InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dance on ice ❯ the beginning of someone's end ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Dance on ice

Chapter14 The beginning of someone's end

Well, I have been told that I go a little too fast with my stories but I can only say that in true life nobody will spare you, and when it's bad it usually get worse and worser and then just lightens.

Anyway, enjoy! The chap is going to be a little short since it's only a bridge chapter. A new chap will be here tuesday or wednesday.


She ran laughing trough the woods, only watching the path she was supposed to follow feeling him right behind her.

But then out of nowhere she saw some kind of portal opening drawing her to it, dragging her into it.

She couldn't think she felt numb, cold , lifeless.

Her will demanded a struggle but her body refused to give one. She could only see darkness but she could hear them all around her, until she welcomed the sleepy wave of unconsciousness.


He tracked her, not letting his full speed take over along with his youkai who ordered him to take her.

Take her... yes he wanted to , he wanted to make her his, only his. Watching how his brother stared at her with lustfilled eyes, or Rin looking at her with utter disgust, it made him as well as his youkai rage.

She was his, nobody should dare to look at her that way.

Then suddenly he felt it. A powershift, her aura no longer here. His eyes bled red , his speed becoming more than any youkai could handle.

He ran to her , but yet he was too late, too late. Nobody in sight, no scent, no print, nothing.

Anger exploded in him, making him decimate the whole forest with one single blow.

Who ever dared to do this should kill himself because what he was going to inflict on him would be far worse than any death.

He could see her smile in his mind and anger built up in him again.

Who would dare to look at him would truly know the meaning of fear. His eyes crimson, his hair rising in a silver wave around him, poison seeping from his claws , a black and gold aura surrounding him...


She felt them felt them chant around her, but even so her lids were to heavy to see.

She asked herself what they wanted what they desired so but even like that she couldn't comprehend what it was they ment.

She kept hearing...power... jewel... soul... but yet she didn't know what to make of it. She tried , tried to make a shield, but she felt blocked, like her soul was no longer in her body, but still feeling physical pain.

She tried again and again, and again and again she failed. She could hear it, a chuckle, dark and

cruel coming drawing near, making her fear.

,,That's right little miko fear me, I am not someone you could play with , not like the little puppy you have trained so well." Another light chuckle could be heard until she felt him.

A dark aura, endless, no beginning no end as black as voids of night. He was beside her she could tell, whispering into her ear.

,,What does it take little miko? Tell me what does it take to make the jewel appear?"

Kagome didn't even think it, she never realised the though had made it's way to her mind but apparently it had made it's way into his for he chuckled evilly upon the flash of silver in her soul.

,,You will be his end."