InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Come Away With Me ❯ Come Away With Me... ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~*Come Away With Me*~


Rumiko Takahashi owns Inuyasha-tachi not me.

Prologue: Come Away With Me…

Ever have the feeling that you're looking at life from the wrong side of a mirror? And everything's passing you by but there's nothing you can do about it… Every time I look back to the way things ended I just wanna cry.

Things shouldn't have ended the way they did.

At least some good came of it. Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru finally overcame their differences before he died. Sango and Miroku decided to stop pretending and married before the last battle. Shippou…well I'm not sure what happened to Shippou or any of Sesshoumaru's group.

I'm sure Rin's gone. She was, after all, human and it's been five hundred years. It's sad, really, to think about that. She was such a sweet girl, full of energy and alive. But that's gone now, when just two months ago it was true. Sesshoumaru might be alive but really, who cares? Yeah, I'm glad he and Inuyasha got over their petty differences but he still tried to kill me too damn many times.

If Inuyasha could forgive him, couldn't I? I don't know. Maybe. Maybe not. But what does it matter? I'll never see him again just like I'll never see any of my other friends again.

If only things had ended differently.

(A/N: Just a tip: Kagome was 18 when the final battle occurred, in my story anyway.)