InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ December's Promise ❯ Can I Borrow a Memory? ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Can I borrow a memory?


a/n: haha I'm trying to make a come back U it's all the high school's fault


The white snow fell. On the trees. The ground. Upon houses and people's heads. It was winter again. A thrown snowball hit a hut. Kaede's hut. Inside were the cold Sango, Miroku, Shippou, and Kaede. The fire sat in the middle of them all. They all awaited the return of Inuyasha and Kagome. A wind blew by out the window making them shiver. Miroku got close to Sango, but knowing what he was gonna do, Sango slapped him in advance.

-Few days ago-

"I'm going over to Kagome's time for Christmas." Inuyasha told them. The snow was only begining to fall, but the weather wasn't too bad. The group stood with him Kagome had gone before him to finish up the end of the semester exams.

"Come back soon to tell us what it's like" Shippou jealously requested. He wished he had the ability to go to Kagome's time. Kagome wanted Inuyasha to experience christmas in her time. After having the whole month of convincing him to also wear a disguise.Wearing clothes from the present time.

"We'll wait for you in Kaede's hut." Miroku smiled. His mind was on what the girls were like in her time. Probably wrapped in one of those 'coats' Kagome talks about. Miroku frowned.

"Have Fun." Sango wished. Inuyasha waived then made his way to the well. The breeze was beginning to be cold. He remembered when Kikyo went to help villagers and he watched her from afar. Then he was gone.


"How long has it been" Shippou asked. He was under a blanket that Sango was using.

"About 3 days since he left."Miroku recalled. The sound of laughter made him look up. Some girls were watching younger kids play. He got up and claimed to try and comfort them from the cold.

"Doesn't seem right." Sango lay near the fire. She was getting sleepy. Her eyes were getting dry, so she closed them."It's not like we can't do anything if he's gone you know?"

Shippou looked at the sleeping Sango. She was right, why were they just sitting there waiting for him while he's out having fun? They had the right to do that too. Miroku made the girls laugh. Kaede entered the hut and sat near the fire. She was checking the villagers status.

"Miroku is doing it again." she sighed. Expecting Sango would get up, she got back to fixing the fire. Shippou noticed that it had gotten warmer in the blanket and was also up for a nap. Kaede looked over at them as Miroku came in again. He picked up his blanket and put it over him again.

"It's cold outside." he shivered. Shippou had fallen asleep with Sango. Kilala also was with them. Kaede got up again to cook some soup. Miroku stretched and decided to inspect the village for Kaede. But a loud rustle made him check that instead. Shippou woke Sango and Kilala and joined them.

"You'd think they wouldn't really come up because it's cold out here." Shippou stared at a giant spider. Sango was reminded of the last one she fought when her father as still alive. Miroku got his wind tunnel ready. Shippou threw his Fox fire and Sango threw her boomerang. The spider squeled and shot its web at them.

"Let's just end this already." Sango unshethed her sword. But she stopped as a sick feeling came over her. Kaede noticed her sudden reaction and shot an arrow to the spider. Sango began to wonder why she suddenly felt this way. The spider cried again. Miroku opened his wind tunnel and sucked the spider in. Sango let go of her sword. The snow beneath their feet made it a while to get to her.

"Sango" Miroku went to her. Kaede also made her way. Sango fell on her knees. Her eyes closed. Miroku caught her before she hit the floor. Kaede checked for wounds but none appeared. She told Miroku to bring her to the hut. Later they found that Sango had gotten a fever. Miroku sat beside her as Kaede mixed some herbs together.

"Oh...she got warmer before." Shippou noticed. Kaede put a towel on her head. Sango's cheeks were reddish. Her breathing was slow. The snow began to fall faster. Miroku quietly sat wondering if Inuyasha was going to come back. Shippou suggested to go out and see if he had returned. But Shippou stayed behind to help Sango.

"Inuyasha" Miroku called. He stood beside the well. On the other side was the fallen Inuyasha. Miroku looked over and found him laying there. Inuyasha looked sad. More depressed. Miroku was about to ask why, but instead helped him up and led him to Kaede's hut. While he was doing that, Sango had awaken and was talking to Kaede.

"What's it like to be there" Sango asked as Kaede got the herbs ready. Kaede continued to fix her medicine.

"To be where?"

"To Kagome's time."

