InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dancing in the Moonlight ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
"Dancing In The Moonlight"
Disclaimer:  I don’t own Inuyasha or any of the characters of the creative genius of Rumiko Takahashi.  I also don’t own the song ÒDancing In the MoonlightÓ by Toploader.   

It was a beautiful day in the Sengoku Jidai.The early summer brought warmer temperatures during the days and milder evenings. It was as if spring had sprung and the creatures of the forest returned from their winter hiatus in warmer climates to nest and birth their young.
It was the start of mating season for all creatures including all level of youkai in the Land of Nippon.Driven by their natural instinct to procreate, the beasts of the land, air and sea searched for the one to increase their population with.
It seemed that not only were the wild of the lands driven by this need, but it had extended to the human populace of the island as well. A young vital female within a small village would unknowingly taunt the opposite sex with a light sway of her hips as she went about her daily chores, not to go unnoticed by the strapping young males working the rice fields or tending their herds.
In turn, the male populace would exhibit their ability to provide by harvesting large crops or flaunting their prowess by bringing in large kills.It was times like this that brought the small village populace together to celebrate the fruits of their labor, but being sure to dry much of the meat to place into store for the harsh winter yet to come.
It was another day of shard hunting for the inu tachi.They had begun their day like any other only to be approached by the Western Lord and his small pack.Automatically sensing his half-brother, Inuyasha drew the fang of his great and terrible father in defense while screaming the usual obscenities, ÒWhat do you want, fucker?Ó
Said stoic demon broke through the brush of the trees and bushes only to be followed by the green kappa and Ah-un, who carried the little human girl Rin.The small pack stopped in front of the shard hunters at the sign from their Alpha.
Seeing the little girl sitting astride the large two-headed dragon, Kagome was mortified by Inuyasha’s loud exclamation and yelled a sharp ÒSit!Ó causing the half-demon to hit the dirt face first.Ignoring the grumbling from the hanyou-shaped crater, Kagome bowed low to Sesshomaru and apologized for Inuyasha’s expletive. ÒGood morning, Lord Sesshomaru,Ó Kagome politely greeted the Inu Lord who nodded his head slightly in response.
By this time, the rest of the tachi consisting of Miroku the monk, Sango the demon slayer and her fire cat Kirara had slowly moved behind Kagome showing the support of their friend and pack-mate.Shippo had already broken from the pack and had made his way to the little girl sitting on the dragon to show her his crayons and paper that Kagome had brought to him from the future. Kagome was grateful that the kit had taken it upon himself to distract the little girl in case things got bad.She hoped, however, that by her diffusing Inuyasha and approaching the Inu lord with respect that they might get away unharmed.  One never knew what the hanyou was capable of when Sesshomaru made an appearance.
Well, at least the humans and full demons would get away today, unharmed.She couldn’t guarantee the same for Inuyasha.
ÒThe dark hanyou becomes more determined in his search for the shards of the Shikon no Tama,Ó Sesshomaru spoke calmly to Kagome, ignoring the struggling and grumbling heap in the dirt. ÒYou must be vigilant in your travels, Miko, lest he attacks and gains those shards that you carry upon your person.Ó
ÒWhat’s it to ya, asshole!I’ve got it covered so leave us alone!Ó Inuyasha screamed once the spell from the subjugation beads wore off.
ÒSit!Ó came the command from the rapidly annoyed miko from the future before Inuyasha could brandish his sword at his half-brother. Pinching her nose with her thumb and forefinger in frustration trying to reduce the quickly building migraine, Kagome sighed and tried to figure out the cryptic Lord’s intent.Before she could think further her question was answered.
ÒThis Sesshomaru’s pack would travel with yours to ensure that the shards are protected.Ó
ÒMruhmph? No mfkng wry!Ó was heard from the lump in the ground.
ÒShut it, Yasha!I’ve had it up to here with your attack-first-ask-questions-later attitude,Ó the quickly angered Miko ground out as she raised her hand up past the top of her head signifying how far he’d gone. Then dropping her hand she looked to the Inu Lord and replied, ÒWill you allow me some time to confer with the rest of the group first, Lord Sesshomaru?Ó Seeing the Inu nod in assent Kagome turned to the remaining pack members and motioned for them to gather a small distance away while calling out to Inuyasha to follow when he could.
