InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Captive ❯ Chapter 6

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Inuyasha sucks and I don't want him ~_~
Chapter Six
*Sango's POV*
I know my face was just burning with embarassment as we made our way to the cabin. Miroku was strangly silent, maybe he was in shock? Unfortunetly the silence did not last once we entered the cabin. "So, what was that about darling?" He asked right after the door closed behind us.
"Nothing, that Idora just rubbed me the wrong way." I told him sitting down on the bed. Wild horses wouldn't drag the real explainatin out of me.
"Idora....That sounds familiar. Wait a minute she rubbed you?! Where? How? Show me!" He was getting excited and I happily shot him down.
"It's a figure of speech Hoshi, meaning she bothered me." I rolled my eyes, he's such a perv.
"And the kiss, and that last comment you made when we were leaving? Not that I didn't enjoy it." Miroku asked.
"It was nothing. You know what Hoshi, I'm really tired of sleeping in my clothes do you think you could lend me something?" I asked changing the subject and hoping the thought of me changing clothes would destract him. And it worked for a minute if I judge by the faraway look in his eyes.
"I'd be delighted to darling Sango." He said smiling. "After you finish explaining. Of course if you want to explain later I'm still pretty fired up from that kiss. We could pick up where we left off." Double damn! I cursed mentally.
"Fine" I said reluctantly. "Thinking we're really husband and wife like it says on the registry Idora told me any pleasures I experience at your hand she taught you. And once again it rubbed me the wrong way."
"I'd like to rub you the right way." muttered Miroku.
"What was that?" I asked.
"Nothing." He said quickly. "Hmmm Idora.....Where have I heard that name before?" He mused.
"Idora Hagasaki your so called first." I enlightend him.
"Oooh that Idora. She wasn't my first. One of the first but not THE first. And just how did you know my expertise has gone far beyond what she taught me?" He asked sitting down beside me. I turned red.
"And just how would I know something like that?" I stammered.
"I'm only kidding, though It's not like you could claim personal experience." He sighed then shifted closer to me. "But we could remedy that." He pulled me close and before I could react I felt the warm caress of his lips on mine.
*Miroku's POV*
"But we could remedy that." I pulled Sango closer and slid my lips over hers. This is what I'd been craving since I saw her standing so becomingly with the back drop of the starry sky. What I'd gotten a taste of when she'd kissed me on the deck. What I'd been thinking about since we came back to the cabin. I held her face in my hands so she couldn't struggle though she showed no sign of doing so. After a moment I used my thumb to tug the corner of her mouth until her lips parted. I traced my tongue over her lips then over her teeth and into her mouth.
Sango shifted under my mouth then her hand came up to my cheek caressing it for a second then slid into my hair and kissed me back matching her passion to mine. She was lost in the magic I was creating for her and I was lost right along with her. I slid one hand up into her hair and the other moved to her neck then down to her shoulder and finally down to where her lovely bottom met the bed. She slid her arms around my neck and pulled me closer then.......... there was a knock on the door.
Damn! I reluctanly took my lips from Sango's when the knocker kept knocking. "Who is it?" I called. My voice seemed to break the spell that kept Sango still in my arms. She shoved me away abruptly.
"It's me," Kari stuck her head in the doorway. "Just wanted to tell you we're here. Leave your trunks in the cabin some one will bring them ashore for you." She noticed the way I was glaring at her and Sango who was looking angry and bemused at the same time. "Did I interupt something?" She asked.
"Yes." I replied.
"No." Said Sango at the same time. Kari raised her eyebrows at us then left. When the door closed I risked a glance at Sango. She was glowering at me.
"Hoshi," she said in low dangerous voice.
"No time to fuss Sango." I said quickly, "We need to go now." I grabbed her arm and pulled her from the cabin.
*Sango's POV*
"Are you sure anything lives on this island?"
"Yes Sango, I'm sure this island is inhabitted." Said Miroku for the Millionth time. We had gotten off the ship, left our trunks on Inuyasha's porch and started our trek across the island. After I finished ranting and raving about Miroku kissing me I begain asking him the same question every five minutes. Okay, more like every two minutes. But can you blame me? I can now see the house and not once on this whole little hike did I see or hear anything that would point to life on this island unless you counted plants and trees.
The house itself once we were close enough to see it good, was beautiful though a little scary dark and silent as it was. It was a light blue two story house with a dark blue door and dark blue shutters. The scaryness of the house didn't daunt Miroku one bit he walked right up to the door and opened it. "Come on." He said when he saw me hanging back. I croweded in behind him sticking as close to his back as possible, an experience I'm sure he enjoyed, while he searched and found a light. "So my darling shall we retire to bed?" He asked.
"I'm not really tired."
"Oh. Well then let's work off some energy by further exploring my expertise." He began to draw me towards what seemed to be a bedroom.
"Actually Hoshi, I'm a little hungry." I said quickly.
"To the kitchen then." He led me to the kitchen and seated me at the island counter. "What is your heart's desire?" He asked galantly.
"Hmmm," I thought about it. "Fudge ripple ice cream." I said.
"Coming up." He got two pints of ice cream and two spoons then joined me at the counter. "You just happened to choose my favorite ice cream," he said sliding a pint of ice cream and a spoon to me. "I have about ten of these, maybe more. So," He said after a moment's silence. "Since I've granted your heart's desire how about you grant mine?"
"And just what is your heart's desire?" I asked even though I knew what he'd say.
"That's just to bad." I opened my ice cream and dug in as I thought about the kiss we'd shared earlier. I could have resisted, I started to, but then I thought about this morning when I first woke to find Miroku's lips on mine. And I thought about the things he'd made me feel and realized I wanted to feel them again. So I didn't struggle, I played along and let myself get swept away. It was a stupid mistake and I can't let it happen again. I just can't risk myself getting attached to him. Soon Luction will be here to "rescue" me and I'll never see him again.
*Miroku's POV*
I nibbled my ice cream and watched Sango eat her's with a pensive look on her face. I wonder what she's thinking of. I don't know what it could be but the way she was eating her ice cream was driving me nuts. First she'd get a big spoonfull and put it in her mouth then slide it back out skimming a layer of ice cream off. She'd repeat this until the ice cream was gone then lick the front and back of the spoon and start all over.
She's attracted to me, I know she is. And I can't wait for the day she finally gives in. Our relationship won't last long, I know it won't, relationships never do with me. But it will be great that I can tell. It'll be better than anything either of us have ever experienced. But until that day she gives in I can only fantisize and get the few little tastes of paradise she allows me.
Well, how do u like it? Sorry it took me so long to update, I actually pretty much finished a while ago but after I put the final touches on and tried to save it the computer flipped out and deleted it off my disk or something and I put off retyping it for a while. But it actually turned out to be a good thing. A reviewer on my fic Portals told me I'd been putting too much dialouge in my chapter's and thinking back about the former chap six i realized it was mostly dialouge so the remake turned out much better. Anyway's see u l8ter don't forget to review please. ^_^