"Only Inuyasha and Kagome would know that. Why do you ask?"

"I just wonder...what would christmas be like there"

Kaede gave her a drink then waited until Sango had fallen asleep. Shippou fell asleep yet again. The cold weather kept making him drowsy. Kaede then had an idea to Sango's wonder. She told the sleeping Sango to recall what Kagome had told her about her christmas times.

""Sango drifted to sleep. The next time she opened them, there was something above her. A white wall. She got up and observed her enviroment. Sango had fallen asleep in her bed. The young girl got up and didn't bother to change out of her blue pajamas. She walked into the hallway of the house. It was a warm place, but from the looks outside, it was also cold. A boy in green pjs came out beside her room.

"Kohaku!" Sango exclaimed. Kohaku rubbed his eye, meaning that something woke him up. Then he realized that it was christmas and smiled.

"I saw Santa's sleigh" he claimed. Sango smiled and brought him with her to their living room. The wooden floor lit with the reflection of the christmas lights. Kohaku ran to the tree before Sango. Her dad was already up making breakfast.

"Merry Christmas you two. Open up some presents." Her dad raised the spatula then went back to his cooking when something fizzed. Sango went to join her brother near the tree. She opened the blinds to let some light in. Kohaku got a present and began to unwrap it. His eyes were sign of joy enough.

"Alright! I got new Yu-gi-oh! cards" he happily checked which ones he got. Kohaku picked up a present and handed it to Sango. She took it and sat down on the tan couch. The present was a ponytail tie set. Sango smiled to herself because her dad probably didn't know what to get her.

"Thanks Sango! I guess that your job for uncle is working." Kohaku said indicating that he had opened the gift she gave him. Sango got up and helped her dad in the kitchen. The house was full of the scent of sausage. Her dad almost over cooked them. They walked in on him by then. The three of them got down to eating. But the taste of leaves made Sango cringe. Herb tasting sausage?

"Oh, you're awake Sango." Kaede sat next to her. Sango looked around. She was in the hut. Now she was confused. What was all that? Her family was alive and it was christmas morning. What were 'yu-gi-oh' cards? Kaede saw Sango's puzzled look. She got up and went to tend to Inuyasha.

"What was all that" Sango sat up. Kaede explained to her that while she was sleeping she was smiling most of the time. Sango had scared Shippou so he went with Miroku. Sango lay back down. It was all a dream. But it was nothing like this era. More like something Kagome had described one time. One time when she was exicited about christmas.

"I could've saved her." Inuyasha mumbled. He turned away from Kaede when she was done putting on his bandages. Sango gave him a puzzled look. Who was he talking about? It had been a while now. The sacred jewel shard was almost whole. All they needed was the piece Naraku had. As the sunlight went into the window Sango noticed Inuyasha's eyes sparkle with sadness.

"Finally you guys are awake." Shippou walked in with Miroku. Inuyasha quickly hid his emotion about what had gotten him so upset. Sango watched Miroku kneel down to her. She gave him a 'What are you doing?' look. He smiled. Sango immediately knew he was up to something.

"Merry Christmas." Miroku continued to smile. Inuyasha's eyes twitched when he heard him say that. Sango saw his reaction and sensed that he wasn't telling them something. Miroku asked her if she was dreaming of him because she was smiling. Sango just stared at him. Yeah right, was her comment. It was dark outside. She had been resting the whole afternoon. When everyone but Inuyasha and Sango were sleeping, Sango decided to bring it up.

"Inuyasha." Sango whispered.


"What happend in Kagome's time?"

Inuyasha stayed quiet. Why did she have to bring it up? It was bad enough he had to witness the whole thing.

"How was it?" Sango persisted.

"It was...enjoyable." Inuyasha recalled the time in the carnival.

"Oh..did...anything...particular happen?"

"Ya." Inuyasha's voice revealed pain. He sighed. "Ya."


"Just don't tell the others yet." Inuyasha mumbled.

"Ok. what is it?"

Inuyasha thought about it for a while. Should he tell her? Sango was Kagome's best friend after all. Besides, if she did spill, the others would only think it was a delusion.

"She's...gone.." he admitted.

"Gone?" Sango got up.

"ya...gone." he gritted his teeth.'And I couldv'e done something about it.'

"What do you--??"

"She jumped off one of those buildings." Inuyasha faced Sango. "She commited suicide."

