touch you for the rest of our lives.” He tells her, stroking the back of her head.

Long after Kagome was asleep, Sesshoumaru went and talked to Miss Higurashi. “Hello Sesshoumaru.” She says, watching him as he enters the kitchen. “Hello Miss Higurashi.” “You know, Kagome’s birthday is in two days and I don’t even know what I am going to do.” “I could help if you require my assistance.” He replies, wanting to make the most of the day for Kagome. “Really? Excellent. I need you to come to the store with me, and then we should go to Kagome’s friends houses. Oh, there’s just too much to do.” She tells him, feeling like a failure already. “There is always enough time to do what is needed.” “All right.” She starts, sighing. “Let’s get to the store then.” “Will Kagome be able to stay home herself?” He asks, not wanting anyone unexpected to come in. “Yeah, she’ll be fine. Grandpa is here, so he’ll make sure she is okay.”

The two walked to the store, picking up all sorts of things. They had balloons, cake mix, candles, icing, ribbon, banners, and a card. After buying everything, Miss Higurashi decided to go to the mall to get Kagome a gift. Sesshoumaru wasn’t too sure how all of these things played a role in a birthday, but he was more then willing to do what it took to see her smile. Passing a diamond store, something caught Sesshoumaru’s eye. It was a silver band that had a deep blue sapphire set into it. He was instantly reminded of Kagome. “What are you looking at Sesshoumaru?” “This.” He says simply, pointing to the tiny ring.

“Would you like to get it for Kagome?” She asks him, knowing that Kagome would love it. “No, it looks quite expensive.” “I don’t mind paying for it. Let’s go see what size they have it in.” “Are you positive you want to do that?” “Of course, come on!” She yells, already inside the store, talking to a salesman. “We have a size seven Miss Higurashi.” The salesman spoke, looking at the pair of people in front of him. “Oh! That’s perfect Sesshoumaru.” “Whatever you want.” He replied, only interested in getting everything together for the birthday. “Is this your fiancé Miss Higurashi?” Just then, Sesshoumaru looked at the salesman like he was crazy. “Heavens no! He’s my daughters.” “Kagome, getting married already?” “Not for a while, but it’s her birthday in two days, so that’s her gift.”

“All right, here you go, have a wonderful day.” The salesman said to the two, as they retreated out of the store. Sesshoumaru took the ring out of the small box in the bag and inspected it. “Tell her it’s a promise ring.” Miss Higurashi tells him, on the verge of crying. Her little girl was growing up and falling in love, not a teenage love this time, it was the real thing. “What is the concept of this promise ring?” Sesshoumaru asks, wanting to know why he was saying this. “It’s a promise for the future.” “What about the future?” “It’s saying that you’ll always stay with her and that you’ll never leave her. She’ll really love it Sesshoumaru, don’t worry.” She explains. “Oh, thank you. I am not worrying, just. . . Anticipating.” He answers. He didn’t want her to know that he really was excruciatingly nervous, of course, he had a hard time just admitting this to himself. “Okay, let’s go tell her friends now.”

The two had gone to all of Kagome’s friends houses, told them that they were having a party, talked to their parents, and invited them. They were now headed home. When Sesshoumaru and Miss Higurashi entered, Kagome was pacing in the front room and she jumped when she heard the door shut. Sesshoumaru had ran to the kitchen and put everything away, not letting Kagome see anything and he was back before she even got to the front door. “Where have you both been? I woke up and you were both just gone!” She yelled, worried that something had happened. “We were just out for a moment, do not worry.” Sesshoumaru spoke, walking to her and embracing her slender body.