We get it on most every night
When that moon is big and bright
It’s a supernatural delight
Everybody’s dancing in the moonlight

The moon had risen with the setting of the sun as the newly formed pack settled after finishing their evening meal and were settling down for the evening.  About a month of travelling together had passed and they had seemed to get along and work well together as a cohesive unit.  
Well, everyone except Inuyasha.
Inuyasha was surly about something that night as he sat high in his tree of choice overlooking the camp, while his half-brother Sesshomaru sat at the base of his own tree on the opposing side.  
Kagome had to chuckle at that as she stared through the flames of the fire pit at the center of the camp.  She knew Inuyasha liked to perch in a tree at night, but who knew the stoic demon lord enjoyed leaning against one as well?  It was another similarity to add to her growing list regarding the reluctant brothers.  Besides the obvious beautiful long hair and those eyes that could see through your soul....
‘Okay Kagome.  Enough wayward thinking.  Besides, it’s not like Sesshomaru would lower himself to even look at a human that way.’   But he did approach her about bringing their packs together, even though technically Inuyasha was the Alpha of their pack.  ‘Time to stop dwelling and looking a little too much into things as well.  He’s here to protect the jewel and prevent Naraku from gaining any more shards.  Nothing else,’ she continued to try to convince herself as she went through the motions of getting her night clothes from her big yellow backpack and gathered her bathing items.
ÒSango?  Would you like to go take a bath?Ó Kagome asked noting that Rin and Shippo had already fallen asleep.
Sango still believed that bathing too often was unhealthy and declined since she had just bathed the day before.  Kagome shrugged her shoulders and grabbed her bow and arrows just in case she was approached by unwelcomed visitors and began her walk to the hot springs she recalled being about a half an hour walk away.
Everybody here is out of sight
They don’t bark and they don’t bite
They keep things loose they keep it tight
Everybody’s dancing in the moonlight
Sesshomaru waited as the rest of the pack settled for the night.  It had been established over the last few weeks for Sesshomaru to keep watch at night and tonight was no different.  They all tucked in figuring the stoic demon would keep an eye out for their miko friend, even though Inuyasha managed to take off in the opposite direction shortly after Kagome had left.  They knew where he was going.  They all knew.
Following the scent of the Alpha Female, Sesshomaru’s eyes citrine eyes bled red as his instincts began to take control.  He was so close to gaining the mate that he had desired for a long time.  Sesshomaru smiled at this.  It was not the jewel’s safety that led him to join the packs as one but who was in the pack.  It didn’t matter that she was human; she was powerful and would bare many strong pups.  But beyond that, Sesshomaru had become attracted to the young woman for her strength of character, her intelligence and the way she cared for Rin and the Kitsune not unlike a mother figure spoke to him on a level that no one would ever know.  Over time, he had watched the female take care for her immediate pack and those that had become part of her pack as if they were one family.  
She would be his.
Sesshomaru cloaked his aura and youki and slowly approached the small clearing that held the onsen, appreciating that the area was surrounded with heavy brush and would keep sounds from traveling outside too far.   
That was good.  He hoped to make her scream in passion and didn’t want to share it with anyone else.
Dancing in the moonlight
Everybody’s feeling warm and bright
It’s such a fine and natural sight
Everybody’s dancing in the moonlight
She wasn’t distracted with her bathing but took care to flare her aura to search the area for danger from time-to-time.  Finding none, she continued with her bath not noticing when someone had disrobed and slowly made their way into the water behind her. A pair of arms came from behind to hold her and cover her mouth before she let loose a scream, Sesshomaru then turned her around to face him.  He held her mouth as his red-tinged eyes bored into her own.
ÒDo not fear Miko.  This Sesshomaru means you no harm,Ó he spoke in a low croon and nuzzled against her cheek down her jaw and neck, his beast mixing with his logical self as they both attempted to calm the trembling young female so close.  
