InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Bottled Genius ❯ Kagome's Revenge ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: I've finally made it back to the city (Yay!) About damn time.

Anyway, in answer to a few questions, this story won't be one chapter for every wish (ie. 10 chapters) because I find that a little restricting and I get very superstitious about how I plot each chapter… don't ask… but if I start a trend of one chapter per wish and then break the trend, a ladder will fall on my head or something stupid like that. But this story shouldn't be much longer than eleven or twelve chapters… I can't stretch it beyond that I'm afraid.

Bottle Genius

Chapter 4

Kagome's Revenge

The second day of school was somewhat easier than the first. Mainly because she had no math lessons that day (but it meant that she had double maths tomorrow as a result). Kagome drifted through the time table monotonously, learning nothing knew and praying that time just speeded up so she could get out of school all the faster.

She was an average student, not incredibly brainy, but in no way dumb. She just worked her hardest and she usually ended out on top… but that had been when she'd liked school… now she hated it… found no interest in it and was already aware that if she didn't slap it together, she'd fall behind.

Of course, she could always ask Inuyasha to make her one of those effortlessly clever people. The ones who did no work and no revision and still got ninety odd percent marks in their exams.

But then again Inuyasha might just made her brain explode as a side-effect… best not tempt fate.

Science was her next worst subject to Maths… but fortunately the teacher was a fairly decent woman and didn't pick Kagome out for her weakness. Her strongest subject was history… but with such a boring history teacher, she was fast losing interest in the topic, and in the surprise pop quiz about when indoor plumbing was invented she found she was already slipping behind again.

Lunch time wasn't much of a relief though. Normally she'd be hanging out with her friends, talking about nonsense and boys and the new singles out in the music stores… but here she had no one. So she busied herself with some Chemistry homework.

Glancing up absently from her work she spotted Souta getting along very well with the other kids his age… well… at least one of them was happy in this hell hole. However… Souta was one of the lucky ones here. She moved her gaze over to the corner of the playing field where a boy Souta's age was being pushing around beneath a tree by some of the older kids around her age. She sighed and put her pen down, wondering if she should go try and put a stop to the bullying herself, or go to a teacher. But a fat lot of good those people were… she'd already complained once to a teacher about a case of bullying and the teacher had just kind of shrugged and said there was nothing to be done about it.

Kagome was about to stand up and stomp off to go tell the bullies to knock it off when someone sat down in front of her, blocking her view of the bullying. She refocused her gaze quickly to see the girl who now sat opposite her. She was a very plain looking little thing with glasses and freckles and hair so frizzy it was a wonder if she ever combed it. "Don't bother girl, you'll only get beat up yourself."

"Excuse me?" Kagome blinked at her.

The girl jerked her chin behind her. "Don't help the kid, it's not worth it."

Kagome opened her mouth to protest but when she looked back to the tree, the bullies had departed and the boy was safe again… for the time being. "How can the teachers just let them do…?"

"Dunno. They're not what they used to be them teachers." The girl rather presumptuously pulled Kagome's homework book towards her and flicked her gaze over the pages. "And what is this crap?"

"That's Physics." Kagome took the book back, already irritated by the girl's attitude.

"What a joke!" the girl crowed. "A spherical world? What a crazy idea… everyone knows it's flat! You'd fall off the bottom if this were true!"

"Right." Kagome closed the book slowly, intending to make her getaway from the crazy girl.

"Anyway, that's not what I came to talk to you about." She waved her hands as she reasserted herself. "Have you thought about anything new yet?"

"What?" Kagome stopped packing her books away. "I think you have me confused with someone-"

"No I don't." the girl said bluntly, before spying someone across the field. "Oh he's nice looking… do you want him? You can have him if you want."

"What?" Kagome followed her gaze with a frown before looking back at the girl. "Are you ok?"

"Oh I'm fine." The girl replied breezily. "Except this skirt is kinda annoying… I'm not used to them. Too short I believe… But still. Anything you need help with - extra homework, bullies, crushes, stalkers - all you have to do is wish."

Kagome froze and stared hard at the girl. A small smile tilted the girls lips in a familiar fashion and for a moment those muddy hazel, brown eyes flashed a vibrant amber through the spectacles. Kagome's breath caught in her throat. "Inuyasha!" She hissed.


