InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ By the Cycles of the Moon ❯ Don't Abandon Me ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Wow you guys. I'm speechless. I actually got 100 reviews!!!!!! I was so surprised I almost choked! (heh heh *sweatdrop*) But I really thank you guys for sticking with me even when I'm being a lazy ass. Thanks you guys soooo much. I really appreciate it. Oh yeah, I lied about the OC. I've decided to put him in another fic, and the art… ah well, just don't raise your hopes. But I may put some art up once I get the sequel to this thing goin'… mwahahaha *evil laugh* yup, you guys are getting a sequel to this whether you like it or not! But I got to finish this story first before anything else. And I really really really really thank you guys for sticking with me… once again. I have this awful habit of starting things and NEVER finishing them. My parents' houses are full of junk with half-written stories and half-drawn comics that will sadly never see the end of their existence. *tear* poor things. Oh well, I should be saying that to you guys for making you wait so long!

So as a sort of present, I'll try and make a super long chapter, and I'll give you a little… preview of what may happen in the future of the story. Bwahaha!

And I'll shut up not… I thought I said I was speechless… gawd I'm such a hyprocrite. ^_^;

Warning: Some lime

Chapter 6:

Kagome woke up stiff the next morning from sleeping in the uncomfortable position of sitting on her legs all night. She opened her eyes to see a sleeping form of Inuyasha, shivering and shaking every few minutes, but otherwise in fair condition. By sighing and looking up at the wall in front of her, she studied at the white scratch she had made the night before; her own calendar from the imprisonment of Demon-Inuyasha.

She stood and caught herself on the wall, her arm stretched out over Inuyasha, and she leaned over to look at him. `Such a peaceful sleeper…' She thought, smiling.

Leaning back, she felt a soft pressure wrap around her ankle. Whipping her head around, she saw Inuyasha gripping her foot, though his eyes were tightly closed. Her own eyes widened.

"In-Inuyasha?" She stuttered in surprise.

"Do not leave me, Kagome," He responded, ignoring her question. Kagome gasped in her mind. He had called her by her name. Maybe… just maybe… he had returned normal somehow? Unproven hope bubbled up through her body and made her giggly.

"Inuyasha, I am only going to get more water for breakfast, ok? Don't worry, I'll be right back," Kagome replied, her light eyes softening at his concern. She tried to pull away, but Inuyasha's claws dug into her flesh, leaving small slits in her skin in their wake. "OUCH! Inuyasha-!"

"You had better not leave me," Inuyasha growled threateningly, opening his still blood-red eyes and staring directly into Kagome's blue ones. Kagome let out a small gasp as disappointment flooded through her body and flushed out all the bubbly feelings of hope from it. Inuyasha closed his eyes in pain, and Kagome was glad he did, because she knew the disappointment had returned to her eyes in the form of transparent tears.

"Stop being paranoid, Inuyasha. I would never leave you," Kagome scolded as though the demon were a small boy, her disappointment leaving her somehow. It might have been the fact that it felt awkward to scold Inuyasha like that… or it could have been something more. But Kagome couldn't put her finger on it, and the thought was quickly receding from her mind. She didn't mean what she said in the way Inuyasha had received it as, and Inuyasha knew that, but he still wanted to believe what he thought he heard.

Smirking slightly, Inuyasha released Kagome's ankle and pulled his hand back to his chest as pain fired up though his body from his stupid half-brother's poison. But it was a reassurance that his mate-to-be willingly helped him. After how much fear he had smelt on her the past days, this was very surprising. Very surprising indeed, accounting that he had not even marked her yet…

Inuyasha's red eyes snapped wide open as he just realized that thought, though it caused him to wince in pain. He hadn't marked her yet. And in his poisoned, paralyzed state, he could not protect her. That meant another demon could claim her. A snarl crossed his face at the thought.

The full demon watched in enraged jealousy of his own creation as Kagome slowly made her way over to the fire pit next to the injured demon, as to not splash any water out of the pot. She smiled at the scowling demon and turned her back to him to face the fire pit, her odd attire slipping in opposite directions to give Inuyasha a face-full of lightly tanned skin of her lower back. His arousal heated up his body as she shifted her own body to grab two rocks to try and start a fire, mumbling to herself about not bringing matches, (about the only thing she didn't bring.) Inuyasha watched her in interest as she tried over and over in vain to start the fire, when the raged-filled thought of another claiming her, even touching her, crossed his mind. And what angered him further was that maybe Kagome would willingly leave him for someone else… maybe even that dumb wolf…

Inuyasha snarled out in rage, and ignoring the pain, shot up and grabbed the young girl around the waist. She let out a strangled "EEP!" and in surprise, struck the rock with just the right amount of speed and pressure, giving off a sharp spark, igniting the kindling in the fire pit as Inuyasha dragged her back to rest on his chest. Kagome looked up at the ceiling in uttered bewilderment as she was sprawled on her back across the front of the demon who had his arm wrapped protectively around her.

