InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Best Friends ❯ Back To The Future ( Chapter 4 )

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Kaname was used to waking at dawn. Ms. Tajima made a habit of screaming in her face if she was still asleep after. Her eyes opened to the sunlight splashing over the east horizon, and sleepily she gazed over at the small camp a few feet away. Everyone still seemed to be asleep, but she didn't spot the unmannerly hanyou that had saved her from a cold beach in the middle of no where. She looked around, and among the green and brown of the nearby forest, she spotted red, and there he sat in the trees. He wasn't asleep, and he was watching her just as she was watching him. Quickly she averted her eyes, not wanting to be rude. Then there was a noise like wind flapping through a line of clothing drying on a line, and there Inuyasha sat next to her.

"Why are you up so early?" he asked in that rude voice.

"Why do you care?" she snapped. She wasn't in the mood for impoliteness for breakfast. Her stomach growled at the thought of a hot breakfast of bacon and eggs. She touched her stomach, and glanced at Inuyasha.

"Ah, hell. You don't expect me to feed you, do you?" he asked. She tsked, and glared at him.

"If not you, who else? Those sleeping people over there?" she gestured with her hand. Inuyasha sighed, and stood. As he began to walk away, Kaname thought he was actually going to leave her there with her growling stomach. But he instead grabbed Kagome's yellow backpack, and rummaged through it, throwing things he knew wouldn't break over his shoulder. Out he pulled a package of hotdogs, and a lighter. Kaname timidly stood, and came to a stop at his side. She helped to put Kagome's belongings that they didn't need back in the bag, and even went far enough to follow him into the woods for some dry wood and long and thin sticks.

"I could do this a lot faster on my own, you know,," Inuyasha informed her. But Kaname ignored him. She wasn't just going to sit alone with no one to talk to back at the camp. Inuyasha shrugged when she didn't answer, and rummaged around in the forest for what only nature could provide. After about ten minutes of searching, they returned to camp with Inuyasha carrying an assortment of sticks, twigs, and dry leaves in his arms, and Kaname with six slender sticks.

Inuyasha dropped his armful on the cold embers, and set fire to them with Kagome's lighter. Soon, everyone woke to the smell of hotdogs for breakfast. Inuyasha and Kaname were already biting into their own as everyone grabbed for half-heated meat, devouring it quickly. When everyone seemed to be finished, Kagome looked at Inuyasha and said, "We're going back to Kaede's village today, right?"

Inuyasha narrowed his amber eyes at her. He promised Kagome that they'd search for Naraku and shikon shards for a week and a half, and that time had passed. With absolutely nothing. No hints or leads. Inuyasha of course didn't want to return yet, but everyone was tired of traveling, and provisions were growing light.

"Hai, hai," Inuyasha snapped quickly. "So let's get there, huh?" With that everyone stood, and began to pack up their belongings. Well, Kagome did at least. Kaname stood quietly at the side, looking down at the pajamas Kagome had lended her. Kaname was rather on the short side, and the bottom of the pants were dirty from walking around barefoot in the forest with Inuyasha.

"We'll wash and dry your clothes at the village," Kagome informed her when she noticed Kaname timidly examining the baggy outfit. Inuyasha kneeled down as Kagome slung her backpack over a shoulder, and after climbing onto his back. Sango and Miroku hopped onto Kirara, and Shippo mounted Kagome's shoulder. Kaname wondered where she was to ride.

"Here, Kaname. You can sit in front of me," Sango patted the section of Kirara in front of her. Somehow Kaname climbed onto the fire neko youkai, and gripped her mane-like fur. Then the neko began to run, bringing butterflies into Kaname's stomach. She wondered how in the world Inuyasha, Kagome, and Shippo would keep up with them. But with a slight glance to the left, there they were, Inuyasha running remarkably fast, and he didn't even seemed to be fazed by the speed. Like it was just a walk in the country side. Inuyasha noted her stare, but didn't make it known. He knew that she was marveling at his speed, and he flaunted it immensely.

Though they were traveling at an immense speed, it took a few hours to Kaede's village. They entered Kaede's hut, to find her lying down. Everyone feared her end was appraching, but of course they didn't want to admit to each other. They merely told her quietly they had returned. Everyone walked back outside, not wanting to stay there with the sickly woman they loved dearly. Inuyasha took a deep breath, and scratched the back of his ear. He was waiting for Kagome to leap on her pink bike and pedal as fast as she could to the well. But she stood, shifting her weight from her heel to the sole of her foot, so that it appeared she was rocking slightly.

"Hey, Kaname...," she started. Kaname perked at her name being said. "Want to come with me to my house and get some clothes?"

"Oh, yeah! That'd be great," she smiled happily.

"Let's go then," Kagome turned on her heel, and Kaname followed. Inuyasha followed, too. But he didn't yell at Kagome for leaving. He promised her after all. It would be stupid to try and make her stay. Miroku, Shippo, and Sango stood there, left with themselves to try and figure out to do something with the rest of the day. They didn't know how long Inuyasha was going to be there, so they figured if he didn't come back in a few hours, they would go search for some leads on Jewel Shards, after resting up of course.

"Where do you live, Kagome?" Kaname asked, starting conversation.

"I live in Tokyo," Kagome smiled. Kaname went quiet. But... that was in modern Japan. Then again, Kagome was the one who told her that they were in the past. How else would she know about the future? And all that stuff in her bag. Kaname was suddenly excited about going back to her own time, and then she became sad, thinking it would be even better if Saki was with her. She knew that if her friend was to be there with her, they'd go back home in an instant.

