InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blinded ❯ There IS a cure! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

After Inuyasha's wound stopped bleeding, he was laid on Kagome's sleeping bag and she immediately tended to his wounds and gave him the poison antidote from Jinenji. His breath calmed a little but not enough. He also had a fever, but that was expected from the quantity of poison that still was in his stream. This also would make his recovery even harder. But most of all, Kagome was worried about his eyes. The snake spat him directly. When she arrived at him after the snake stabbed him with that spike, the first thing that caught her attention was the numerous blisters and burns that were around his eyes, and she realised that the eyes were badly affected by seeing the “tears of blood” that were on his cheeks.
Her friends knew that she was worried about his fate. Sango said that normal poison was nothing compared with this. It was like Naraku's miasma, concentrated. Sango didn't want to give Kagome such horrible information, but she was forced to. When Kagome heard this she broke in tears, blaming herself for everything.
-“It's all my fault!” she said through sobs. “If I didn't want a nice place to sleep, we wouldn't have stayed in the village and we wouldn't have gone after the snake!”
-“Kagome-chan, it isn't your fault! We would have arrived at the village in the end! It was in our way! Don't blame yourself! Crying won't make Inuyasha better!”
Kagome whipped the tears from her eyes and nodded. Sango was right. Tears won't make Inuyasha better. But how couldn't she worry? Inuyasha would be blind! He wouldn't be able to fight nor search for the Jewel Shards based only by this sense of smell! And there was Naraku…he surely will use this in his advantage! She could feel the tears in her eyes again. She won't be able to see those amber eyes again! She hid her face in her knees not wanting for the others to see her.
-“Isn't there something to help him?” she muffled. “An antidote?”
Sango thought for a moment.
-“If his eyes are not that badly damaged, there is a cure, The Dokusan…” Kagome lightened up “…but…”
-“But?!” Kagome almost cried.
-“ But it is very rare and the only place I know where to find it is very far from here. It's at the distance of a day and a half even by flying on Kirara, and the place is swarming with youkai. Plus, it might be too late even if we bring the antidote!”
-“I don't care! There IS an antidote, and I'm going to find it!”
She reached for her quiver and bows and ran to Kirara.
-“Kagome-chan! What are you doing?!”
-“I'm going to find the antidote! It's my fault that Inuyasha is like this, and only I can repair what is damaged!”
Before she could get on Kirara a hang grabbed her by the wrist.
-“Sango-chan, please…I have to do this!” she begged.
-“Kagome-chan, please understand me also! It's far too dangerous! The place is swarming with youkai! You must stay here!”
-“But…but Inuyasha needs me!” Kagome said, tears streaming on her cheeks.
-“Of course he needs you…he needs you beside him, Kagome-chan.” Kagome looked at Inuyasha who was sound asleep, the antidote from Jinenji making his effect. His smaller wounds were almost healed, but the bigger ones were still in need of time. And there were his eyes…
-“Sango-chan…I…” Kagome began.
Her “sister” put a hand on her shoulder.
-“I understand your worries, Kagome-chan, but you'll make it even worse if you're get yourself killed! Is that what you want?”
Kagome dropped her eyes.
-“See? Kagome-chan, Inuyasha needs you…only you can use the healing supplies from your time the best of us, so please…let us bring the Dokusan cure…”
Kagome looked in her “sister's” eyes and saw the determination.
-“Okay…” she gave up.
Sango embraced her and said in her ear.
-“Thank you, Kagome-chan. Don't worry, we'll be back in a day, at least. Just take care of Inuyasha.”
-“Thank you, Sango-chan. I will.”
Sango retreated from Kagome and headed to her nekomata. Seeing her master approaching, Kirara transformed in her bigger form to let Sango and Miroku climb on her. After they were on, Miroku said:
-“Come, Shippou!”
The kitsune looked around and then pointed at himself.
-“Who, me?” he asked.
-“Yes, you, Shippou.” said Sango. “We will need a small person to help us, and you are just the right size.”
-“But why…?”
He didn't have to say what he wanted because Miroku already snatched him by his tail.
-“Miroku!!! What are you doing?!”
Sango giggled and turned to Kagome.
-“We'll be back as fast as we can. Take care.”
And with that, Kirara took off and they disappeared from the sight.
-`Good luck, Sango-chan, be safe,' she turned to the sleeping form of Inuyasha. `And please bring the cure…'
With Sango and Miroku, Shippou was still struggling in their grasps.
-“Let me go! Letgoletgoletgoletgoletgoletgoletgo!!!
-“Shut up, Shippou!” Sango said, being really pissed off by the kitsune's actions.
-“I won't stop until you two say why you took me?! I would have helped Kagome with Inuyasha's tending!”
-“That's just it, Shippou!” Miroku said. “Kagome-sama needs some time alone with our friend. Inuyasha needs her now. Only her!”
Shippou looked at him, and then it struck him.
“I hope you didn't get Shippou any ideas, Houshi!” Sango warned.
-“Sango! How could you think about me like that!? I have no intent of teaching a child as Shippou such dishonoured ways!”
-“I hope not!” *SLAP* “But keep your dishonoured hands off my behind!”
Kagome remained looking at the sky watching until Sango and the others flew away. In the back of her mind, she mentally thanked them for taking Shippou. She sure was in need for some quality time with Inuyasha, without Shippou jumping between them. Her cheeks heated.
-`Get a grip, girl! Inuyasha is in a poor state! You can't think about that when he's…'
Her thoughts were interrupted by a small moan behind her.
She was instantly by his side.
-“…Kagome…”he rasped.
She let out a breath she didn't knew she was holding. If Inuyasha was awake, it meant that he defeated the snake's poison…but still…he was still weak.
-“Do you need anything Inuyasha?” she said gently.
-“…water…” he said, almost a whisper, but Kagome understood.
Kagome went at the nearby river and filled a bottle with fresh water. She rushed back at the camp, not to leave Inuyasha alone for too much. She filled a cup and kneeled in front of him.
-“Can you sit up?” she asked then she bonked herself mentally. `He has a hole in his abdomen, and you tell him to sit?!' “Let me help you…”
She easily lifted his head, not to much to provoke him more pain and brought the cup to his dried lips. Inuyasha took small sips of water until his dried throat was satisfied. Kagome then laid his head gently back onto the sleeping bag and checked him for fever. She sighed gladly; the fever disappeared most of it.
As she was about to retract her hand, she herds a voice:
-“…please…could you…do that…?”
-“What?” `Inuyasha said please?'
Kagome looked at Inuyasha and saw him leaning to her touch. It was just like the time with the Spiderheads when he was poisoned and leaned to her touch and told her that she smelled nice. Maybe it's from the poison again. But…she wouldn't miss it for anything! She began to move her hand on his forehead; then she went up his scalp and began massaging his ears. He gave a sigh of contentment and Kagome smiled even more when, deep from his throat, he gave a soft growl, almost like a purr. She continued to massage his ears until he fell asleep again. Seeing him asleep, a yawn came upon her. She didn't realise that she was this tired. The worry about Inuyasha's condition took more out of her that she expected. Knowing that he is better, she let sleep overcome her too.
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