InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Childish Fantasies ❯ Clubbing ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Grr…I need to learn to update more…but I have more excuses! Who wants to hear 'em?


Readers:  no one…




Readers: …


Nekura: ok! So, you see, I was in Italy, so I couldn't update for a while, than I was at camp for the last two weeks. So there ya go! Readers and other readers…I give you…FLUFF! Muahahaha…


Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha…or any of the characters…(wow! A normal disclaimer!) that's what you think….*chainsaws are heard in the background* MUAHAHAHA…




Dear Sesshoumaru-sama,


It's been about a month since you left…maybe you haven't gotten my last letters or something, because I have yet to hear back from you. How is college? Are the teachers nice? Do you have girls hanging all over you like usual? Haha…well, tell my brother I say hi…until next time,


Ps. it's totally boring here without you…come back for the holidays?




Sesshoumaru gently folded the letter and slipped it into the drawer with the others. She had sent him twelve letters in all since he had first gotten here, and he hadn't replied to any. He moved slowly to his bed, sitting down with his head in his hands, letting his long hair cascade over his shoulders and hide his face from view. He wanted to write her, he wanted to see her, but after what had happened…


No…he wouldn't allow himself to think about that…it was a thing of the past, a mistake. A very rewarding and nice mistake--


He stood up suddenly; he had to do something, anything to take his mind off of her. His stomach chose this time to make itself heard and he set off to the campus diner to fulfill his stomachs wishes.


What better way to get his mind off of something than with food?


As fate would have it, even food had it out for him. He had just gotten a nice slice of pizza and was about to sit in some little dark corner when…


"YO! SESS! Come here, man!" a voice called out from behind him. He groaned and turned to face the voice.


"Hey, Haku, how's it going?" he asked flatly sliding into a booth across from his childhood friend. It wasn't that he didn't like Kohaku, but there were certain consequences that came with him. One was Rin, the whole reason he was down here in the first place, and the other…


"Hello, Sesshoumaru. I haven't seen you around lately. Have you been busy with something lately? Or someone maybe? Hm?" a man with short wavy hair asked, grinning maliciously at him as he took a seat next to Kohaku. Sesshoumaru glared at him, and focused back on his pizza. A girl with hair in a tight bun rolled her eyes and motioned for Sesshoumaru to scoot in.


"Naraku, you can be such an ass sometimes, seriously, if your dad and mine weren't friends, I would never speak to you. Seriously." The girl said nonchalantly taking a bite of her food. Sesshoumaru almost raised an eyebrow, but quickly thought against showing any interest in her rebellion. All along he had thought she was just another little lackey, but she wasn't acting too lackey-ish. (A/N: I know it's not a word, just work with me here people)


         &nb sp;  Naraku just chuckled and turned his attention to the somewhat nervous boy next to him. Kohaku had been avoiding talking to him, but that didn't do much good; once you're in the "Naraku Posse" you don't get out. "Say, Kohaku, I thought I heard you mention you had a sister. Rin, was her name, right?" out of the corner of his eye he noticed Sesshoumaru flinch quite visibly at the mention of her name. Smirking to himself, he decided to have some fun.


         &nb sp;  "Er…yeah, Rin's her name, why?" Kohaku asked.


         &nb sp;  "Does she have a boyfriend?"


         &nb sp;  "Erm…not that I know of. Wh-"


         &nb sp;  "Is she hot?" he asked smoothly, turning to face Sesshoumaru, who had his face lowered and was about to rip the pizza into little shreds.


         &nb sp;  "Dude, she's my sister…you're asking the wrong person. Ask Sess, he knows her too."


         &nb sp;  "Well, is she, Sesshoumaru?" Nara grinned, flashing his teeth menacingly.


         &nb sp;  Sesshoumaru was using every bit of self-control he had to keep from tearing Naraku's face into shreds. 'How dare he ask things like that! She was his! He wasn't about to say anything to Naraku, especially if it involved his Rin.' A hand on his shoulder brought him back from his thoughts and he snapped his head up.


         &nb sp;  "I need to borrow Sesshoumaru for a bit. We'll be right back. And I swear, Haku, if you so much as touch my pizza, you will not be seeing my sister in a very long time." The red-eyed girl stated, watching Kohaku gulp nervously at the mention of his girlfriend. She grabbed Sesshoumaru's hand and nearly yanked him across the room and out the door. When safely outside she stopped and sat down on a bench, motioning for him to do the same. He sat down next to her, putting on his "regal and distant" look for the students passing by. They sat there for a while, neither saying anything.


