InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Avoidance ❯ Chapter 14 ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I do not own Inuyasha & Co.
Wow, it certainly has been quite a while since I've found the time to work on this chapter. My mind had been going through some rough times with writer's block, and strangely enough, I had found that I was able to write a piece here and a piece there of this chapter. Of course, my daily work schedule and the stress I had gone through the past couple months took my mind off the good things in life, and brought me fear and worry more than any thing. Needless to say, it has been rough finding the time to write, however, I did find the time finally, and this chapter is the result. So, enjoy, and don't forget to let me know what ya think.
Chapter 14
Deep in the mountains, a cliffside cave shuddered as the jewel's energy pulsed far out to no man's land, about 100 miles out from the nearest metropolis of human civilization.  The deep and wet cave growled uninvitingly as the darkness faded to light, revealing dense cave walls, marked from centuries of wear and harbor.
Deep inside the cave, a small cavern sectioned off from the main shaft radiated with a glow of energy as growling resonated from within.  "It resurfaces, and so do I…"
That night, the three men and the woman chose rooms to reside in and went to their own devices. Sesshomaru chose his old bedroom chamber from back before his father's death, and Koga chose to keep watch in the tower for disturbances in the forest.  Inuyasha chose to stay by Kagome's side, and stuck to the hall near her chamber.  As he checked on the grounds before heading inside for the night, the older youkai stepped from his room and shot him a steady glare. 
“Where are you headed, brother?” the elder youkai asked. 
“It's none of your business.  Go to sleep,” Inuyasha griped, his gaze never leaving the floor before him. 
“Are you going to spend the night with that woman?  Have you chosen to walk the same path as our father?” the elder of the two inquired as he stepped from the door to his chamber and blocked Inuyasha's way. 
“I said it's none of your business!  Also, since you fled the house after Naraku was defeated, that automatically makes this mansion mine by default,” Inuyasha recalled.
“And your point is?” 
“I am taking care of the grounds now.  So, you shouldn't worry about me, or where I am going.”  Inuyasha lifted his gaze as he continued with, “You are now a guest in my house.  Know you're place,” the half demon commanded as he made to step around the obstacle in his way. 
Sesshomaru's arm blocked him as he coldly spat, “You have no right to give me commands.  What makes you think I will ever serve under you?”  
“Wait, you thought you were invited back here?  C'mon!  I never sent for you!  So just, go to your room, and shut up.  I know what I'm doing, and I know what my priorities are,” Inuyasha returned the cold sentiment as he shoved the arms away and continued down the hall to the woman's room. 
“She will only leave you like your mother left you.  When will you ever understand that humans were never meant to love beings such as us?” the eldest looked over his shoulder as he ground out a truth Inuyasha already understood. 
“What do I care?  I never asked her to fall into my lap.  She just…did.  You think I should walk away from her as you would.  I'm sorry, but my conscience won't allow me to leave her side.  And it's not my fault you haven't got one,” Inuyasha retorted as he continued into the room and slid the door shut, leaving the elder youkai to his own thoughts. 
`You think you understand little brother?  You obviously don't know me…' Sesshomaru thought as he then indeed returned to his chamber and slid the shoji shut. 
When the shoji shut to her room, Kagome gasped and turned from her dresser to see it was none other than Inuyasha, “You scared me.  I thought it was your brother who entered.  I have to admit, he gives me the creeps.” 
“Oh, no offense taken there,” Inuyasha replied as he came to her side and sat down.  “So, are you okay then?” 
“Yes, I'm fine.  What a crazy turn of events, don't you agree?” Kagome asked as he gaze lifted to his. 
“Oh, you have no idea what a shocker it was to see Sesshomaru come back.  I thought he was dead or something,” Inuyasha replied as his gaze went to his hands in his lap. 
“So, what's gonna happen now?” Kagome asked, gaining his attention once again. 
“I don't know.  I'm not sure what's up Sesshomaru's sleeve.  All I do remember is that I've never been able to trust him.  One thing I do know about him from stories mom told, was that his main goal was world conquest, as well as defeating father.  However, since Setsuna no Takemaru killed our father, he missed his chance,” Inuyasha explained. “For a long time, he was after Tetsussaiga, but then stopped his obsession with it when he realized that I would die without it.” 
