InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Captive ❯ Chapter 8

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Eight
*Sango POV*
When I woke up the next morning I was warm, comfortable, and not in the room I'd fallen asleep in. And I wasn't alone either. “Wake up you pervert.” I shook Miroku awake. He awoke slowly.
“Good morning beautiful.” He said smiling.
“Don't good morning me you lecher. I mean I half expected you to sneak into my room but to bring me down to yours!!!!!!” I grabbed a pillow and began whacking him in the head with it. “How do you ever expect me to trust you when you keep doing stupid things like this.” I asked as I hit him.'
“But Sango you came in here on your own,” He protested covering his head.
“Yeah right,”
“I'm telling the truth I swear. You just busted in here right when I started to fall asleep. You were having a nightmare and sleep walking.”
“Sleepwalking?” I stopped in mid swing.
*Miroku POV*
“Sleepwalking?” My ferocious Sango stopped in mid swing with a dumbfounded look on her face. “What exactly did I do?” She asked slowly lowering the pillow.
“Well you burst into my room like a woman possessed, you were scared and crying and you begged me for help; you kept saying they were after you, but you couldn't tell me who they was. So I did my best to calm you down and you fell back asleep.”
“And that's it?”
“Except for when I had to answer nature's call you really didn't want me to leave, yeah. Who exactly were they and why were they after you?” I asked. Sango chewed on her bottom lip for a moment looking pensive. Then, abruptly turned away from me.
“How should I know, it was just a stupid dream. I need to take a bath.” She stood.
“I'll show you where the hot spring is. Why don't you go grab some clothes?” I offered. I must have said the right thing because her eyes began to sparkle.
“A real natural bona fide hot spring?” She asked excitedly.
“Yeah,” I answered cautiously.
“Maybe being here won't be so bad.” She said before walking away. When she came back down from her room wearing a robe and carrying clothes I provided her with a towel and led her out and away from the house.
“I was thinking,” I said breaking the silence. “Would you like me to keep you company while your bathing?”
“Is there any wild animals around that might attack me?” She asked.
“Not that I know of. There's Inuyasha of course but I'm sure he won't bother you.”
“Then no thanks.” I left her at the spring then walked away looking back over my shoulder longingly. When I was sure I was out of her line of sight I turned and came around the side of the spring where there was a row of bushes that would hide me quite nicely. I peeked through the bushes; Sango was already emerged in the water sitting near the edge relaxing. Suddenly she sat up straight then stretched her arms up high. If only she'd stretched a little higher and I would have had a rather nice view. I sat down and began to dream about when Sango would finally give in to her feelings for me.
I had just gotten to a very good part when balled up pair of wet socks hit me in the head. “Hoshi you pervert, I know your spying on me and your gonna get it when I get out of here!” yelled Sango. Needless to say I high tailed it out of there.
*Sango's POV*
I had just stretched the kinks out of my arms and started to relax when I heard a rustling in the bushes and I don't know how but automatically I knew it was Miroku. So I balled up a pair of my socks, soaked them in the water and threw them. “Hoshi you pervert, I know your spying on me and your gonna get it when I get out of here!” I yelled. And the little coward ran.