"In-Inuyasha?" Kagome squeaked as Inuyasha's grip tightened. He roughly spun her around so she faced him, his red eyes boring holes into her blue ones, trying to see if she would leave him or not.

"You are mine. You understand that? Mine!" He growled possessively, shaking her a little with every `mine.' Kagome's eyes were wide with shock and fear at his sudden outburst, her mouth open in a non-existent response. Inuyasha smirked at her blank expression and the feeling of her rapidly beating heart, not out of fear, but out of excitement. As he continued to stare at her mouth, the urge to kiss grew up in his mind. He hadn't claimed her lips yet, and it was about time he did. Raising a clawed hand up along her arm, over her shoulder and collarbone, up her neck and under her chin, he drew her head forward as he lifted his and brought it closer to her face. There was no pain. Inuyasha's need to kiss Kagome overpowered all over feelings. Her eyes widened as she knew what was about to happen, yet she couldn't do anything about it if she wanted to. His actions had completely shut down her brain, and no comprehensible thoughts could be played over in it and all she could do was close her eyes and wait to be lost in feeling. Inuyasha smirked at her eyes and whispered "mine," right before he closed his mouth over hers, his fangs pressing into her soft lips. At once, the blast of Kagome's taste from her lips entered in his mouth, and though it was just a sample of her taste, he was instantly addicted… and aroused. He slowly ground his hips up into Kagome's, but that was when her scent skyrocketed with fear and she shoved herself off of him.

"NO!" She cried, hugging herself and crawling to the other side of the fire. Inuyasha looked at her in a pained, angry, confused manor. "I don't want that… not now…" She answered, tears filling her eyes.

"What?!" Inuyasha growled in frustration. "What is the matter with you, bitch?!"

"I don't want that you… you pervert!" Kagome shouted at him. "And to think I thought you actually cared about me in some other way than sex!" With that, Kagome stood up and ran out of the cave entrance. Inuyasha stared in disbelief as the girl left him there… paralyzed! So she was mad because she thought he only wanted her for mating. Inuyasha growled in anger. How dare she think so lowly of him! She should respect him and feel honored to be picked by such a great demon such as himself for a mate! He tried to get up, but the pain that had been blocked out before came back with hurricane force. He roared in pain and frustration and a slight twinge of fear. He would definitely punish her when she got back, but what if she wasn't coming back? He would be paralyzed until someone found him, for his body couldn't fight off such poison, and he would probably die of starvation before someone came to help anyway. He whimpered like an abandoned puppy and angered himself for sounding so weak and pathetic, but he really wanted Kagome to come back, to make sure she hadn't just left him.


Sango had made it to the village by dark the past day. She had pushed Kirara very hard, and had walked the rest of the day when the poor fire cat had done all she could. She would find that Azure Crystallus so Keade could cure Miroku and she would find Kagome and Inuyasha. She pushed herself to exhaustion so she would not have to think about the possibility that Kagome may no longer be alive. But within her heart, she wouldn't believe that and knew the young woman was out there somewhere.

But first she had to get to the mountain, or at least find a way to get up into one of those caves up there.

The demon exterminator walked up to a particular older woman of the village working in her garden before her hut. Sango stepped before the woman and politely made her presence known. The woman squinted up at her in the sun and whipped the sweat from her brow.

"What is it you need young one?" The woman asked.

"I would like to know if there is any way up the mountain. I need to find an item there," Sango replied.

"Ah, yes, there is a way up the mountain," The woman answered back, standing up and wiping dust and dirt off of herself. "But it is quite a way up there. Would you like to come into my home and talk over a cup of tea or hot water?"

"Well I would like to, but you see I am in a hur-" Sango was cut off by a small shout.

A young boy came running around the corner of the hut to his mother, yelling happily about something, but stopped when he saw Sango staring at him. She couldn't believe what she saw.

He had two ears like Inuyasha's on top of his head.

The woman saw Sango's face and stood in front of her hanyou son.

"I am sorry to bother you than young maiden, but if you must be on your way then please do than ogle at my son!" The woman shouted, glaring at Sango.

"I-I am sorry ma'am, but-but you do not see many young hanyous such as your son. Please forgive me for staring," Sango apologized, bowing her head.

"You are as the rest of them are. Just because he is different you think he is evil and horrible!" The woman yelled on the verge of tears, hugging her son to her leg. He looked up at Sango with a pale blue eye. This reminded Sango of how much Inuyasha had said he had been discriminated when he was young, and as Sango looked into the poor young boy's eye, she knew that she did not want the same thing to happen to this boy.

"I am sorry if you think that of me madam, but a friend of mine is a hanyou and I know for a fact that they are not all evil. I am sorry to bother you and upset you, but thank you for your time anyway," Sango said formally, bowing and beginning to leave.

