InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Another Feudal Fairy Tale ❯ Plotting and Purifying ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Another Feudal Fairy Tale!
Prologue: Plotting and Purifying
AN: NYA here, and welcome to my newest fic, Another Feudal Fairy Tale! I've been working on the bunnies for this FOREVER, and I'm so glad I can finally start posting it!!!
Inu: This means I'll be stuck here again…
Sheen: Don't worry, my canine companion! You're not alone!!!
Hotohori: Unfortunately…
Miroku: Well personally, I can't say I mind!!! There are so many beautiful women here…
Iluvmitsukake: Houshi-sama!!! What did we say about making comments on a woman's appearance??? OFF WITH YOUR ARSE!!!!
Hotohori: Though we are beautiful, we are a man!!!
Me: (^_^')…so who wants to do the first disclaimer???
Ayame: Ooh! Me! Pick me! Pick me!
Me: Ok! Aaya, you get to do the first one!!!
Ayame: (Ahem!) Da mighty Nekoyoukaiaila, ruler of all everything insane and demented, does not own any of the characters she is currently using whilst writing any fics whatsoever. She merely exploits their extremely funny quirks and/or personalities to entertain people she's never met or heard of, and to appease her ever sugar-high muse. That sounded scripted, didn't it?
Me: Well duh! It was!
Superbobbyjackelope: (Cracks whip) Now get on with writing my masterpiece!!!
Me: Yes sir! I am but a slave to my muse… And if anyone knows how to do transition border thingies, email me!!!
“Kikyo! Thank you so much; I don't know how our village would survive without you and your sister! That centipede demon would have completely destroyed my home had you not purified it!” said a village woman. Kikyo sighed happily. Being a resident priestess was hard work, but the safety of the village was worth it.
She looked up at the crowd of people working on repairing a house that had been partly caved in during the attack. “It's really no trouble. Slaying demons that threaten our friends' homes is a pleasure.” She smiled at the group, and continued surveying the damage done to the town.
Mistress Centipede had assailed the village while Kikyo was tending to her herb patch with her sister, damaging five houses and eating three horses. She had then targeted a small boy quaking with fear at her ghastly form, hunched over the carcass of what was once his mare.
She grinned evilly, eyeing the next course of her meal. Horses tasted delicious, but nothing was better that a human child. “What's wrong, boy? Never seen a demon before? Well you won't ever again! The last thing you'll ever see is the inside of my stomach!!!!” Lunging in for the kill, she was thrown to the ground by an explosion of light, landing mere inches from her marked prey.
“Not if we have anything to do with it!” came the growl of two very pissed off priestesses behind her. Twisting around, she could see her lower half twitching on the ground a few feet away, having been completely blown off by the purifying energy of two sacred arrows.
“Geez, can't these demons lay off for one day?” said one girl, glaring at the prone insect on the ground in front of her.
“I suppose not. After all, ours is a small village with more animals than men, and it's protectors being “merely two human women”, right? Well these two human women just sliced you in half! Prepare to die, demon scum!” The spitting image of the girl next to her shouted. Drawing back their arrows, the priestesses let loose identical battle cries as they purified the fiend into oblivion.
Afterward, Kagome had left to help some village men drag the remains to the Bone Eater's well while Kikyo oversaw the repairs to the buildings. They had investigated the well many times, and concluded that it was not evil that controlled it. It got rid of the village's need for a demon gravesite, and they were grateful for it. No beast that would attack humans deserved a respectable resting place.
A shadow watched Kikyo help a woman with a wooden support beam, admiring the woman who continually foiled his plans. None of the demons he summoned were powerful enough to oust her and her sister together. If he could catch one by herself, then he was sure she wouldn't stand a chance. One girl had to die for his plan to succeed, and he didn't care which one. They were twins, and the only way to tell them apart was their hair. Kagome kept hers loose, while Kikyo tied hers back in the traditional priestess fashion. Though they were alike in few ways other than their appearances, the sisters were very close. If one of them were to die, it would leave the other devastated and vulnerable. Wide open for an attack, his plans would be put in motion… Now all he needed was for one girl to leave the village by herself. She would not return alive.
A sharp sound separated itself from the other noises mingling in the air, and reached the ears of two people digging a trench near the woods on the outskirts of the village. The boy and priestess looked up, expecting to see a bird or rabbit. Nothing.
“Um… Lady Kikyo? What was that?” the timid boy inquired. He was still shaken from the events earlier that afternoon.
She stared intently into the woods. Something was out of place. She had been uneasy since the demon had shown up earlier. It felt like there was some other presence watching the battle, and had yet to leave the area. There was probably another demon pulling the strings behind the attacks every day, and they had been getting worse. Her father had sent for a demon exterminator a few days earlier to help with the infestation because the sisters were being worn down with the constant fighting and repairing of the village. “I'm not sure…” She said slowly. “But I'm going to find out. I'll be back soon. Tell my sister that I went to investigate when she gets back.”
“Yes ma'am! I will!”
Kikyo smiled, “Okay.” and walked into the forest.
After a few minutes of following the sense of another's presence, she came upon a large clearing with a giant tree in the center.
Studying the area, she noticed another path leading into the clearing. Closing her eyes, she searched for the energy of a demon. It was right behind her! Opening her eyes, she felt something slice through her shoulder. Collapsing on the ground, she cried out in pain as her assaulter fled the area. For about ten minutes she lay there, trying to withstand the agony ripping through her body.
“What the...?” She had not expected to hear someone else's voice, but when she looked up, there he was. The one who attacked her was standing there with wide eyes and an open mouth. He was standing right in front of the giant tree…
Summoning her very last reserves of strength, will, and power, she stood up and drew her bow, letting fly in the same motion. The flash of purifying energy lit the clearing as the boy was pinned to the tree with a small “Oomph!”, falling asleep immediately. No one but her sister would be able to undo the seal once she died… And she surely would. Her last mission was to get back to the village and tell her sister what had happened.
Me: Muahaha!!!! First chapter and Kikyo's already dead.
Kikyo: You must really hate me.
Me: Oh but I do! I'm a badge wearing member of the Kikyo hater's club ^_^. In this fic, she will have no influence in the love lives of my favorite characters. If only she would die for real…. Sigh.
If you hate Kikyo, review! If not…. Review anyway!