         &nb sp;  "You're welcome." The girl grumbled, crossing her arms indignantly. Sesshoumaru merely raised an eyebrow at her, determined to say as little as possible. She finally looked at him and smirked. "What they say is true, you really are Koori no Ouji." That got his attention.


         &nb sp;  "What no Ouji?" he asked, narrowing his eyes.


         &nb sp;  "Koori. They say you have a heart of ice that no one can melt. And that it's taken over your face, so that's why you scowl so much." She paused thoughtfully for a second before continuing. "You're like, the legend of the school. I think Naraku started it, and everyone else just kinda followed his lead."


         &nb sp;  "Kagura, why exactly do you hang out with him if you hate him so much?" he asked, turning his body ever so slightly to face her.


         &nb sp;  Kagura looked at him a little while, pondering whether or not to tell him. Finally deciding it didn't really matter, she began, "no big deal really, my family has worked for his since the beginning of time. My dad currently works for his dad, and when college ends, I'll be working for him. If I want my dad to keep his job, I've gotta stick with him through college. Hopefully I can get out of this mess when I'm done, though. I hate being tied down like this. Hell, I want to be a reporter or something. Not work for some lazy jerk like him."


Sesshoumaru nodded and looked away. She sighed, knowing that she wasn't going to get much more of a reaction than that and told him that she was going to go back inside and finish her pizza before Kohaku got to it.


         &nb sp;  "Even with the threat of not being able to see Kanna, he can't resist." She called out waving. Sesshoumaru sighed, heading the other direction. His stomach growled defiantly, urging him to go back and finish his own slice. Sesshoumaru glared down at it angrily.


         &nb sp;  "Shut up, I'll order some from the room."


--------------------------------------------------------- --------------


Rin tried to conceal a cough as she walked into the smoky room. It was just as she had imagined it to be and more. The lights, the music, the people, and the heat…it was all so great. She squeezed Sesshoumaru's hand excitedly and looked around for a couch that wasn't being-occupied. Finding one, she led Sesshoumaru to it and plopped down contently, patting the spot next to her. He was sitting in a split second, pushing her to the edge of the couch so no one could sit on the other side of her.


She acted as if she hadn't seen the men's hungry eyes on her the minute she walked in, and it made him worry if she really hadn't noticed. Sesshoumaru rubbed his temples. She seemed so intrigued with the place, it was obvious she had never been clubbing before. Personally, he hated clubs. All the noise hurt his ears, the smoke hurt his eyes, and then of course, there were the girls.


Unlike Rin, Sesshoumaru wasn't oblivious to the fact that he had good looks. And he certainly didn't miss the seductive gazes he got when he entered the room. It got old fast though, and he purposely avoided situations in which he would have to deal with them.


Rin looked around excitedly, trying to decide what to do. Sesshoumaru had been acting strangely, and she felt bad for using him like this, but he was partially the reason she wanted to come here so badly. She turned to him, placing a delicate hand on his knee, drawing him away from whatever he was thinking about.


         &nb sp;  "Sesshoumaru-samaaaa," she said in a singsong voice, lightly tapping her fingers on his knee. He grunted and she continued with her request. "How about we go dance a little? Pleeeeeeeease?" Rin pouted her bottom lip at him and batted her eyes.


         &nb sp;  "No way."


         &nb sp;  "Why not?"


         &nb sp;  "I don't dance."


         &nb sp;  "Aw, c'mon, it'll be fun."


         &nb sp;  "No!"


         &nb sp;  "Fine then!" she humphed and turned her head away from him, crossing her arms huffily. She was going to try and ignore him now. 'Yeah, let's see how long this'll last. The longest you've ever ignored someone was four minutes! And this is Sesshoumaru. Get a grip and stop acting like a baby!' she thought to herself.


         &nb sp;  "Hello there, sexy. What's your name?" a feminine voice near her asked seductively. Rin couldn't help but turn her head to see whom the voice belonged to. A young woman clad in a shirt that could easily pass as a bra and a skirt that was more like briefs than skirt was closing in on Sesshoumaru. Although anyone else wouldn't have noticed the slight change in his eyes, Rin was quick to pick it up and bit down on her lip to keep from smiling. He turned to Rin and grabbed her hand dragging her off.


         &nb sp;  "Hibyenicemeetingyou. Rin, let's dance." Rin cheered inwardly, thanking the confused woman as she walked away.