"What are you doing here?!" she looked around hastily as though someone might see him for what he really was. "And what on earth do you look like?!"

"Like your average country bumpkin." He flashed a small grin that revealed a set of braces. "No one looks twice at the ugly girl. What better way to get around and see this place you hate so much?"

"You are unbelievable." Kagome smouldered angrily, stuffing her books back into her bag again. "Why can't you just leave me alone?"

"Because you're my mistress and I can't leave you until you complete all ten wishes." Inuyasha responded mildly.

"You still have the nerve to talk to me that way even after you cheated me of those first two wishes." Kagome snapped at him as she heaved her bag onto her shoulder and stood up from the table. "Do whatever you want here - but don't let anyone see the real you - or else I'll be in trouble."

For some reason what she said amused him. "You're already in trouble, girl."

Kagome watched him a moment, trying to figure out what he meant before giving up and shaking her head. "Whatever. Just leave me alone you… you… animal!"

"You viscous little cow." He called mockingly after her as she began to walk away. "You may have just scarred me emotionally for the rest of my life!"

"Somehow I think you'll survive." She said dryly as she marched back into the school building.

Inuyasha waited a moment, just in case she popped her head out again to yell out another insult, but she wasn't coming back. Casually he glanced around to check no one was looking in his direction before ducking under the table like he was attempting to retrieve a lost pen. When he emerged he wore Kagome's face and Kagome's body.

Arrogantly he flipped his hair over his shoulder and practised batting his eyelashes. "I'm a total bimbo. I have nothing but air and jolly robins between my ears and I think Inuyasha is the hottest guy on the face of this earth."

Yep. Sounded just like her. He looked around discreetly to make sure no one had noticed the change before his gaze fell on a likely looking motley crew a short distance away, picking on another junior kid. He smirked and pushed away from the table. It was time to get moving on that third wish…


Kagome tapped her pen against her notes and stared at the graffiti scratched into the surface of the table she leant on. Obviously her pen-tapping was annoying the other inhabitants of the library and she looked up when one of the teachers shushed her angrily.

"Sorry," she murmured and went back to trying to solve the algebra equation. Bah… algebra… it was the worst thing invented since… since… actually she didn't think there had been anything invented that could possibly be worse than algebra. She sighed and pushed her books away, leaning her chin on her hands as she tried to think of the perfect wish that could get her out of Izu and back into the Shrine. Something that wouldn't have loopholes… something that couldn't be interpreted a different way, otherwise Inuyasha would grant it the other way from what she wanted.

Outside she could hear the voices of the other students picking up in volume, until she heard the distinctive chant of 'Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!'. Kagome rolled her eyes and tried to close her ears to the sound. Another fight? How childish… it seemed like fights broke out every few minutes in this school. And the teachers would do sod all about it as well…

Three girls who were sat at another table giggled their way to the window to look out at the fight outside. After a few moments they simultaneous gasped.

"What is she doing?"

"She's crazy…"

"All those guys against her - she's one dead bird…"

Kagome's interest piqued and she lifted her head to look at the window. She couldn't see over the ledge so she stood and stepped over to the window where the girls were and looked out.

It was a big fight apparently, all the students outside had gathered in a large ring and in the centre was just a mass of moving bodies. "What's going on?" she asked.

"The guys decided to pick on the new girl I guess." One girl answered without looking up at Kagome. "Looks like she's fighting back for a change…"

"New girl?" Kagome peered harder, trying to make out details of the brawling students. For a moment she thought it was some kind of battle royal… they were just fighting each other… but actually, now she looked properly, all of them were targeting the slight, raven haired girl at the centre who was delivering kicks and punches with the strength and power of a two hundred pound boxer. Members of the gang were practically being thrown in every direction.

"She's strong." One of the girls commented.

"Steroids." Another snorted contemptuously.

"Some kind of drug at least…"

Kagome suddenly hurtled away from the window and out of the library so fast she surprised even herself. She flew down the halls at god-like speed… ish… barging past other students in her hurry to find an exit. She eventually found a fire exit and pushed down to bar to release the door and hurry off towards the fight in the field. Behind her she heard the loud ringing of the fire alarm going off and grimaced to herself. Her old school's fire exits had never done that…

She reached the edges of the gathered students and valiantly tried to push her way through the evil chanting children. It wasn't working… the crowd was too thick and she wasn't as strong as the other Kagome who was currently rugby tackling two boys at once.