“I see,” Kagome replied.
“So, you see, the sword is much more valuable to me, than it ever could have been to Sesshomaru.  The sword was never meant to be used for conquest, but only for protection and preservation of those weaker than its wielder,” Inuyasha divulged.
Kagome snuggled up to him as cool air began to wisp past her skin as she asked, “What was your father like?” 
“My father?  I honestly don't know much.  I've heard stories from my mother, but not enough to have a clue as to who he was.  The only thing about him I was thankful for was that my mother said he was kind, and was nothing like my brother,” Inuyasha explained as his arms embraced her, shielding her from the cold. 
“And your mother, who was she exactly?” Kagome asked. 
“She was a beautiful princess my father fell in love with.  He came upon her as he wandered the countryside long ago. As he decided to cross through a forest, he came upon her castle, caught a glimpse of my mother playing a stringed instrument, and instantly fell in love. She said he stepped out from the tree line, into the gardens. She didn't know what to make of him at first, but she said she fell for him as quickly as he fell for her.
“According to mother, she had originally been betrothed to a prince named Setsuna no Takemaru, a man whom she had known very well for a long time. Since their families set up the decision for them to wed, she held no true love for him besides friendship and common interests. However, when my father made his presence known, her sudden desire for my father caused Setsuna no Takemaru to become jealous, and planned against them being together.
“Once he learned of their elevated affair, and my father's presence on the grounds in order to protect his pregnant lover who was about to give birth, Setsuna no Takemaru intruded on the grounds to kill us. When my father received word from Sesshomaru, he raced home to protect us, only to find her dead, as I laid crying in her arms,” Inuyasha explained as his tone became more somber at each word.
“So, in other words, your father pulled a Koga,” Kagome just couldn't resist. 
“Shaddup!” Inuyasha spat as he turned his back from her. 
“I'm sorry, I was only kidding,” Kagome apologized. 
“Well, it's not as if I'm defending my father's honor or anything.  To be honest, I have no clue as to why my father fell for my mother,” Inuyasha confided as he turned her way once again. 
“I think you do,” Kagome replied, gaining his full attention. 
“How?” Inuyasha asked curiously. 
“Well, from how you speak of your father, and from the likes of Sesshomaru's cold disposition, you're more like your father and understand him more than you think. I mean, from what you said your mom had told you, he may have looked similar to Sesshomaru, but I'll bet you gained his heart if you've fallen for a human woman as he did,” Kagome explained, as a look of shock developed on Inuyasha's face. 
Mouth catching flies for a moment, he regained his composure when she began to giggle.  “Stop laughing at me!” He commanded. 
“I'm not!  It's just, your reaction was priceless!” Kagome exclaimed.  “I honestly don't think there's anything wrong with you, Inuyasha.  I have great respect for your father and your mother.  Your father was a demon of great stature, and righteousness, and your mother was obviously beautiful because you gain her looks once a month and I have to say, both your parents contributed something wonderful.  You are a treasure, Inuyasha because of them.” 
The look on Inuyasha's face changed from priceless to somber as what she had just said sank in.  He never thought about his parents in that light.  The only parent he knew enough about to love was his mother.  Even so, she left him at such a young age, that back then, he couldn't have begun to understand what beauty truly meant to him.  At least until…Kikyo… 
“Inuyasha?” Kagome asked as she nudged him out of no-man's land. 
“Huh?” he asked as he eyed her in question. 
“I think your mind just took a vacation or something.  Were you deep in thought?” Kagome asked. 
“Yeah, my mind took over for a moment.”  He shifted and looked upon her in a serious way as he continued, “Listen, I want to know something.  With the turn of current events, and the fact that we now have two more males staying here with us, I would like to know your feelings on the matter.” 
“Well, a little uneasy since one of them has the hots for me, or something, and the other one just makes my skin crawl.  I mean, his aura alone would give my stomach the butterflies, and that cold stare.  I mean, there's no way a person could know what's up his sleeve,” she explained as her arms wrapped around her torso, trying to seek stability. 
“I completely understand.  Would you like me to stay with you?  Would you feel safer if I watched over you at night?” Inuyasha asked kindly. 
