InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Avoidance ❯ Chapter 18 ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I do not own Inuyasha & Co.
Chapter 18
After his brother left with the orb and the wolf, Sesshomaru stood before the exit and faced the intruder with cold eyes. “I take it to get to your brother, I must get through you.” Sesshomaru nodded.
“I will never let you have what you desire.”
“And what do you have to gain from doing so? If I remember correctly, from what father spoke of you, you had no interest in the jewel whatsoever.”
“Naraku was correct to tell you that. However, my interests have changed over the past 500 years. Now, if my lands are in danger, the person threatening it's people will have to get through me.” Sesshomaru challenged.
Shimarayama stepped to the left as the eye contact between them continued fiercely. “I know of your ward; Rin is her name.”
“And what of her?” Sesshomaru stated simply without a flinch.
“I know where you've left her remains.” The look on the intruder's face changed to mischief.
“Rin has been dead for centuries. What could you possibly do to her now?” Sesshomaru divulged and shifted to face him.
“I am able to torture those who have once died. You see, I have the power to resurrect souls from the far reaches of the spirit world. I'm sure your Rin would be an easy task.”
“And you would find that amusing how?”
“Just to see some emotion grace that stern face of yours. That alone would bring me joy. From the stories my father told me, you were quite fun to agitate, and kidnapping Rin was brilliant.” Sesshomaru didn't flinch.
“That was another thing my father warned me about. You are definitely hard to read, I'm sure once I bring Rin into this, that will change.” Shimarayama smiled and released a maniacal laugh.
“At this point, Rin is not the issue. The issue is whether you get past me. If not, then you won't be able to threaten Rin.”
“I see. You're a logical thinker. Then I will have to just go for the throat.” Shimarayama blinked and smirked as his nails grew. Sesshomaru stood squared with his opponent, his arm at his side.
Shimarayama lunged forward, Sesshomaru dodged his swipe easily as he turned and ducked another. `He fights like my brother. He needs to do better than that to even scratch me.' Sesshomaru unleashed his poison whip and snapped it sharp, leaving a mark on his opponent's face.
The tall intruder stopped moving only to touch the wound on his left cheek. He looked at his finger and sopped up the blood with his long tongue. He made eye contact with Sesshomaru again as the blood seeped from the vertical slit beneath his left eye. “You cut me; bad idea.” Shimarayama growled and his chin pressed into his chest. Sesshomaru stood unmoved as the demon before him became a beast.
After a moment, he looked up and red eyes met Sesshomaru's. “Now you've caused me to yearn for bloodshed.”
(Meanwhile, in the forest)
Inuyasha sat against a nearby tree with Kagome's head rested in his lap. “I guess once Kagome released the barrier, they lost her position.” Koga said, breaking the silence.
“No.” Koga looked behind him to meet Inuyasha's golden gaze. “I believe Sesshomaru got in his way.”
“I wonder. It's been hours, and yet not a single minion came to hassle us.” Koga said and sat down next to the small campfire they started a short while ago.
“I'm just glad Sesshomaru is giving us the time needed for Kagome to rest. That bastard took a lot out of her.” Inuyasha sighed while his hand tenderly stroked her long bangs away from her eyebrows.
“She has been out for quite some time. What's the next course of action? I mean, I refuse to allow that intruder to fulfill his destiny. Is there any way we can break his hold on the jewel and Kagome?” Kouga connected his worried gaze with Inuyasha's.
“Honestly, I tried to convince her to wish me human, and she refused. She's afraid the first thing he'd do is kill me because I'd be powerless.”
“Do you really want that? If I remember correctly, your original plan was to become fully demon. At least, that's what the rumors were five hundred years ago.” Kouga recollected and stoked the fire with a stick.
“You're right. However, times have changed. I refuse to live alone again. I can't suffer another loss. I let Kagome in, and she's healed my heart. Now, I can't imagine my life alone anymore.” Inuyasha ran the back of his right hand down her right cheek.
“I agree with you. I'm fond of her presence as well.” Kouga looked up and watched the tree branches sway gently in the breeze.
“We can't let him win. I'll do anything. I love Kagome, and I refuse to let Naraku have her. Kagome does not deserve oblivion, and I can't wait for her to be reincarnated again. I've lived far too long to think I can wait another five hundred or more years.” Inuyasha shook his head and grit his teeth behind his taught lips.
“I'm with you on that one. Not only that, but if we defeat Shimarayama now, then Naraku will have lost everything and will be left as he should be- alone.” Inuyasha chuckled. “What?” Kouga asked.
“Nothing. It's just, I never thought we'd be fighting side by side together against a common enemy, when just hours ago, we were fighting each other like animals over Kagome's affection.”