"Wait young one!" The woman shouted after her. Sango turned to face the woman. "You did not come here to taunt my family?"

"Of course not!" Sango cried out, disturbed by the thought of doing so. "I am on a mission to find an item and two of my friends who were lost in the mountain. I was only thinking you may be some help to me, but if you wish me to leave I will do so."

"Oh my dear, poor child! Please come in to my home, please! I will fetch you some tea and I will help you all I can!" The woman shouted, running after Sango and ushering her towards the hut. Sango, bewildered as she was, let herself be pushed into the home and took a seat at the table, putting Kirara beside her.

"Uh… uh… th-thank you ma'am," Sango said, in an awkward surprise.

"Oh please call me Sumira my dear child!" The woman cried happily, bringing Sango some tea and Kirara a dish of crème. She left to the other room to gather something to eat, giving Sango a chance to look around. The place was a wreck, broken things everywhere, but it looked as though they were being used all the same. Sumira and her husband came in with some bread.

"Thank you very much Sumira and uhm, sir, but I really do not need such provisions. It is really kind of you, but I do not wish to-"

"No no, it is quite alright dear child. We do not get many visitors who are as kind as you dear. And please call me Gijinshi." The man stated calmly. He had a sparse look to him, as though he were just tired of life in general and had been through a lot in his lifetime.

"I thank both of you," Sango said once again, bowing from her position. "But why are you so afraid of visitors? Is it because of your son?"

"Yes. People come all the time to tell us he is evil and to do rid of him. But there we cannot, for we will not have him abandoned again," Sumira replied, sipping her tea.

"Again?" Sango asked in light confusion.

"You see, he is not quite our true son. We found him on the side of a road one day while Sumira was forging for herbs and I was hunting. He was near death, and we nursed him back to health. We have kept him now for 5 years, and we would not live with ourselves if we had to let him go just yet. Besides, our other children would not let us live it down," Gijinshi replied, laughing lightly as a boy and a girl ran into the room, laughing and sitting on their parents' laps.

"MOOOOM! Sila and Giji are picking on me again!!!" A young shout resounded from the other room. Sango recognized it as the young hanyou's voice. The boy turned the corner, his blonde hair falling in his face as his pale blue eyes were wide with anger. He saw Sango and his the golden ears on top of his head dropped a bit and he backed up, fear obvious in his face.

"It is alright Yano, she's a friend," Sumira smiled at her, which he returned to her, but he still seemed kind of cautious. He went and sat down between his mother and father. "So what is troubling you my dear…?"

"Sango," The demon exterminator finished for her. "I need to find a certain item that's in the mountain. Maybe you have heard of it, it's called an `Azure Crystallus,'" Sango explained.

"Ah, yes, I've heard of that! It's a very beautiful stone, are you thinking on using it for jewelery?" Gijinshi asked.

"Oh no, a very dear friend of mine is poisoned, and the only ingredient we're missing to finish the antidote for him," Sango answered, lightly bowing her head.

"I am very sorry my dear Sango," Sumira replied, lying her hand on Sango's on the table. "We know a very quick way to some caves that hold that gem. We would gladly show you the way there, but we are helping with the festival of wind this year," The woman added sadly. Sango nodded her head in sad understanding.

"But I'm not!" A young voice shouted. Everyone looked up to see Yano standing, his eyes narrowed in determination. "Since I am not allowed to go to the festival, I will help Lady Sango on her quest!"

"But Yano-!" Sila shouted.

"Are you sure you can do it little brother?" Giji started at his little brother. "You've never tried helping a stranger so willingly before! If I knew better I'd say you had a crush on Lady Sango!" He laughed.

"N-no! Of cour-course not! I-I-I can't believe you th-thought such a thing!" Yano yelled, turning away to hide a blush.

"Yano has a crush!" Sila and Giji laughed in singsong voices.

"Children! Please!" Sumira scolded.

"If it is alright with Lady Sango, I will permit you to go Yano," Gijinshi said, smiling at his youngest son. The young hanyou turned to face Sango and gave her his best `puppy-dog' look. Sango laughed.

"Of course it's alright!"

"YAY!!!!!" Yano yelled, jumping up onto the table to launch himself at Sango to hug her. Sango caught the young boy and laughed at how much she was reminded of Shippo. She and Yano said their good-byes to the family and soon set out to their trek up the mountain.

"So, uhm, Lady Sango, what do you do… I mean, do you specialize in anything… at all? I mean…" Yano asked, trying to start conversation. Sango laughed at the boy once again.

"I am a demon exterminator!"

"Oh wow!! That's so cool! Is that boomerang your weapon?!" Yano asked a mile a minute.

"Yes, it is. You like it?" Sango replied.