Kagome’s eyes that were wild in their fear initially had calmed yet were wary as she was held so close to Sesshomaru, who still held her unclothed body close to his equally naked body.  She shivered.
We like our fun and we never fight
You can’t dance and stay uptight
It’s a supernatural delight
Everybody was dancing in the moonlight

‘Oh Gods.  His body is so hard and hot!’ she thought to herself as she closed her eyes to take a deep breath and then opened them again.  She felt an unfamiliar tightening of her core.
ÒIf you promise not to scream, Kagome, I will remove my hand.  Is this acceptable?Ó Sesshomaru whispered in question, leaving her neck Sesshomaru looked at her for her response.  After seeing her nod in assent, he slowly removed his hand from her mouth but did not give up the close hold he had around her body nor did he stop looking into her eyes.
They continued to stand there in the bubbling waters, sapphire eyes to topaz, searching for something but not knowing what they would find.   Sesshomaru gently began to stroke her left shoulder down her arm and up, watching Kagome close her eyes as she enjoyed the feeling.  He had sensed that there were feelings within the female he had chosen.  Feelings for him and not for his despicable half-brother that had continued to trample the girls’ heart.
Slowly and tenderly he would initiate her through the mating dance.  
Dancing in the moonlight
Everybody’s feeling warm and bright
It’s such a fine and natural sight
Everybody’s dancing in the moonlight
Kagome was having a difficult time understanding what was happening to her.  The simple stroking of her arm and shoulder with those dangerous claws of his stoked a desire within her that she had no idea was there.  Sure, she had felt the innocent longings of a teenage crush with Inuyasha.  But what Sesshomaru was invoking in her was an inferno of desire!  She moaned when she felt warm lips at her jawline as he continued to stroke her but moving to her back and neck, the tightening of her core at an almost unbearable point.  
Sesshomaru felt the hesitant touch of hands as they gently ran over his chest.  Her thumbs grazed his nipples causing Sesshomaru to hold back a moan.   Delicate fingernails grazed his sides and lingered over his abdominals causing the inu’s stomach muscles to jump at her touch.  ‘Who knew such an innocent would be able to draw out such a response this Sesshomaru,’ he thought to himself.  He had not known that his stomach was sensitive to touch.  Not just anyone’s touch it would seem.
Unable to control himself Sesshomaru gathered the girl into his arms and pulled her out of the hot springs gaining a startled ÒeepÓ from the female he quickly extricated from the heated water.   The cool of the evening air caused the skin on the female to steam and then quickly began to turn to goose bumps from the chill.   Kneeling, he gently laid her down on his outer haori and pelt that had been placed strategically like a makeshift bed not far from the waterline, watching as her hair spilled around her head in a dark halo of waves.  It was one of the things he loved about Kagome, her hair.  He loved how it always shined and fell loosely about her shoulders and down her back in a cascade of waves.  It was so unlike most of the ningen population with their straight, greasy locks.  
He looked at her as she lay on his clothing and pelt memorizing all of her hidden features, making note of the imperfections that marred her beautiful lithe body, finding that they added character and strength to her.  He continued to peruse her form and allowing her the time to gaze at his.  
We get in on most every night
And when that moon is big and bright
It’s a supernatural delight
Everybody’s dancing in the moonlight
Seeing that the demon hovering over her was distracted, Kagome too was roving the inu’s body with her eyes.  ‘Gods, he’s so beautiful,’ she thought to herself as she looked over his chest and stomach, stopping short when she came to the object that stood at full attention and made her more than nervous.  ‘He’s HUGE!’ she all but screamed in her head making her scent change with her nervousness and quickly change to arousal.
From that point on, the demon lord and the human miko spoke little but exchanged much.  Hands caressed, lips melded, bodies moved.  Moans of appreciation and of rapture were all that could be heard.  A blending of not only bodies but of souls happened in the little clearing by the hot spring, illuminated by the risen full moon.
Dancing in the moonlight
Everybody’s feeling warm and bright
It’s such a fine and natural sight
Everybody’s dancing in the moonlight

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