“I would like that,” she sighed in relief. 
“Good, then it's settled.  As long as you need me here, no one else can complain,” he replied as he crossed his arms over his chest and gained an air of arrogance. 
“Who's questioning?” Kagome asked. 
“No one…” he sheepishly replied. 
“Suuurrrre…I've heard that one before,” Kagome goaded. 
“Well, Sesshomaru thinks we're having a rendezvous in here or something, and tried to give me a lecture on how now is not the time for that…” he replied with irritation. 
Kagome giggled again and came back with, “Now that would start a nice brawl between you and Koga, wouldn't it?”  
“Oh, hell no!  Even if he did try fighting me again, I would so not hold back!  And even if I did have a bit of time with you, it aint none of his business!” Inuyasha spat. 
“Not only that, but when would I even think of giving myself up to you while I fear for the future?” Kagome asked, with a tone of worry in her voice.
“I agree. My mind is the farthest from passion at this point. There's too much to pay attention to, with those two in this house with us. Not only that, but we have two other males here who have trained hearing abilities. No privacy if you know what I mean,” Inuyasha brought up with a chuckle.
“Wow, a loud one are you?” Kagome asked sarcastically.
“What?!” Inuyasha exclaimed in shock.
“I said, you're loud, aren't you?” Kagome asked to goad him with a smirk.
“None of your business!” he shouted, crossing his arms and looking away from her. “We are so not having this conversation. That's too personal at this point.”
“Okay, then how about this, how much longer do you think you could hold out? I mean, it's been centuries, hasn't it?” Kagome tried his patience further.
“Again, prying where you're not warranted,” Inuyasha turned a mischievous look on her as he playfully stalked her, causing her to slink back. “You really love to try my patience, don't you?”
“Not really my aim, but each time I do this, you divulge more about yourself, and the answers I seek become clear,” the cat was out of the bag…
Inuyasha eyed her for a moment, the mischievous look dissipated as his eyes turned serious. “What did you just say to me?”
“You heard me. You're so blockheaded and secretive that you think you can stop me from learning your innermost thoughts and heart. You're wrong. Your body language and actions speak louder than any words you could ever form. Not only that, but each time I learn a bit more about you, the more I come to fall for you, Inuyasha. I'm sorry to deceive you like that, but this is the only way to break the ice with you,” Kagome explained as she lowered her eyes to the floor between them as she used her finger to trace circles on the floor.
“Kagome, you have to understand. I've never been good with people, and worse at explaining my feelings and emotions. I would have thought you'd have learned to respect that about me, seeing as my actions speak louder than words,” he ground out.
“Sorry, but I guess I'm a bit impatient since my soul needs you so much. I can't explain why, however, and I don't know how to continue if I can't learn more about you. It's as if there's something my soul is seeking without my permission,” she explained, hoping that would smooth over her scrutiny.
“Kagome, you should know by now that I will explain things when needed…”
“Yes, but not when I need it, only when you're ready,” Kagome retorted.
“And you can't respect that since these are my own personal thoughts that you can't leave well enough alone? Should I do the same to you? Would you like to know how this feels?” Inuyasha asked as he leaned in closer.
Kagome backed away as he pressed her up against the wall. “I want you to tell me what thoughts go through your mind. You are Kikyo's reincarnation after all. Tell me your feelings about being here with me, and don't lie. I want to see just as far into your afflicted soul as you have scoured into mine to know my deepest, darkest secrets.”
The breath caught in Kagome's throat, as he loomed over her, eyes boring into that window she tried desperately to close off from him. Suddenly, his eyes closed as his forehead touched hers, and his aura enveloped her, causing her world to go blank all of a sudden.
`What is this? Where am I?' she said into a world of nothingness. Suddenly, flashes of her memories shined in the darkness, and her mind's voice spoke the memorable thoughts from her most traumatic past, as well as the intimate moments she had with him. She broke down, eyes wide open as her heart broke from her depths and revealed every emotion experienced through it all down to her last thought the night they kissed in the tower.
`His lips are so strong, and his aura surrounds me like a thick blanket of love and devotion. No man has ever made me feel this way. I think I…Have I…fallen? His touch brings me to life, unlike the touch I've experienced in the past. I believe this is the love I've been hoping to find…Inuyashaaaa….'
