InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Crystal Tamer ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Miroku glanced at the screen as the reports started to pour in. The youkai colony complex had suffered some severe damages but that wasn't the only thing he wanted to hear. He wanted more. More damage to be reported in, casualties, injuries . . . anything that would indicate some form of demoralization. He especially wanted to hear from the spy that he'd sent in about the one hanyou in the youkai camps, the one with the voice.
Miroku wanted to hear that the boy was dead.
No incapacitation, no longer able to sing . . . dead was what he wanted.
As the commanding officer of the human army on LC1978, it was Miroku's duty to ensure that the youkai menace was destroyed. It had come to his attention that various youkai had the ability to sing. They had voices that could entrance someone and get that person to do as bidden. That disturbed him. If a youkai could sing and entrance someone, then it was entirely possible for a youkai's voice to be used to power up a weapon of mass destruction. He couldn't allow that to happen. That had been why he'd sent a spy and saboteur into the youkai ranks. She had yet to fail him.
Like the youkai, the human military and colonies had hanyou amongst them. They weren't as widely as accepted as they should have been - a hanyou had great infiltration capabilities, after all - but they were still there. After all, a child born out of rape still had its uses, and that was the only reason why Miroku could think of for the existence of half-breeds.
“Captain . . .”
The voice of one of his officers, a pretty and young female by the name of Sango, interrupted Miroku's thoughts. He blinked as she came into focus and he had to stop himself from leering. How he wanted to grope her on the ass and get in between her legs . . .
'Focus,' he reminded himself. Miroku plastered a cheerful smile on his face.
“Yes, Lieutenant?”
“We've heard from Shiori . . .” she began, doing her best not to fidget. Miroku could tell. Apparently, she didn't have good news.
`Or perhaps she does and she's just trying to psyche me out,' he mused.
“Really?” he smiled even wider, leaning back in his chair. “And what does she have to report?”
“The hanyou she was told to kill . . . still lives.”
“What?” Miroku's eyes widened and he sat upright in his chair. Sango had the decency to appear afraid. So it was bad news after all. He hated bad news.
“The hanyou . . . Inuyasha . . . still lives,” she replied.
“How is that even possible?” he hissed, his face contorting into a scowl. “He's hanyou! That surge of power during the procedure should have fried him to bits! His human blood would have ensured that!”
“We don't know, Sir,” Sango answered. “Shiori's looking into it, though. She thinks she might have another chance to get him out of the way. How, she didn't say. All she said was she was going to give it another shot.”
“I hope so,” Miroku growled, drumming his fingers against the arm of his chair. “She better not fail me like this ever again.”
“I'll relay the message, Captain.”
* * *
At the sound of his name, the inuyoukai general glanced up. Before him stood Dr. TsukuYouMaru and a few of the wolf youkai soldiers. He recognized one of them as being Lieutenant Kouga. Immediately, InuTaisho rose to his feet. From the expression on the doctor's face, the news couldn't be good. He didn't think he could take any more bad news. Not after that series of explosions and the fact that this was the first time he'd seen the bat youkai in hours. He still didn't know his youngest's condition.
“Yes, Doctor?” InuTaisho murmured, wringing his hands together in a nervous fashion. “How is Inuyasha? Is he . . .”
“Dead?” the bat finished then he shook his head. “No. He's still alive.”
“He is? Oh, thank Kami,” InuTaisho breathed, feeling all sorts of tension and unease seep out of him. Then he remembered the troubled expression on the doctor's face. “He isn't out of danger yet . . . is he?”
“No,” TsukuYouMaru confirmed. “Not yet. We have him stabilized for the moment. We're going to have to perform an emergency surgery within the next twenty-four hours if we're going to save him. But he needs to be stabilized for that time before we can proceed.”
“I see . . . May I . . .?”
“Hai,” the bat nodded, giving him a sympathetic smile, “you may. Lieutenant Wolf will accompany you to his room.”
“Right this way, Master InuTaisho,” said wolf murmured as he gestured for the inuyoukai to follow him. InuTaisho locked eyes with the doctor before he did.
“Thank you. You don't know how much this means to me.”
“Oh, I think I do,” TsukuYouMaru murmured. “Go. Your son needs you. I'll send Sesshomaru your way the moment he returns.”
InuTaisho nodded then followed Lieutenant Wolf to his son's room.
* * *
Shiori smoothed out the wrinkles of her combat pants before carefully proceeding on her way to the medical complex. She had to do her best to remain inconspicuous as she did so. The last thing she wanted was for anyone to find out that she'd been the one to sabotage the colonial governor's son's operation. Given the boy's tender age of twelve, she had no doubts that several of the youkai there wouldn't hesitate to kill her if they knew that she'd been the one to put him in his current condition.
'But it has to be done,' she thought grimly. 'This boy needs to die, especially if the humans are going to have a chance.'
If the truth had to be told, Shiori would have admitted that she felt no remorse for trying to kill a young boy. Given the number of humans that had died at the hands of a youkai, she figured it to be a sense of poetic justice. A hanyou raised among humans killing a hanyou raised among demons. She'd have even looked the boy in the eyes as she killed him.
'And I have to get rid of him this time. If I don't, Captain Winds will have my head . . . and my mother will be so disappointed in me. Thankfully, I know just where he is.'
She had just reached the corner leading to where the inu hanyou, a boy named Inuyasha, lay when a cold voice stopped her in her tracks.
“Hello, Shiori. Going somewhere?”