         &nb sp;  Sesshoumaru knew he shouldn't, but although he would never admit it, he didn't always think rationally. Especially when it came to Rin. She seemed to have some power over him that made it extremely hard to refuse her anything. And it seemed she always ended up getting her way in the end. He wove through the throngs of people, keeping Rin close by him as he made his way deep into dance floor. Feeling that he had gone far enough in he whipped Rin around and into his arms, looking down and into her eyes. He heard her gasp, obviously just as surprised as he was. 'Where the hell did I learn to do that?'


         &nb sp;  Rin was shocked at how smoothly Sesshoumaru could move. 'For being so uptight he sure knows how to let loose.' Rin groaned at how stupid she sounded and tried to concentrate on the delicious being in front of her. He winked at her, bringing her in close to him and all thought was lost from her mind in that moment. She was in a place with only him, all she could feel was his long, silver locks tickling her face, his strong hands holding her close, and his muscles tensing as he moved to the music. All she could hear was the loud drumming of the music mixing with her own labored breathing.


         &nb sp;  Sesshoumaru was in a similar condition, never having danced like this before. At first he was in awe of himself, as conceited as that may sound. He hadn't realized he could move like that, hell-he hadn't realized he could move at all! Once he got used to the flow of the music, he brought Rin closer to him and melded their bodies together. Amber met chocolate and immediately he went into a trance.


         &nb sp;  The flashing lights, music blaring, and the overall excitement of the room made Rin transform from a little girl to a hormonal teen. She decided to experiment with her newfound dancing ability and ground her hips into Sesshoumaru's. His eyes darkened considerably and he grabbed her arm roughly, dragging her away from the crowded dance floor and practically throwing her onto a couch. Her eyes widened in shock as he crawled on top of her.


         &nb sp;  "Rin…" he whispered shakily, tracing the delicate contours of her face gently with his left hand. She felt a pleasant shiver make its way up her spine and she looked directly into the beautiful amber pools, darkened with emotion. His face was coming closer and closer…


         &nb sp;  She tasted so good after all these years. His tongue darted out to trace her lips, relishing in their softness. She gasped softly from the feeling and he took advantage of her open mouth and slipped his tongue inside. 'Wonderful,' he thought, tilting her chin back to get better access to her mouth.


         &nb sp;  Rin was in heaven. Her mouth had been aching for his kisses for five years, much too long in her opinion. She shyly touched her tongue to his searching one, which seemed to excite him even more, as he deepened the kiss. She didn't know how long the kiss lasted, but it ended all too soon with both gasping for air.


         &nb sp;  Sesshoumaru's eyes seemed to come back to focus, and he groaned in realization, flopping down on the couch next to her. The younger girl looked at him worriedly,


         &nb sp;  "Sesshoumaru-sama, daijobu?" she asked, shaking his arm gently when he didn't respond.


         &nb sp;  "Haa, demo, watashi-tachi ha sore o surubekidenai, Rin." He said solemnly. She sighed, resting her hand on his shoulder.


         &nb sp;  "Watashi ha shitteiru," she looked over at him coyly and leaned in close to his ear, "but you have to admit, it wasn't too bad."


         &nb sp;  Sesshoumaru gripped his knee tightly. There was no way he was going to lose it again like that--at least not sober. He told Rin that he was going to grab a drink and walked over to the bar, glaring at any man who even looked like he was going to sit down next to her. Of course, she was completely oblivious to all of this and smiled prettily to everyone she saw walk by.


         &nb sp;  "What can I get ya?" the bartender barked impatiently. This guy was obviously obsessed with some chick, seeing as how he couldn't take his eyes off of her for even a second.  Of course, he couldn't entirely blame him; she was really hot. After what seemed like an eternity, the guy finally took his eyes off the girl and ordered. It had been a long night for him; some stupid newspaper photographer came in asking if it would be okay to get some shots of the "night life at Sacred Jewel". He of course agreed; the club could use the publicity. But she had yet to take any photos, it was almost as though she was waiting for someone specific. And then his usual bartender called in sick, forcing him, the manager, to work his shift. He had forgotten just how stressful it could be. He watched in bored fascination as the guy stalked back to his seat, grabbing the guy who had sat next to his girl by his collar and casually thrown him across the room. The manager knew that he should say something, but was too stressed to care.


         &nb sp;  "Sesshoumaru-sama! Why did you do that?" Rin asked bewildered as she watched the friendly man she was talking to fly across the room.


         &nb sp;  "He took my spot." He answered simply, taking a swig of beer.