"Yes I do!! It's really cool! I wish I had a weapon, but mama and papa won't let me have one…" Yano said, trailing off, his ears drooping.

"I think you are a bit young to be having a weapon, Yano," Sango told him.

"Yeah, everyone tells me that," Yano muttered in a huff.

"Well it's sort of true. But what kind of weapon do you like?" Sango added in hurry, as to not upset the boy. His ears rose.

"I like twin swords!" Yano yelled, bouncing up and down. "I think they'd be the coolest thing!"

"Yeah, I guess they would be!" Sango laughed, but stopped once she saw the boy froze. "What's wrong?"

"I hear something. Stand still. It… sounds like a girl… and she's mad…" Yano explained, closing his eyes and twitching his ears every which way. Sango strained her human ears to hear anything. Soon she heard some shuffling of plants and some choice curse words.

"Why that stupid… I can't believe he did that!... What a nymphomaniac! … Why I aughtta…" And suddenly a young woman burst through the shrubbery to their right in huff. She saw Sango and Yano and froze.

"S-Sango?!" Sango's eyes widened as though she couldn't believe what she saw.



Shippo was increasingly scared of Miroku now. Over the night he had completely changed. His ears now resembled those of Sesshoumaru's, claws hand formed on his hands and feet, and a strange marking of a black circle incased in a purple triangle appeared on his forehead. But what scared Shippo the most was the smell and overall sense of Miroku's power. It just radiated off of the now-demon monk so much that he couldn't even stand to be in the hut with him, much alone the same room. He had much to be afraid of.

Miroku, on the other hand, had woken up and explored his new power with vengeance. He felt like a new being, some completely different from his monk form, and as he thought about it, he now believed he wasn't Miroku the Monk anymore.

He was Miroku the Demon.

With an arrogant smirk, he twiddled a scroll he had secretly stolen off of his door. `Heh, they think such feeble magic will keep me here. I guess having the magic of the monk has done me well after all,' He thought with a chuckle.

But now he was getting bored. There was nothing to do here, at least with Sango gone. He noticed that he still wanted her, even in this form. `So I guess some of the same feelings are transferred to both forms,' He thought. But now it was different. As a human, he wanted Sango as a friend and wife, someone he could depend on and be with, rather than just some sex object. Now, he wanted all of that, but he really wanted just her. It was an urge. He wanted her. He needed her. He wanted to mate with her. And as he thought about it, his arousal grew.

`Oh dammit,' The demon thought, getting up to walk around the room. If he wasn't careful masking his scent as though he were still unconscious, the kitsune would find him out and he would call in Keade. That old miko would surely do something to knock him back out again until Sango came back.


Once again his thoughts traced over to the girl and he felt his need for her increase. `I'm sick of waiting,' He mused in his mind, `So instead of having to wait for her to come here, I'm going to go to her!' With a low chuckle and a sly smirk, he lazily backhanded the air towards the window. A large wind appeared from no-where and spun around in a horizontal tornado. It flew at the window with hurricane force and ended up blowing out the entire wall. Miroku smirked at his hand. Ah, so he was a wind demon. How appropriate.

Two small tornadoes appeared beneath his feet and he was lifted off of the ground. With a little practice, he retained balance and calmly floated out of the room. Shippo and Keade were outside and looked at him with in fearful surprise.

"Happy to see me?" Miroku laughed, floating up higher.

"Miroku! Come back boy! Ye need to be cured!" Keade shouted out, looking up at the demon.

"Ah, you see, the Miroku you're thinking about, and the Miroku I am now, are two completely different people. Sorry to disappoint you," He added nastily.

"What… what happened to you?!" Shippo cried out. Miroku was sort of his fatherly figure, in an odd… goofy… way, and Inuyasha was more as a brother to him. He'd already lost one father, and he didn't want to lose another.

"I've had…" The demon thought for a moment, "A transformation."


"And I quite like it."

With an evil glint in his now red-purple eyes, he flew off, leaving a large wind behind him.

"This is not good. Not good at all…" Keade gasped, staring at the receding form of Miroku.


A/N: Alright guys, I hope that's long enough! And I promised you some sneak peeks, so here ya go:

There will be come character death. Even though I absolutely hate character death, there will be some in the story, but don't make that stop you from reading! There's a big twist in the end!

Yes, there will be some lemons, but not for quite a while. Ah yes, patience my little hentais.

Miroku being a demon will have a big play in the story. Yes, Miroku will be a demon for quite a while, so yeah, you're stuck with the guy.

Naraku and Kikyo will be coming up sometime in the story, and its gonna be soon.

Like I said, there's gonna be a sequel to this, so yeah, let's hope I finish this sometime! Well, that's about it for me to say. I hope you guys enjoyed the story, because I'm usually under a time limit when I DO have time to write this, so yeah. Thanks for reviewing!