“STOP IIIIIT!!!!” Kagome screamed as Inuyasha was thrown across the room once more only to hit the wall on the other side, cracking it.
The two panted heavily, their eyes staring off into space as their minds comprehended what had just happened. Suddenly, the shoji to the room slammed open, “What the hell just happened?”
Inuyasha's attention shot to the male who spoke, “Koga…” he panted.
“What were you just doing to her?!” Koga exclaimed as he crossed the room, grabbed Inuyasha by the hair and lifted his face to scrutinize his eyes.
“Koga, stop it!” Kagome shouted between pants.
“What was he doing to you, spit it out woman!” Koga commanded.
“He…he was…curious about me…that's all…” Kagome stumbled, obviously hiding something.
“I doubt that. Mutt, what were you thinking causing her such grief? Do you want her to use her energy and attract demons this way?” Koga asked.
“No…It was nothing like that. She pushed me, so I returned the favor,” Inuyasha ground out, shooting a stern look her way.
“What do you mean by, pushed you?” Koga asked.
“She's interested in my innermost feelings. You know how women like to pry when they love someone. I can't explain it, but she's tried this many times. This was my way of showing her how fed up I was,” Inuyasha replied, causing her to huff and step out of the room.
“God, you're a moron, Inuyasha. You are lucky enough to have her love and affection. Even though I love her enough to want to protect her just as much as you do, at least she returns your affections. Think about that, and I may just spare you from a nasty fight, you jack ass,” Koga warned as he dropped Inuyasha's mane and followed Kagome from the room.
Inuyasha sat on the tatami and thought over what the wolf had just said. `Am I really worthy of Kagome's heart? She has so willingly given it without thinking.' ”Keh…”
“Kagome!” Koga shouted as he followed her scent up the steps leading into the tower. When he reached the room, he saw her huddled in the corner beside the stairwell. “Kagome…Are you all right?” Koga asked as he knelt before her.
“Umhmm…” the girl hummed as she held her knees tightly.
“What did that mutt do to you? Tell me the truth, please Kagome,” Koga asked once again, hoping that since the mutt was not with them, she'd open up.
“He read my mind, is what he did,” she said shakily.
“Why would he do a thing like that?” Koga asked.
“In retaliation for all the prying I did to him the past few days,” Kagome explained, as she finally looked Koga in the eye.
“I see…He didn't have to go that far,” the wolf replied in concern.
“Well, I have seen his thoughts before actually, since I also have that ability for some strange reason. Therefore, I deserved it. It's just…I didn't think about how I would feel having it done to me…I guess I've learned my lesson,” Kagome replied as her disposition became sullen and down.
“Kagome, one thing I have to say, and I hope you won't take offense to it. As far as Inuyasha goes, he doesn't consider others and how they feel. I would be careful around him if he's willing to go that far in retaliation,” Koga replied, trying to sound comforting.
“Actually, he does consider others, more so than you think. It's just, when he loses his temper, and the chip on his shoulder shines through, the one agitating him must stand down, otherwise, they'll feel his wrath. I'm not one who slinks away when I'm feeling confident. I just haven't learned not to push his buttons too badly yet is all,” Kagome shrugged.
“Maybe so, however, if he pulls that attitude on you again, then don't stop me from holding back. No matter who he thinks he is, Inuyasha is not as righteous as he sports himself to be if he's gonna do things like this,” Koga explained.
“Please, leave me be for now. I'm all right now. Thanks for your reassurances, Koga. I'm glad we've come to a truce with you. You don't seem to be as bad a guy as I thought,” Kagome let out finally.
“I need to know, Kagome. What caused you to think of me as a possessive man who was only after one thing?” Koga pried.
“I'm sorry, Koga, but I'm not in the position right now to explain why. Believe me, it was tough when I explained my past to Inuyasha, and I can't relive it at the moment. I'll tell you when I'm able,” Kagome sunk back into herself just at the mention of those thoughts, and Koga read the body language.
“All right, I'll leave you be. If you need me, I'll be in the dojo working off some frustration,” Koga replied as he stood and descended from the room.
