InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Autumn and Winter (Inuyasha & Naraku) ❯ Enter Mikado ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The cries of pain from the dog-eared mongrel echoed throughout the village. After a heavy sit commands, Inuyasha threw out his back with a heavy boulder. Kaede was working on some herbal remedies for the village when a young girl stood at the entryway. Her long black hair swayed with the wind as it pushes up east.
She wore a very light blue kodose kimono, which meant `short-sleeved'. At the sleeves, there was a set of strings called sode-kukuri. The kodose was tucked into the white hakama. That was an azure obi tied around her waist. Her design was similar to that of Kikyo's as a miko yet distantly different from normal Shinto priests and priestess.
Inuyasha's whining stopped as his eyes gazed upon her. He could feel his heart beating either very fast or slowly. As he stared, he felt as if he was drooling at the sight of this miko. He looked away before his face turned red.
“Are you Lady Kaede?” She asked in politeness
“Yes child, and who are ye?” Kaede's wise voice replied
“My name is Mikado. I have traveled from the East Mountains in search of your herbs, Lady Kaede” Mikado again replied
Mikado told Kaede that she needs herbs that could stop bleeding. Kaede left the hut to get the herbs Mikado needed. Inuyasha's golden auburn eyes stared deeply as it engulfed Mikado's appearance. By looking at the miko, you can tell that was she was kind, calm, and elegant miko. At the corner of the miko's eyes, she saw the half-demon stare intensely as her then turned away.
“Am I bothering you…Hanyou (half-demon)?” Mikado asked quietly.
Inuyasha's head turned around making his silvery hair flip. He gazed at her mystified, yet somewhat content that she knew that he was a Hanyou. A grin escaped from the thin line of his lips. It felt as if Mikado was playing with him, toying with him.
“How'd you know?”
“All Hanyous have a different… looks in their eyes,” She chuckled,” What seems to be the problem, it looks like you cannot move,”
Inuyasha told Mikado that story of him and Kagome. It wasn't too long nor what is too short of a story. Mikado walked toward Inuyasha. There was no noise that she made as she walked toward the dog-eared fellow. As if she was a ghost that took the appearance of a beautiful miko.
She sat down and placed her hands above the hanyou's back but without touching it. Mikado put a semi-serious face and started to massage his back. Her hands were somewhat small and had a soft touch that made Inuyasha feel like he was drifting off to sleep and he was. The feeling of the soft hands had stopped. His eyes shot up and found Kaede back and already giving the medicinal herbs to Mikado. Inuyasha felt a sudden hint of sadness, though he could barely notice.
She turned away and went off, she hesitated to stop but Mikado stopped. Her hair whipped as she turned around to face both Kaede and Inuyasha.
“Thank you Lady Kaede and…”
“Inuyasha” Inuyasha replied
“Inuyasha?” Mikado sounded confused, “alright then, thanks you Lady Kaede and Inuyasha,” With that sound, she went her way back to the East Mountains.