Later into the night, Sesshoumaru and Kagome had retreated to her bedroom. Sesshoumaru was getting ready to sleep sitting against her wall and she looked at him weird. “Sesshoumaru, why are you over there?” She asks, tilting her head to the side and raising an eyebrow. “I am letting you sleep freely on your bed.” “It’s all right, come and sleep on here.” She says, walking over to him. He had gotten up and laid on his side in the bed. She was looking up into his golden eyes and he was looking into her sapphire ones. He was reminded to the ring and he wanted to tell her so much, but Miss Higurashi said to wait until her birthday. “Good night Sesshoumaru.” Kagome says, kissing his cheek. He kissed her back, except his was more romantic and not on her cheek. When he had pulled away, he looked at her as a blush spread across her face. “You do not have to blush. Good night Kagome.” Sesshoumaru says, closing his eyes and drifting to sleep.

The next morning, Kagome decided to go out with some friends. Sesshoumaru wanted to go and make sure she was all right, but Miss Higurashi told her that she was with good people and that there was work to be done in the kitchen. The two spent the entire day, trying to set everything up. She had taught Sesshoumaru how to blow up balloons. He hadn’t gotten too used to it and he was very out of breath by the time he was done. He fell back onto the floor and panted heavily. Next, they had to make the cake. “Two cups of milk, two eggs, water.” Miss Higurashi says, reading the directions. Sesshoumaru had her put in the ingredients in and he stirred it. Although, by the time he was done, he was covered in cake. There was fortunately still enough to make the cake. Not wanting him to do anything else to himself, she put it in the oven and told him not to move.

She grabbed a camera and took a picture of him covered in dough and then helped him clean it off. All the decorations were hidden in her room, waiting until Kagome went to bed that night. Her friends were arriving early so that when she woke up, she would have her party right then.

Kagome arrived home later then expected. Sesshoumaru was fidgeting nervously, hoping nothing terrible happened to her. When she stepped inside, Sesshoumaru was instantly at the door, smelling her, looking her over, everything. “Sesshoumaru, what are you doing?” “I am making sure you are unharmed.” He says, helping her up the stairs and into her room. She yawned at least five times on her way up there. “Go to bed Kagome. I will be in shortly.” He told her, pulling the blankets over her and turning off the light. He shut the door and went to tell her Mother that she was in bed, sleeping.

After all the directions were finished, Sesshoumaru and Miss Higurashi tiredly walked up the stairs and went to their separate rooms. In the morning, Sesshoumaru had looked through Kagome’s clothing and picked out a knee length black skirt that had flared out at the bottom and a matching black spaghetti strap shirt and put it on the bed next to her. He had waited outside the house, opening the door for her friends and telling them to keep it quiet.

When Kagome woke up, she looked beside her, expecting a youkai lord, but found clothing. He set out clothing for me? Maybe he wants me to look nicer for him. How rude. She thought, her mind criticizing him for trying to indirectly tell her she had to dress nicer. She threw on the clothes and went to scold Sesshoumaru. She walked down the stairs angrily, but then she saw all her friends, her Mother, and Sesshoumaru. He had walked over to her and took her hand, helping her down the last six steps.

“Did you and Mom do this all for me?” Kagome asked Sesshoumaru. “Yes, we thought you would want to have a nice birthday.” Sesshoumaru explained. “Time for presents!” One of Kagome’s friends squealed. Kagome and Sesshoumaru walked over to the couch and placed themselves on it. She had received many things. Among them were cards, necklaces, money, clothing, and other things. Hojo had gotten her something healthy and she wasn’t sure what it was or what it did, but she said thank you anyways.

Sesshoumaru then pulled out the tiny box. Everyone had been watching and their eyes widened as they saw the velveteen box. Kagome looked at him and she saw the box as well. He handed it to her and she opened it, thinking it was only earrings or something. She gasped as she saw a large blue sapphire sitting on a silver band, peering up at her, sparkling for its new owner. “Sesshoumaru, I cant accept this, I’m sure you do not even know what it means.” “Of course I do. It is meant as a promise ring, a promise for the future. I will always be with you Kagome, always by your side.” He says, seeing her face light up in excitement. “It’s so beautiful!” She said happily, leaping into Sesshoumaru’s arms, knocking him over. She was now on top of him, raining kisses on his face in front of everyone.