“I know. Ironic.” They eyed each other for a few moments with crooked smiles.
Kagome moaned quietly, and shifted her position. The demons watched her roll onto her right side and bury her head in Inuyasha's lap, her hands gripping his red hakama. Kouga looked away to give them privacy and chose to watch the perimeter for intruders and minions.
About an hour later, Kagome shifted again and opened her eyes to see red. She lifted herself slightly and noticed she was eying Inuyasha's lap. She gasped when she noticed where her head was resting and heard Inuyasha grunt softly. She lifted her gaze to see Inuyasha smile at her.
“Interesting. You still blush after our time together earlier.” His smile widened with love.
“I know. I guess I'm still not used to the idea. Sorry, Inuyasha.” Kagome lowered her gaze to her right hand.
“It's okay, Kagome. If you wish to be with me at any point, I'll be willing.” He replied tenderly and his hand caressed her right cheek.
Kagome lifted her gaze to his warm pools of admiration. “I...I love you, Inuyasha. But, why is it I feel so nervous when you look at me that way?”
“I don't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. Did I say something wrong?” Inuyasha lowered his hand onto her shoulder.
“It's not your fault. I just...I don't know.”
“We can take it slow, if you like. I'm just glad you chose to be with me.” Kagome smiled. “How do you feel about being with me?”
“I don't think I could choose another. However, I'm wondering if what's drawing my soul to you is due to being Kikyo's reincarnation.”
“Who knows. To be honest, I don't really care about the past anymore. You and the jewel are all I care about now. Now that I have someone to protect, I have a purpose again.” Inuyasha eyed her with confidence.
“Thank you, Inuyasha.” Kagome sat up and looked around the camp for the first time. “Koga's here?”
“Hey, Kagome. How do you feel? You must be exhausted.” The wolf crossed the camp.
“Yeah, but I'm still alive.”
“How's your energy level? I've felt a shift, and I'm not feeling a strong aura about you.” Inuyasha gestured towards her.
“You're right.” Kagome pulled the jewel from her pocket and eyed it's glistening form in her right hand. “It glows brighter than it did before I let it protect me last night.”
“You mean...” Inuyasha stopped abruptly
“I'm afraid so. Each time I join with the jewel, it collects my energy and I slowly become one with the jewel.” Kagome explained.
Inuyasha grabbed her shoulders. “Kagome, you must give me the jewel! I refuse to let you be used that way!”
“It's not your choice, Inuyasha. I am already a part of the jewel.” Kagome replied in a low tone.
“No...” Inuyasha gritted his teeth as his hands and claws gripped her shoulders.
“There's nothing we can do, since the only way I can be protected is by the jewel itself.” Kagome replies.
“There must be another way! I must become Human! I've told you before that you should not handle the jewel in a wish! Your wish is already becoming the jewel's wish!”
Koga slapped Inuyasha. “What the hell was that for?”
“You were hurting her!” Koga pointed her way. Inuyasha looked to see Kagome grip her shoulders in pain.
“I'm sorry, Kagome. I just...I can stand to lose you!” Inuyasha began to struggle emotionally.
“Inuyasha, you have to listen to me. Shimarayama wants you to wish on the jewel! That is what Naraku wants! That way, Naraku will get his hands on you!”
“I don't think so, Kagome. I will never be pray to him.”
“As long as you stay alive, you won't.” Kagome eyed him in frustration.
“Why are you afraid for me? I've lived so long, you have no idea how hard it's been for me! I'd rather die than live without you!” Inuyasha shouted, pain flared in his eyes.
Kagome's eyes watered. “You'd rather die? You know we can't be together as long as Shimarayama seeks to destroy me and the jewel! I know my purpose. Inuyasha, it's to save you!”
“I can take care of myself. You need to live, Kagome!”
“Kagome, Inuyasha's right. We need to find a way to keep you alive, and to defeat Shimarayama. Give us some time, and we'll find another way.” Koga offered.
“But, I've asked the jewel what our options are, and the jewel told me that only my sacrifice can defeat Shimarayama. One thing you don't know, Inuyasha, is the jewel communicates with me, and I asked it many questions. It said that only my pure energy mixed with the jewel can send him to oblivion. Because a part of him exists in Naraku, his energy comes from Hell! Naraku has control of him, even here!”
Inuyasha and Koga gasped. “I have no choice, Inuyasha. You can protect me to buy time, but only a little.”
“Wait...If Naraku controls him from Hell, then there is another way, Kagome!”
“What?” Koga asked.
“I alone can send him to Naraku without sacrificing you, Kagome.” Inuyasha grinned at her.
'Uh oh...Somehow I don't like the look in his eyes...' She thought.