"Here we go," Kagome's voice snapped her from her thoughts of Saki. Kaname blinked at what she saw. A well? It was old, she could easily see. Plants snaked up the sides from years of just sitting there. Kagome swung her legs over the well's rim, backpack at hand, and she jumped. Kaname blinked, and looked round at Inuyasha.

He looked at her like she was stupid.

"Well, jump in, baka!" he cried, when she didn't move. She scowled at him, but walked to the well, and looked down inside. Kagome wasn't there at the bottom. Neither was her backpack. When she was going to turn and ask Inuyasha what was going on, he grabbed her around the middle, and jumped in. Kaname clamped her eyes shut, and clenched her fingers on his haori. Inuyasha rolled his eyes. A flash of light could be detected behind her eye-lids, and she opened them. They were falling, in some time of large black hole, that seemed endless. Pink light engulfed them, and then it became so bright she couldn't see anything.

Almost as soon as it had appeared, it had went away, and they were standing in the well again. Without warning, Inuyasha grabbed her again, and jumped out of the well. But instead of blue sky and trees surrounding her, she was in a well house. Kagome was sitting there on the steps, waiting for them.

"Let's go," she jumped up and grabbed Kaname's hand. "I want you to meet my mom." They left Inuyasha in the well house with the yellow backpack. Inuyasha glumly grabbed it, and slinked after them.

"And this, is my room," Kagome lead her into the room, and the first thing that hit Kaname was: pink. Pink carpet, bedspread, lamp, walls. Very... teenage, she supposed. She was the same age as Kagome, if not a bit older, and she could cope with all the frilliness. Though it wasn't her thing.

"I like it," she said quietly, fiddling with the lamp beside the bed.

"What's the matter?" Kagome asked.

"I just... never had a room of my own," Kaname admitted, giving a sheepish grin, then she shrugged it off by chuckling a bit. Kagome smiled apologetically, but then her face brightened. She dashed to her closet door, and swung it open.

"Take your pick," Kagome gestured at the clothes hanging in there. There were brightly colored skirts and blouses. Kaname didn't want to dress up too much. Or at least what she thought dressing up was. Shyly she chose a dark blue and long-sleeved thin sweateer, with a hip-complimenting brown skirt. In the present, it just happened to be fall. Kagome approved of her fashion-sense, and she lead Kaname to the bathroom.

"The towels are in that closet," Kagome pointed, and she closed the door. Kaname undressed out of Kagome's pajamas, and stepped into the shower, marveling at the cleanliness. Unfortunately, the orphanage she had stayed at wasn't top-notch. She turned the dial, and semi-hot water came down on her. It was nice, to be in a shower, since she smelled strongly of lake water. When she began to get drowsy, she woke herself up by washing her hair and body, then she turned off the water, and stepped out. She grabbed two towels, wrapping her hair in one, and drying of her body with the other. She dressed in Kagome's nice clothes, and wiped the water off the floor with her towel.

Her reflection in the mirror was shrouded by the steam of the hot water. With a sigh, she flicked the towel from her hair, and threw it over the back of the toilet. Gathering Kagome's pajamas in her arms, she exited the bathroom, and headed downstairs. Lunchtime. The house was heavy with the smell of food. She shyly walked into the kitchen, and saw everyone was in there, eagerly waiting at the table. Kagome spotted her from the corner of her eye, and jumped up, taking her pajamas from Kaname. She disppeared through another door, which Kaname guessed was the laundry room.

"Sit down at the table, dear. Your soup is nearly ready," Mrs. Higurashi told her, and she took a seat next to Inuyasha. He eyed her in Kagome's clothes, but he didn't say anything. Souta sat on the other side of Inuyasha, petting Buyo under the table. When Kagome returned, she sat across the table from the other three, and then the food was served. Miso soup and rice cakes. Inuyasha found himself thinking that ramen Kagome prepared was better. But the food smelled and looked good nonetheless, so he dug in. Kaname found it quite delicious.

"Hey, Kaname," Kagome said, after pushing her bowl aside. "Want to go shopping?"

"Hm?" Kaname asked, unfortunately having just bitten into a rice cake. Kagome laughed. "Shopping. I could get you some of your own clothes. So you can stay here or in the feudal era with Inuyasha." Kaname glanced at Inuyasha.

"I'll stay here, if you don't mind, I mean," she answered after swallowing. "But I don't have any money--,"

"Don't worry about it," Kagome smiled, waving the subject away. "I have money. And I don't really need it. I'm in the feudal era most of the time, anyway."

"Uhm, well, sure," Kaname nodded.

"Great. Want to go now?"

"Okay," Kaname nodded. Inuyasha stood, too. He was going to go anywhere that Kagome did, after all.

"No, Inuyasha. This is girls time. You stay here," Kagome grabbed Kaname's hand, and they left. Inuyasha sat down in the living room, grumbling to himself.

"Wait, Kagome! I'll drive you!" Mrs. Higurashi scurried after the two girls. Souta came to join Inuyasha. He was carrying Buyo, but the cat hopped from his arms to land in front of Inuyasha. The hanyou scratched the neko's ears strictly by habit, and sighed.

"Women," Souta muttered.

"Mmmm," Inuyasha agreed.