"Inuyasha!" she yelled, her voice drowned out by the chanting. "Inuyasha - what the hell do you think you're doing! You're going to get me into trouble!"

She ducked between two students to get nearer to the actual fight… she almost regretted it. This put her in the centre of the crowd, amongst all the pushing and shoving kids while she tried to stay on her feet and keep getting enough oxygen. "Inuyasha!" she yelled. "Stop it! You stupid violent jerk! Inuyasha!"

Miraculously he heard her. She saw him duck a blow from a rather heavily built young man before turning to fix his gaze straight on her. Kagome realised with dismay that he was really enjoying himself… his eyes were bright with mischief and excitement and he was grinning like an idiot. The heavily built boy took another dive for him, but in an eye blink Inuyasha had ducked again, kneed him the stomach and had darted towards her.

Kagome stiffened in surprise as she saw him approaching at the speed and shoving power of a runaway rhinoceros. She realised just what he was about to do, a fraction of a moment too late. "NO - don't you dare you-"

She was cut off with a sound 'oof' as he tackled her hard to the ground and landed on top of her. In the split second that followed he simply grinned at her with her own face and disappeared with a small wisp of scarlet smoke. Kagome lay on her back, breathing hard and staring up at the sky.

The students around her were parting… but Kagome only realised this when the face of her Math's teacher popped into her view of the blue sky. He did not look happy.

"Higurashi. To the headmistress' office… now." He grabbed her arm none too gently and hauled her to her feet.


"Care to explain what possessed you to take on two dozen boys in a grappling brawl?"

Kagome fidgeted nervously in the uncomfortable chair before the headmistress' desk. Behind her was her form tutor and to her right was her Math tutor. Kagome had lost her voice… what else could she say? Her evil twin had started the fight, not her? They wouldn't believe that… no one would… she'd doubt it herself. But they'd be even less likely to believe that the girl fighting those prats was actually a boy and a Wishbringer boy at that who was over five hundred years old if Oda Nobunaga was anything to swear by.

The woman who sat behind the desk before her was tiny and very shrew or sparrow like. Kagome already disliked her… seeing as the woman had already set her in detention yesterday.

"Well?" the headmistress pressed.

"I… I don't know what to say…" She really didn't. "I didn't mean to hurt anyone…"

Except Inuyasha had. She'd seen the look in his eyes when he'd been beating the crap out of those other boys, he enjoyed throwing those punches… he lived for fighting. Kagome's gaze fell her the hands she held clasped in her lap. Her knuckles had gone white. But she couldn't understand why Inuyasha had done such a thing… she hadn't realised he was out of her control like this. Wherever he seemed to go chaos and disruption seemed to follow. Whoever he met, all seemed to meet their own sticky end. Maybe he really was evil?

"Six boys have broken noses." The Math teacher to her right rattled off, making Kagome start nervously. "Two have broken arms and seven have broken ribs. The others have black eyes and bruises and split lips. You brutalised them, Higurashi."

Didn't they think it was a little odd that little old Kagome had beaten up two dozen boys like some black belt Jackie Chan? Well… the entire student body who'd witnessed the fight couldn't be wrong. Kagome bit her lip. "I didn't mean to…"

"Not to mention we found this in your locker." Her form tutor stepped forward and placed a shoe box on the desk. Kagome had never seen it before in her life, she was sure of that much. The form tutor removed the lid and all occupants of the office leaned forward to take a look.

"What is it?" the headmistress asked with a puzzled frown. Kagome echoed her question silently in her head.

"It's a home made bomb set to go off five minutes from now." The form tutor told them.

Kagome drew back with a gasp in her chair. Her form tutor glanced at her. "Don't worry, I unplugged it."

"Care to explain why you have a bomb in your locker, Higurashi?" The headmistress asked, warily eyeing what looked like an egg timer attached to a small radio.

"I-I…" Kagome stammered as she looked from one teacher to the other. "It's not mine! I didn't put it in my locker - I suck at electronics - how could I make a bomb?!"

They didn't believe her if all the grim faces watching her was anything to go by.

"I think…" the headmistress pursed her fingertips together as she rested her elbows on the table. "I'll have to call your mother… you're expelled from this school, Higurashi."

Kagome sank down in her seat miserably.


