InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Crash ❯ Chapter 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 10
With Kikyo
“Okay Ayame break is over” Kikyo said while the younger girl mumbled something about her legs falling off and Kikyo couldn't help but chuckle at her who was now pouting and looked like a little kid especially with her pig tails.
“we should continue going on ahead, I have a feeling we're going the right way” Ayame nodded and followed Kikyo.
With Kagome
`I miss Kikyo she's the only one who has always been there for me even though we're always moving, I'll always have her as a sister and a friend… what was that' Kagome though turning around only to see Sesshomaru's beautiful blue eyes (I know he has golden eyes but since he isn't demon I thought he should have blue eyes like Kagome)
“uh Sesshomaru what are you doing here?” She asked while blushing. He cocked up an eye brow `I wonder what's she's thinking?' he thought. She turned away and continued walking looking for any signs of her twin. Sesshomaru saw her leave and ran after her.
“Sesshy we should split since we'll cover more ground that way” She said trying to hide the blush since he was standing so close to her.
“yes we would cover more ground that way. I'll look for your sister with you so I'll make sure you don't get lost” He said as her mouth formed an o and they walked ahead in silence.
With Inuyasha
Inuyasha was running through the forest like a maniac (like in the show when he's running with his arms open)
“KIKYO! WHERE ARE YOU? KIKYO!” he yelled over and over again until he tripped and fell flat on the ground (like when kagome sits him) he tried to get up but his left foot hurt, he tried to ignore it and put his foot back on the ground and tried walking he heard a snap and suddenly his foot hurt like hell.
“MY FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT” He yelled that people all over the island could have heard that.
With Kikyo
“hey, what was that noise?” Ayame asked but Kikyo was deep in thought
`I recognize that voice… Inuyasha' she thought while grabbing Ayame's wrist and running the direction the screaming had come from.
With Sesshomaru and Kagome
“was it just me or that sounded a lot like your brother?” She asked breaking the silence between them he looked at her and answered “half brother, and yes that sounded a lot like him, he must have seen a spider or something”
With Miroku
“how come I always end up by my self in the middle of a forest?” he questioned while walking toward camp.
“Inuyasha must have tripped or something” He said when heard the scream but just continued walking until he bumped into Sango again.
“what's with you always bumping into me?” she asked
“it's fate. They want us together so even when we are apart form each other fate will always bring us back to each other's arms” he said while giving her a hug making her blush. He being the perverted guy had to ruin the moment with his `cursed' hand
“PERVERT!” Followed by the famous slap
“my dear Sango I told you my hand is cursed! It has a mind of it's own” he tried to explain
“save it and let's continue to look for Kikyo”
“what ever you want dear Sango”
“Kikyo are you here?” Sango said while peeking in a cave but got no response but an angry bear that came out. Miroku looked nervously at Sango, she looked back at him and yelled “RUN!” They both ran like hell tripping over rocks and logs, but they ran as fast as their legs could take them. Sango of course was running faster than Miroku.
“SANGO HEEEEEEEEELLLPPP” Miroku screamed while his foot got stuff in a whole. Sango sighed and ran to help him.
“ROOAR” the bear got closer making Miroku flinched and panicked, Sango was trying to pull out Miroku's foot but his foot was really stuck “ROAR!” Miroku panicked even more.
“Sango you can go! Leave me here to die! I would never forgive my self if you got injured because of me! Go, go now! Leave me to die!” Miroku said while Sango didn't listen she continued trying to get his foot out. “Miroku shut up I'm going to get you out of this hole but I might need some help” she said as she saw the nervous look on Miroku's face and started to laugh.
“What's so funny?” he asked but she was laughing on the ground.
“your haha face looked haha so funny!” she said while pointing at his face.
With Inuyasha
“HELLOOOO ANYONE HERE? I NEED HELP!” he yelled and got no response
“oh great I'm stuck here” he whispered while trying not to think of how much his foot hurt.
With Kagome and Sesshomaru
“so Sessh tell me about your self” She Said while he gave her a confused look but knew it was only because she was beyond bored
“My Name's Sesshomaru Taisho, I'm 18 years old, Inuyasha's my half brother. My mother died when I was born, so my father married Inuyasha's mother. I have a half sister, her name's Rin she's 7 years old. I'm next in line to take over my father's company. What about you?” He asked.
“Well… my name's Kagome Higurashi, as you already know Kikyo's my twin. I`m 17 years old. I also have an younger sibling named Sota he's 10 years old. My mom is some famous actress and my father is the owner of the Higurashi owner and I don't plan on taking over that business since I have no experience Kikyo's the next in line and I'm going to grade 12 and my birthday was in June 26th and I have a cat named Buyou” She said as they got back to camp and sat down on a rock waiting for the others. Sesshomaru sat in from of her on a tree.
“I hope we find Kikyo soon ,it's getting late” She whispered