InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Blue Moon Rise ❯ Don't Get Any Ideas! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2: Don't Get Any Ideas!
Large chocolate brown eyes watched the three demons get knocked off their feet, telling her to grab onto something. She clung to a tree with her good arm, the other holding Shippou tightly. The demons tried their best to hold onto something but the force was too strong for them. They disappeared into the black hole as if they were nothing. Sango couldn't believe how strong Miroku's wind tunnel was at the moment. Her thoughts stopped to one thing concerning her so. Did the wind tunnel grow? Is it going to consume him? Please Kami… anything but that…
Her grip wasn't strong enough to hold on. She cried out his name when she lost it. He gasped and quickly closed his wind tunnel in time for her to just smack right into him. He felt something soft and round hit his face. He fell on the ground with Sango sitting on his face. His bodies twitched, no air coming to aid him. Shippou looked down at the poor fellow and shook his head. “Sango-chan… um...” His words faded once he had pointed to him. Sango blinked and got off, blushing somewhat.
He gasped for air. Sitting up only to be kicked in the face by a very angry and embarrassed yet beautiful demon slayer. Despite her wound she began to beat him senseless. “Houshi-sama, you pervert!!! After I kicked your ass earlier you still are up to no good!!!” Shippou blinked watching two, sighing and slightly pitying him. He grabbed her wrist when she tried to slap him again. His breath was uneasy, looking to the crazy woman who had the strength of ten men with a shocked face.
“M-miss! I think you've mistaken me for someone else! I would never think of doing that.” His explanation seemed somewhat untruthful… Sure… he would never do that but thinking about it was a different thing. He staggered to his feet from the beating she had given him. Sango just slapped him again. “Don't play games with me, Houshi-sama! I know its you even though you're wearing different clothing!” She sighed, turning her back to him, “Thanks for saving me… let's just head back to the village… Kagome-chan and Inuyasha-san must be back…”
He blinked and tilted his head. He had no idea what this woman was talking about. He grabbed her wrist again stopping her in her tracks. She turned to him with a small frown on her face. “What is it, Houshi-sama?” He bowed and smiled sadly. “Your arm is bleeding… here let me clean it up…” She realized this looking to her wound. “This? It's nothing… don't worry about it…” She smiled to him beginning to walk off but her futile attempt of walking away ended in utter failure. He stood in front of her with a serious look. “If we leave your wound unattended it will get infected. Here let me mend it.” He insisted.
He took out some hidden bandages from his sleeves and a small vile with greenish-orange liquid. He moved his hand to her shoulder when she jerked away. “I said I'm fine, don't worry,” she muttered. He just laughed some and smiled, “Do you trust me?” This statement shocked her somewhat causing her to blush. She nodded, “Of course, I do Houshi-sama… but when it comes down to it… you know you can't be trusted for your lecherous ways….”
The calmness of his laughter relaxed her and helped her will her blush away. He placed one hand to his chest and the other was raised. “I promise you, all I will do nothing but clean your wound.” Sango hesitated for a moment before nodding and removing her kimono slightly to show the cut. He studied it before going behind her. “Um… you have to remove your cat suit too.” She blushed some more and glared at him. “You better not get any ideas, monk!” He was taken back by her comment and sighed.
“I won't do any of the sort.” He bowed in respect ushering her to sit down. Her blush deepened but reluctantly sat down opening her cat suit half way making sure not to show any skin. Shippou walked around, recollecting the remaining water containers and began to fill them again.
The boy took one of the containers, pouring some of the water on her wound cleaning it. Sango took a deep breath and closed her eyes. After several minutes, he patched up her wound and smiled. “There see now? I have kept my promise like I always do.” Sango fixed her clothing, looking away embarrassed. “You're acting strange today, Houshi-sama…” was her only comment. She stood up and headed back to the village without another word. He tilted his head watching her leave then followed after her. Shippou was at his heels and let out a sigh. “She can't tell the difference… who are you?”
Shocked and surprised, the boy smiled and laughed some. “Well once I'm able to rest, I'll explain everything.” He responded. Shippou laughed too, nodding. “Okay.”
The sounds of the forest echoed loudly all around as they walked along the path. The village appeared before them. He looked around seeing how peaceful this village is and couldn't help the bodhisattva-like smile spread across his face. The villagers took a quick glance at them then went back to their business as if this was normal. He realized that he was walking with a small demon fox wondering why the villagers hadn't said anything. He arched his brow but let it go when they had stopped in front of Kaede's hut.
“We're back, Lady Ka…e…de……” At a lost for words, seeing Miroku right there before her, not behind her no!! That would mean she had led a complete stranger into the village not even knowing that it could be a trap by a demon but noooo that would be the logical idea! She let her excessive embarrassment and quick instinct of beating the monk senseless had made her blind of that. Miroku smiled to her kind of confused of the situation. “Welcome back, Sango-chan…”
The boy's eyes widen somewhat at the familiar voice of the monk in the black and purple outfit. He walked to the side, revealing himself to him. Miroku slowly placed his staff on the ground once he had spotted the young man. Their gazes never left nor did their mouths move. Sango and Shippou were left to the side switching from the boy to Miroku.
“BROTHER!!!” both shouted after embracing in a brotherly hug causing Sango and Shippou to fall.
SOOOOO SOOORRRYYY!!! It's short again… I know… but you can't blame me!!! I'm trying to fill your needs for another chapter! -Rubs the back of her neck sheepishly- Hehehe… Sorry…
OH! By the way, I'm not sure what to make it… If I was Sango who should I pick? -Rubs chin, looks to Sesshoumaru and tackles and clings.- Fluffy isn't a choice but he's mine! (Just Kidding!) -Looks to K-san- uhh… -Grins-