Inuyasha sighed in a self-satisfied way as he watched the scant few clouds drift across the blue canopy above his head. Kagome would be home any time now if that phone call had been any indication. The girl's mother had answered the phone… and her thirty seconds of shocked silence was enough confirmation that the wish had been granted. His smirk had widened when he'd heard the muffled voice of Kagome's mother echo, "Expelled…?"

The woman was off collecting her daughter now, and Inuyasha lay once more on the oil tank outside the kitchen window, his head pillowed on his arms and his legs crossed with one foot bobbing gently in the air. Somewhere around the other side of the house, the old Grandpa could be heard sweeping the dust and dry dirt off the outdoor steps and the porch, his brush making a rhythmic sound that Inuyasha could bob his foot to.

Of course if the old bat wandered too close Inuyasha was prepared to disappear… it wouldn't do to get caught skulking around this place.

His ears perked up as he heard the distant sound of a familiar motor engine approaching along the country lane. Chances were, it was the Higurashi's car - not many other vehicles came down this road. Besides, he recognised the tone of the engine.

The car pulled up outside the house and the engine went quiet. The slamming of two car doors followed and Inuyasha tilted his head better to hear the voices around the other side of the house.

"… I don't care what they say, Kagome, they must be stupid if they believe a model student like you could be a trouble maker…"

Mrs Higurashi received no vocal response from her daughter apparently.

"There must have been some sort of mistake. But it was a rotten school anyway… you're probably better off being home schooled now."

"Home… schooled?" Kagome finally spoke up.

"Well there's no other school for miles, we have no choice." Mrs Higurashi told her. "Aren't you coming in the house, Kagome?"

"No… I… I think I'll just go for a walk…"

The front door closed and Inuyasha turned his head back to watch the clouds… that one over there looked uncannily like a sheep with no legs or head. Kagome was approaching the oil tank, but he ignored her presence in favour of cloud spotting.

But without warning, a surprisingly strong hand grasped his sleeve and yanked. Hard. He was totally unprepared for the rude greeting and slipped straight off the oil tank with a cry of surprise and fell straight to Kagome's feet. She didn't waste any time insulting him or glaring at him. She just grabbed his ear and started to drag him away - he had no choice but to follow or risk a very bruised ear in the morning… her grip was unnervingly strong.

"Bitch - let go of me!" he griped as she tugged him along the grassy garden and into the trees. "Did you hear me you deaf cow?! I said let go!"

She didn't reply or make any indication she'd heard him as she dragged him over the quaint little bridge of the river and into the trees on the other side. She didn't stop until she seemed to decide they were far enough from the house. He wondered why she'd taken him so far away… perhaps to murder him horribly. She turned to him calmly after releasing his ear, he tottered back a few steps, rubbing it angrily. "What the hell was that for?" he snapped.


The scream echoed around the surrounding trees like some kind of Banshee's wail. Inuyasha blinked in surprise as a flock off crows took flight somewhere from the trees beyond their small clearing. "I didn't." he replied, but without much conviction.

"You stole my form and then you beat up two dozen boys - we all saw it! Not only did you do it to satisfy you're overly aggressive and violent needs but you got ME into trouble!!" she stormed closer to him and grabbed his hair with both hands to drag his head down to her level. "Now do you understand why I am so pissed off?!"

He slapped her hands away none too gently and moved away from her. "I did nothing of the sort-"

"Why you-"

"You made the wish - I granted it for you!"

"Since when?!" Kagome shrieked.

"Since last night when you were crying and moping and wished to never go back to school again!" he yelled back.

For a moment she just stared at him, not understanding. Then she remembered… "You just took that out of context… I didn't mean I never wanted to go to school again… You must have known I wasn't serious!"

"NO - I didn't!" he glared hotly at her. "But aren't you happy? You don't have to go there anymore - you won't start crying again!"

"I need to go to school!" Kagome yelled at him. "I need my education if I am supposed to get anywhere in this world! You took that away and for no reason!"

"A wish is a reason-"

"That wish meant nothing and you know it!" She punched his shoulder angrily. He didn't even budge. "You're so out of control! You're so violent and evil! It wasn't enough that you broke Kikyo's heart and stole her voice and killed her father - but you just had to kill her too! When do you plan to kill me?!"

"Shut up! I had no choice! I have to obey wishes whether I want to or not!" he shouted back furiously.