To her friends, it was apparent that Hojo wanted to kill Sesshoumaru. That stupid silver haired idiot. He got the chance to give her a ring before I did. Those thoughts were in his head the entire time, but he appeared happy to Kagome. Sesshoumaru knew he was angry, he could smell it, but he didn’t want to ruin anything. Hojo was angry beyond comprehension and he planned on doing something about it.

Later on, after cake, partying, and all the other fun things they did, Hojo wanted to speak to Sesshoumaru privately. They walked outside and Hojo unexpectedly pushed the youkai against the side of the house. “Take back that ring.” “Why would I do a thing like that?” Sesshoumaru asked, knowing exactly how to push the boys buttons. “Because, Kagome is mine.” “I do believe I was the one she was all over because they gave her a ring. You were just too slow, Kagome will be mine.” Sesshoumaru taunted. “If you touch her again, I’ll kill you, you bastard.” Hojo said, getting ready to beat Sesshoumaru any way he could. Sesshoumaru had already been walking back to the house, but as soon as those words left Hojo’s lips, he spun around and glowered at the teenage boy. “What did you say?” Sesshoumaru asked dangerously. “You heard me.” Sesshoumaru then ran, trying not to look suspicious and picked Hojo up by the neck. Hojo had been kicking and screaming, but he did not weaken the youkai.

“If you ever decide to threaten me in such ways again, make sure you can do it to begin with. Also, if I ever, EVER, hear you spout that name to me again, I will kill you before you can blink.” Sesshoumaru said, choking Hojo, almost crushing his windpipes. Just then, Kagome had ran outside, her friends by her side. “Sesshoumaru! Let him go!” She yelled, running over and trying to pry him away. “Kagome, control this baka!” Hojo spat at her. “No one controls this Sesshoumaru.” “Sesshoumaru, please, let him go.” Kagome pleaded, trying not to cry in front of everybody.

Smelling the beginning of tears, Sesshoumaru threw the teenager aside and walked towards Kagome. He wrapped himself in her arms, her scent, her very being. “Kagome!” Her friends all yelled, telling her to step away from Sesshoumaru. She didn’t listen, she stayed firmly by his side, her arms wrapped around him, trying to comfort him. When he let go, he walked by all her friends, into the house, without even a spare glance to any of them. “I think it would be best if you all left. Thank you for everything.” Kagome said, walking into her house and shutting the door.

She walked to her room and saw Sesshoumaru standing outside on her balcony, watching her guests retreat, talking about what they had just witnessed. “Sesshoumaru.” “What?” He asked, not wanting to talk about it. “What did Hojo say to you to make you angry?” “He said he was going to take you from me, then he called me a bastard.” He explained, keeping his emotions bottled inside him. “Well, he isn’t going to take me, because he’s been trying to have me the past three years and hadn’t gotten me. Don’t let him bother you about the name Sesshoumaru.” Kagome told him, walking outside and standing next to him. “That is the thing though, it is true. I never truly knew my Father and now I am plagued with the image of him that is burned into my memory.” Sesshoumaru said, looking out onto the shrine. “Sesshoumaru, it’s not your fault. Don’t let it get to you, you know you can fight it.” “No, I can not. I can not fight my Father, I am too respectful of him, despite the terribly wrong choices he made in his life.” Kagome couldn’t respond to that, she didn’t know what she was supposed to say to him, so she just leaned into him.

The two were laying in the bed, Kagome was resting on top of Sesshoumaru, her head listening to his solid heartbeat, letting herself drift to sleep. Sesshoumaru followed shortly after, but his dreams were much more unpleasant then hers. His were of his childhood, his Father.

Kagome had woken up and thought about various things while she waited for Sesshoumaru to wake up. She thought about Inuyasha and Kikyo and then she said aloud, “I am not Kikyo, I am Kagome.” She had felt a lot better since her birthday, she figured it was because of Sesshoumaru’s gift.