Sango was angered. Even if Inuyasha didn't do it..she got angry. She got up and grabbed him by his red collar. It didn't matter if the others were nearby sleeping. Or if she would wake up the neighbors. She wanted to know.

"Why didn't you help her?" Sango's eyes teared.

"I tried to." Inuyasha turned away to see if the others were waking.

"Then why is she dead?" she stopped and coughed uncontrollably.

"Because she wouldn't let me help her." he sadly realized. Inuyasha was too late to care for what Kagome was feeling. It was too late to know how she felt. He was too late to save her.

"What is going on here?" Kaede helped Sango back to her bed. She handed Sango a drink while Miroku asked Inuyasha what had gone on. He told Miroku that Sango had grabbed him. That only made Miroku suspicious about them both.

"There. Stay calm and your breathing will be even." Kaede strictly appointed Sango. Sango sighed then pretended to sleep. Miroku gave Inuyasha a curious look before he too went to bed again. Sango wanted to know more. How could Kagome die under Inuyasha's watch? Kagome wasn't even that kind of person. Before morning came up Sango had tried to convince herself that it was all a hallucination.

"She used that stupid necklace spell on me." Inuyasha woke Sango when the others were gone. Sango didn't bother to get up this time. Her strenghth was weakened from last night.

"But you know. All the places she had shown to all should've seen it. It's as if you sat on a tall tree and could see all the house lights for miles away."

"I'm sorry Inuyasha. It's not your fault. We all could've helped her. But we didn't know." Sango still didn't turn to him. " I guess it's just from being so lonely."

"She's got us."

"Yes, but maybe it didn't seem like we cared about her feelings. Just her power that she got from Kikyo."

"Maybe." Inuyasha lay his head back. Both Kagome and Kikyo were gone. He was full of guilt. On the jewel shard and for both crushes. The hut was silent again. Inuyasha went for a walk and left Sango to rest. Somehow he wanted to clear his head of all of it. So he walked into the forest.

Kikyo. I 'killed' her. It was all Naraku. He did it. But still she thinks it's me. She rather have me dead. A spell binded me to a tree for 50 years. I followed her. Watched her make people get better or feel better. I was like her getaway when all of that was done. Now I don't even know if she'll ever know the truth.

Inuyasha stopped by the well. The place where Kikyo left him and Kagome found him. The place where he had met and lost them both. The wind went by carrying leaves with it. Sango was right about wondering why he hadn't saved her. He didn't want to extend that thought.

Kagome. I let her be killed. How stupid of me not to notice. She's been there with me more than Kikyo and yet I keep making her jealous with Kikyo. Sure sometimes we had hard times...but we had good ones as well. If I only made her see that I cared for her more than Kikyo, maybe she would've lived. That's all my fault.

Inuyasha recalled all those times they had encountered each other within the area. When Kagome was possesed by Menomaru she hurt him, but she came back because he asked her to. Then she saved him from himself when Kaguya had trapped him within the spell. Inuyasha sat under the sacred tree. He faced the well that Kagome would never return from. The well that gave Kagome the ability to meet Inuyasha.


"All that I want as a present from you for christmas is for you to be yourself." Kagome stopped wrapping presents for Sota.

"That could be doable." Inuyasha sat with her in her room.

-Another Memory-

"Can we still visit each other after the jewel shards?"

Inuyasha continued to look out and watch the snow fall. He was thinking about it, so Kagome let him think for a while.

" Maybe." He sighed.

Kagome just left it off there. she hugged his arm and joined him in watching the snow and the view of the lights. They sat inside the ride and enjoyed the moment where they were neither fighting or worried about anything. Just for a time together.


Both of them wanted me to be human. Yet I persisted to become a full demon. All the times with them I've denied their request and decided to be a demon. Their prices were death. What is mine? Should I become human?

He waited until night had fallen so he got up. The clouds parted revealing a full moon. The night could see the darkness better. People wouldn't be able to see him clearly in Kagome's time. He put on his disguise and jumped in the well once more. Inuyasha wanted to see her face one more time.

"Merry be-lated Christmas." he whispered to her grave. A picture of her was above the snow. Inuyasha placed a flower on it. He updated the stone about what Sango had told him. How he was the cause of it all. Then he went away from the world. In her place the sakura petal on her picture heard all the words that she needed to hear.