         &nb sp;  "Well, that's no excuse to fling him around like that!" she countered, pointing to the frightened man. Sesshoumaru looked at her and chuckled, shaking his head. "What's so funny?"


         &nb sp;  "You are. You've changed so much since I last saw you. You've become so…bold. It's funny how you can still call me 'Sesshoumaru-sama' while questioning me. You've changed a lot."


         &nb sp;  She smiled thoughtfully at him, "I'm not the only one. I remember when you used be so stiff, you never talked unless you absolutely had to, and never showed more than one expression."


         &nb sp;  Downing the last of his drink, he pulled Rin into his lap so that her back was resting against his chest. He leaned his head down and blew softly on her ear, watching with delight as she shivered. "I haven't changed as much as you think, my Rin."




         &nb sp;  Rin and Sesshoumaru both looked up at the same time, trying to blink away the little spots in their eyes. His eyes finally adjusting, Sesshoumaru growled at the offender.


         &nb sp;  "Kagura…" his eyes narrowed dangerously and he tightened his grip on Rin ever so slightly.


         &nb sp;  "Ooh, that's good, very good. Now maybe just a little kiss and we'll have a real Kodak moment. You two were meant for the front page, don't you think Sesshoumaru-sama?" she cackled snapping another photo of the couple.


         &nb sp;  "Why are you doing this, Kagura?" he snarled, clenching his teeth together tightly in anger.


         &nb sp;  Her expression changed to a pained one, but as soon as it had come it was gone and she scowled at him. "You know damn well why I'm here, Koori-kun. Don't give me that look, you know just as well as I do that I'd rather be dead than here." She flashed one more picture before turning to disappear into the crowd.


         &nb sp;  "Enjoy your vacation while you still can, dear, it may be your last in a while."


--------------------------------------------------------- -----------


Wacha! I finished! FINALLY! I hope you guys are just as eager to read this, as I was to write it. I've had these ideas biting my brains out for the last month, and now I can stab them all! MUAHA! *This is Nekura when she's in a violent mood.*


Oh, and I lied last chappie about finding my muse. I found it, and then it ran away again; so now I'm looking for it. If you happen to see it, please let me know. There is a reward of about three pieces of pocket lint. (Aka my entire fortune) as for my Italian adventures, I started it and then I forgot to finish it, and then I forgot what happened, so I need to talk with my family over what happened. Or get my pictures developed…*sigh* I really am busy, and am working my tail off to get you guys this stuff…please forgive me! Oh, and now I get to be embarrassed cos my friend Jahi is reading this, and he's gonna think I'm some weirdo right now…(which I probably am…) *sigh* oh well…hihi Jahi-kun! ^^;


--------------------------------------------------------- ---------


Koori no Ouji: I already said this, but to refresh your memories it means Ice Prince


Daijobu?: are you ok?


Haa, demo, watashi-tachi ha sore o surubekidenai: yes, but, we shouldn't have done that.


Watashi ha shitteiru: I know.




And that's all I can find!




Thanks to all my reviewers!


SilentBrat:lol, yes she is ^_~ but all those years without Sesshoumaru must've made her a little less conforming than if she had been with him…don't you think?


Lynn-Minmay: thank you for being as patient as possible and over that…I've been really mean and evil about not posting, and I'm going to try to get better…hopefully ^^;


Sam: actually, I'll let you in on a little secret: <.< >.> it was kangaroo pizza…shhh. And yes! You are the first to figure that out! (or at least the first to tell me you figured it out…) THERE WILL MOST LIKELY BE PIZZA, OR MENTIONING OF IT IN ALL MY CHAPPIES! YOU WIN…A PIZZA! COURTESY OF MY BROTHER! (he'll give you the money…I think…you just gotta find him, hehe ^^;)


Brooke: yeah, that would be great wouldn't it…*sigh* oh well! Hehe…


New Fan: thank you, I did originally have *~* things between all the tenses, but they somehow didn't make it onto the site and I never noticed…I changed them now and I think you can tell, right? Heh…


Hitomi-des: HITOMI-CHAN! *Glomps* yay! I'll talk to ya when you get back! Lol…


Athar-Luna: yeah, she's a bit brazen, ne? I always think that if Kohaku hadn't gotten possessed and stuff he'd turn out really happy and erm, sorta weird…^^;


And thank you also to picara_71, I, choco-coco, and youkaigirl99 (btw, I didn't find sister anywhere, maybe I missed it?)







