InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Chronic Condition ❯ The Plot Thickens ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Title: Chronic Condition
Author: kodoku_inara
Rating: PG-13 ( T ) – for supposed premarital relations, false (?) teen pregnancy, and lots of
other unforseen events in future chapters.
Summary: As Kagome's absences from school grow longer and more frequent, her twentieth-
century friends begin to suspect that her grandfathers excuses are merely cover for a single
chronic condition. With no more diseases springing to mind, the eldest Higurashi proclaims his
granddaughter PREGNANT! With Miroku (in)conveniently around, the situation becomes more

Chapter Two: The Plot Thickens

"What! NO! He's not, I mean, I'm not… I mean we're not!"

Even though he wasn't quite sure what she had just said, Miroku nodded his head vigorously in
agreement. After all, he was cowering against the tenuous shelter of the well house. He wasn't
sure he knew how to pacify these raging females.

In fact the only one who seemed to notice was Yuka. She held out a hand in front of Eri, who
seemed to be foaming at the mouth. Miroku wasn't sure if the last girl was eying him in anger or
something else a bit more interesting. Before he could decide, however, Yuka turned to Kagome.

"You mean… this isn't Inu Yasha?"

"No, that's Miroku. He's-"

Kagome's words cut off abruptly as she realized she had no explanation for Miroku's strange and
disheveled appearance. Unfortunately she just couldn't seem to focus on the situation at hand.
Instead her mind seemed to be wandering in unfortunate little circles of thoughts that seemed
only to wail and bemoan her recent string of trouble, and the unfairness of it all.

As Kagome got lost trying to figure out if the universe was trying to give her an aneurysm,
Miroku decided it was time to get to know these fiery young ladies a bit better. After all who
knows how long Kagome would stand there muttering angrily to herself. Ever since Miroku had
known her, she had done it at least every couple of days. So Miroku composed himself and put
on one of his most charming smiles. (#3)

Unfortunately, it did not have its usual desired effect, because all the young ladies seemed to be
staring at Kagome in concern. So, subtlety went flying out the window- he cleared his throat.
While this did get the attention of said young ladies, it also appeared that he was not yet on their
good sides. Or, at least, that's what the glares now directed at him seemed to say. Unfortunately,
his mouth went happily along with the script.

"Ladies, now that we have that slight misunderstanding cleared up... why don't we…" Ah, there.
Mouth shut.

Yuka stepped into his verbal pause, eyebrows raised expectantly.

"And exactly what is your relationship with Kagome-chan, Miroku?"

"I am… that is…" Miroku scrabbled mentally. ‘What is my relationship with Kagome-sama?'

"I'm her trusted uh, companion."

"Companion?" Ayumi pondered, "Is that some new-age term like life partner?"

"Well, I wouldn't say life, but I will indeed strive to aid Kagome-sama in all her ventures." At
this, all three of the girls gave wistful sighs at his chivalry.

Also, deep in Kagome's brain, all the metal distress that has been plaguing her over the past
month suddenly evaporated. And in it's place came a plan, no, a plot. An evil plot of revenge, yes.

"Oh, Miroku!" she cried out as she glomped his cursed arm joyfully. "You have decided to help

This had exactly the desired effect on Miroku. His brain, which had started to be wary of her
sudden change of attitude, now became rather muddled in a sea of hormones as her breasts
squished delightfully against his bicep. Help her? Of course he would. And he said so.

"Of course, Kagome." He smiled down at her as his other arm snaked stealthily around her trim
waist. Yes, she was just the right height for his hand to fit snugly there. Just for safety's sake he
withdrew his cursed glove from the embrace and lightly ran his fingers through her hair.

Kagome turned her face to his, a bit confused. But it was too late now. Must continue on with the
good work and all. So she mustered up some crocodile tears and turned to her friends.

"I asked him but, because it wasn't his, I wasn't sure he'd agree." She turned her watery and
grateful gaze on him. "I should never have doubted you."

‘What wasn't mine?' the thought flitted vaguely though his mind before being dismissed. Then
any thought was forgotten as the trio clamored over him, insisting that he was ‘such a great guy'
and pressing "Lamaze pamphlets" into Kagome's hands. Assurances were made that any of them
were available to give aid when needed and then they vanished down the stairs, giggling.

Miroku was still trying to figure out exactly what had just happened when Kagome cleverly
extricated herself from his arms and started to walk off. Her skirt was doing its delightful little
flounce… No, focus!


She stopped and spun to face him. He had never seen quite that expression on her face before and
it was quite… unsettling.

"Yes, Miro-kun?" He winced at the nickname.

"Uh, exactly what have I just agreed to do?"

"Oh, just to support me as I bear Inu Yasha's child."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A bit shorter than originally planned, but I blame the incense and the music.
Current incence: Milk and cookiesRR- Chronic Condition (Rating- PG)
Chapter 2: The Plot Thickens
A/N: Sorry it took so long to get this to you- it's just been one heck of a week. Its un-beta'd, raw
and fresh off of the plot monkey, who must've been on vacation, darn him. It was a near miss.
And now I'm transferring because I do better writing in the middle of the night. And I don't have
a computer by my bedside…. Let's hope there's no last minute edits. Mostly from Miroku's
POV- duh