`My innermost thoughts…Inuyasha now knows them. I wonder how he feels about me now. Will he love me more? What was that look on his face he gave after seeing my thoughts? Was it shock? Fear? I wonder if he'll talk to me again…' Kagome thought as she continued to try to calm herself down as the breeze sailed through the windows, calming her fears, carrying the relaxing sounds of the forest to her ears. She closed her eyes, and concentrated on those sounds as she gained a smile to her face.
(Inuyasha's POV)
What I saw…What I heard…I could not believe how she felt about all those intimate times. Men truly did assault her in the past. Right now, I feel no different from those men; however, I don't want to hurt her as they did, obviously.
(Sigh) Those men are different from me in the sense that I have fallen for her, but I haven't forced myself on her, have I? I mean…Aw, shit…I shouldn't go anywhere near her for a while. She's probably scared of me now. I should not have pried into her past. I honestly didn't expect to see all that. Why did I? Does she think that much about those horrible memories that they remain in the forefront of her mind?
As I thought a bit more about it, the images and sounds played through my mind as if I was there, and I grabbed my head and grunted in pain and fear…A moment later, a tear had squeezed from my eye. I grit my teeth and punched the floor in anger. Kagome, how could anyone do that to you? I know I never could, not even while the jewel was still inside you.
That's it…I shall never let another human near her or the jewel. Humans are so weak, and easily tainted by the jewel's power. That's more than likely what caused those events. The aura she emitted swayed the men to become wicked and unfeeling towards their actions. I am only half-human, and what I don't understand, is why didn't I feel the need to ravage her during that night as a human on the plane?
That night, I was just an ordinary human, with ordinary human male emotions. What caused me to act differently? I turned my gaze towards the dresser where I had seen her hide the jewel. I stepped to the dresser and pulled the drawer open. The energy compelled me as it's aura came into contact with mine. I reached out and grasped the jewel in my hand as I looked upon it.
“What did you do to her? To me? I hate you, you know that? Why won't you just disappear from existence? I thought that once Kikyo used your energy to cast Naraku into oblivion, that you'd either cease to exist, or that you'd become so pure that you'd lose value. Why did you return? What is the reason?” I asked the omen charm as it glowed slightly at my request.
The aura changed slightly, and I suddenly found myself cast into darkness, just as I had been while reading Kagome's memories. I eyed the darkness around me `til I saw an image pop up before me. “Kikyo…”
Kagome left the tower a bit later, and decided to go to grab something to drink from the kitchen to quench her thirst. Suddenly, she stopped before her room, sensing something odd. She turned to see a slight glow within, and slid the door open to see Inuyasha sitting before her dresser, the faint pink glow emitting before him.
“Inuyasha? What are you doing?” Kagome asked. When he did not move or answer her call, she stepped into the room towards him. “Inuyasha? Are you okay?”
She reached out and touched his shoulder; the muscles ridged and taught at her touch. She leaned forward to look upon his face, only to see his eyes unfocused and open widely. She gasped as she exclaimed, “Inuyasha!”
She shook him, and the jewel rolled from the palm of his hand. However, the jewel continued to glow, as his face remained unchanged. She knelt down, touched her forehead to his and concentrated. She tried hard to reach him, wherever the jewel had taken his soul to. To her dismay, she was forced away from him as a barrier formed around him where he sat. “Inuyasha!”
(Inuyasha's POV)
I panicked at the sight revealed to me. Naraku tore at Kikyo's soul as he tried to take her to hell with him. Her screams infuriated me as vestiges of her soul became exposed and she lost strength through it all. The images were horrific. I closed my eyes as I shouted her name, and the sounds ended. I opened my eyes once again to see her body on the pyre, the people from the village as they surrounded her body.
I remembered this; on that night, I was the one to light her body afire. As difficult as it was to do so, I cried my first tears since my mother's death that day. I stood `til the fire went out at her side. It was difficult to move on since that night. Just seeing these images again caused those very same tears to fall once again. “Kikyo…”
Darkness enveloped me once again for a moment, and then another image lit before me. It was the jewel itself, and an image appeared behind the jewel…A demon I believe. A laugh was heard that filled my ears as I flattened them against my head to muffle the harsh sound. The face was not one I recognized at all from my past. Who is that? Then suddenly, the image of Kagome lying lifeless upon a pyre appeared.