"You do have a choice! You could have warned her of what you were capable of - but you didn't! And you didn't warn me either! This is just your sick way of getting kicks isn't it!"

"You know nothing!"

"I don't care anymore - just tell me how to get rid of you and we'll both be happy!" She had tears in her eyes, he only just noticed, and a small wet trail had tracked down her cheek from the corner of her eye. "If I make any more wishes it may just cost me my life - so I order you to tell me how to get rid of you!"

He narrowed his eyes and folded his arms. "You can't. The only way to get rid of me is to kill me. Or to kill yourself. The only other way is to complete all ten wishes and then you're free of me… but you'll possibly be dead, won't you." He smirked sarcastically. "Now are you satisfied? It's nothing but the truth."

"I hate you!" Kagome seethed, her fists clenched by her side and her head dropped… her eyes were screwed tightly shut as she trembled with suppressed anger or tears… probably both. "I wish…"

Inuyasha's head snapped up in surprise.

"I wish you would just listen to me for once - that you'd understand my wishes and do what I wanted instead of running off and doing it your way! Obey me! Be honest! Tell me what I want to know and do what I tell you to do! That's what I wish!"

Two rough hands grabbed her arms roughly and shook her until her head rose almost fearfully to meet his beyond seething glare. "Take it back!" he yelled in her face.


"You don't know what you're wishing for!"

"I do - I want you to grant my wishes my way!"

"You stupid little girl - you have no idea what you're doing!" he shook her again angrily.

"My name is not stupid little girl, or cow, or bitch or wench or anything other than Kagome!" Kagome struggled angrily against his steel grip. "Now grant it!" she screamed, refusing to meet his eyes.

He didn't do anything for a few seconds, they both stood tense and frozen, burning anger coursing through both of them. "As… you… wish…" he ground out dangerously, his eyes narrowing further. "I'm going to make you so sorry for this."

Kagome met his eyes squarely and narrowed them as well. "Well you can kiss my ass, jerk."

With a hard thump she hit the forest floor on her front, half winding herself. "You bastard!" she wheezed, and immediately started to rise up. However, one callused, clawed hand gripped the back of her brown school jacket and pushed her down again. Before she could scream more insults and threats she felt the fingers of his other hand hook around the waistband of her skirt and tug it down. She froze in pure shock and horror as she felt the unmistakable sensation of a pair of warm lips press against her skin just south of her hip.

She couldn't move, let alone breathe, even as he released her shirt and pulled her skirt back up to stand back away from her. She just stared in dumb-founded shock at the ground in front of her, and she only just recognised it when Inuyasha spoke behind her.

"I'm going to make your life a living nightmare… Kagome." He said evenly, venom dripping from his tone and somehow made her own name sound like the worst insult of them all.

"Kagome?!" Souta's voice sailed through the trees towards her and she heard the snapping of twigs underfoot as her younger brother approached. She looked behind her in time to see him come toddling through the bushes, lunch box still in hand having just got home from school himself.

Inuyasha was no where to be seen.

"And… what are you doing?" Souta stared at her peculiar position on the forest floor.

Self-consciously Kagome sat up and helplessly tried to brush the dirt stains off her uniform… not much point… she'd never be wearing it again.

"I heard you got expelled for kicking the boys' asses." Souta said, breaking out into a gleeful grin. "Is it true?"

"Um…" she bit her lip before nodding slightly. "Cool! Wait till I get Gramps!" he turned and started to run off before quickly looking back. "Oh - but this doesn't mean you're going to be one of those big sisters who always fights her brothers battles - because I don't want that."

"But I do it already." She replied with a slightly irritated frown.

"Yeah, but that was before everyone realised you were crazy." He smiled broadly and ran off again.

Kagome looked around hesitantly, half expecting Inuyasha to be standing behind her, but she seemed just as alone as she felt. Still trembling from such an emotional tirade she ran her grubby hands over her face and rubbed her tears away.

She felt as weak and anxious as a nervous little baby rabbit… and very vulnerable all of a sudden. She could almost still feel the heat of his lips still burning against her skin, and she cautiously slipped her hands under her waistband to rub her offended hip.

Maybe making that fourth wish hadn't been such a good idea…?

AN: Next chapter - 'Inuyasha's Revenge' *insert jaws music here*