A moment later, darkness fell once again, and I heard Kagome's voice. “Inuyasha!” I opened my eyes to see the jewel had fallen from my hand, and she had shaken me from my mind.
“Kagome…What're you…” then it hit me, the jewel had taken my soul out of my body, into itself. I looked down to see the jewel on the floor beside Kagome's leg, glowing no longer.
“What happened to you? I could not get through to you. The jewel was glowing and you were unconscious. Are you all right?” she asked in a panic.
“I'm fine. Kagome, I saw an image inside the jewel. I think there's another demon that needs to be vanquished,” I mentioned.
“What do you mean?” Kagome asked curiously.
“I think I know the jewel's purpose for existing once again in this world. It exists to cast demons into oblivion, and it knows its next target,” I explained. It was finally beginning to make sense to me now.
“The jewel has a purpose? It makes decisions on its own now?” Kagome asked.
“No, not lightly. I believe it is now tied to Kikyo's soul since she died using it, and it was also burned with her body. The jewel has become a part of her soul, just as it was the original miko's soul. What this means, is no matter what, Kikyo is the one cursed by the jewel, not me,” I figured it out! And this is even worse than I would have imagined.
“You mean, I was born with this jewel inside me because I am Kikyo's reincarnation, and if I died and I am reincarnated, the next time the jewel will appear again?” she asked a valid question.
“To be honest, I'm not sure about that circumstance. However, what this all means, is you are the tool the jewel requests to use to cast this demon into oblivion, just as Naraku was long ago. The jewel requests that you sacrifice yourself for a noble cause…To save this world from a malevolent being…Shit…” I can't believe I coveted this piece of shit! NO! Not Kagome, there has to be another way!
“You mean I'm not to survive this? I'm to die to save the world?” At that question, I turned sullen eyes to her, causing tears to flow over the damn.
“Kagome…I would have never asked such a thing of you. However, the priestess within the jewel, Midoriko, has asked for your help in performing this task. I don't think I could help you, and I wish things could be different. The last thing I'd ever want to do is lose you like I lost Kikyo!”
I broke down just as a familiar voice sounded from the doorway across the room, “what's going on in here? Are you fighting again, brother?”
I turned my wet eyes towards the bane of indifference and replied with, “I know what's going on now. The jewel just revealed its purpose to me. Kagome is to be sacrificed by the jewel to banish a new enemy into oblivion, just as Kikyo was centuries ago.”
“But Inuyasha, will I surely die performing this task?” she asked, regaining my full attention.
“Kagome, casting a demon into oblivion takes the entirety of a priestess's spiritual energy. Your soul is the catalyst for such a task. I remember Kikyo telling me about this before she took on Naraku herself for the last time. She assured me she would do whatever she could to hold on to life. However, she lost the battle just as the jewel sucked the life out of her, and Naraku disintegrated in the white light that enveloped them, leaving Kikyo's soulless body behind.
“I can not bear to go through that again…Damn it!” I was so pissed now that nothing could soothe my soul after this turn of events.
“What will you do then, brother? It's obvious, Kagome has little time left. Will you spend time with her? Or will you allow her to be sacrificed without having lived fully?” I turned a shocked look his way.
“I-I…” I couldn't say it. Yes, I would want to be with her before that situation came about, but I…
“Inuyasha…I don't want to leave you, I don't! Why couldn't I have been given a choice? Why me?” she cried out.
I looked to her, casting afflicted eyes her way, causing her to cover her eyes as the damn broke completely. I reached for her, and held her tightly as I tried to say comforting words while my tears soaked her hair. While I held her, nothing else mattered. I could only think to live in the moment. The future was not an option for me. I could not move on, and the embrace seemed to last forever… 'Kagome….'
Wow…just, wow…I don't know what to say, other than I guess we now have an idea of where this fic is going to go…I didn't expect the jewel to request that, and I am looking forward to the next chapter, with this in the works. I certainly hope you all enjoyed this chapter, and don't forget to let me know what you think. Until next time, Ja ne!