InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Deify You ❯ The Shift Begins ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inu **sobs** nor Disturbed **sobs some more**.
Story Summary: Pairing: Eventual SK. Naraku's power is rising, Kagome finds herself between heaven and hell and all alone and abandoned by her 'friends'. For every shard Kagome purifies, she takes that much evil into her own soul. No energy can be gained or lost, so eventually, an equilibrium must be reached, and Kagome has become a center, globally attracting equilibrium point.
Chapter 5: The Shift Begins…
Globally attracting equilibrium point- a mathematical term that indicates whether or not a system equation is inclined to move toward a single point from any direction, and upon reaching that point, will not move away from it. In other words, it attracts all until equilibrium is reached.
Kagome glanced about her surroundings, confused. This place of intense green foliage and bright colors was something foreign to her, yet it was familiar in everyway to her subconscious. As she walked upon the smooth dirt path at her feet, she realized that though she had never seen this place before, her body moved with a familiarity to the landscape. As she walked, she finally took in her attire, growing surprised at the simple white silk yukata that clad her body, held shut by a silver sash with black, five pointed stars inscribed in circles stitched into it. Perplexed, she thought back to when Rin had brought her to her room. Kagome vaguely remembered the poor girl attempting to strip her of the elaborate kimono and actually succeeding in getting the larger girl into a cotton robe. After Kagome's head hit the pillow she didn't remember anything besides mysteriously appearing in this veritable paradise.
Her mind completely on her new attire and trying to derive its significance, she failed to realize that her feet had drawn her to a complete stop. Only when she heard a soft laugh did she bother to look up. Her breath was swept from her lungs as she took in the most gorgeous face she had ever laid eyes on. Platinum blonde hair, pale porcelain skin, shock green eyes…and that offness that detracted from his heavenly appearance…the mark upon his forehead and the black wings upon his back. His clothing was minimal consisting of a white satin skirt with a gold waistband that stopped just above his knees, Romanesque gold sandals whose straps stopped below his knees, and a gold serpentine armband upon his left arm.
He smiled down upon Kagome with softness and a hint of sadness that made her heart melt and weep on the spot. “You've finally come sister. My beloved Kagome.” He had been sitting upon a granite boulder before he slid down and started approaching Kagome. He held out his hand, offering it to her in a friendly manner. Then a feeling of terror seized her again. Something was horribly wrong here, but she didn't know what it was. Kagome recognized it s the same type of terror that seized her back at the village where she lost her only friends.
Kagome gasped and took a few steps away from the strange man. “Who, who are you?” she whispered softly. A frown crossed the man's face and his eyes narrowed angrily at her. “Why, I'm your brother, your other half! How could you treat me in such a way as to step away from me in fear! Do you not trust me sister?” Kagome's mind was whirling. The only brother she had was Souta, and this was not her pesky but lovable little brother. She shook her head, tears entering her now electric blue eyes. “You are not my brother! I don't know who you are, but leave me be!” Kagome felt her body stiffen in terror as a cruel smirk appeared on the stranger's face. “Why Kagome, my Mourning Star, with eyes the color heavenly tears, I am your brother. Have you forgotten everything nee-chan? How we are two parts of one thing? You, the evil who turned good, and I, the angel that fell from grace. We are opposites, but we compliment each other in everyway. You are all that is good in the world, I am the bad. You are dark, I am light. You are female, I am male. Everyone is attracted to you, I repelled everyone. You are Kagome the Mourning Star, and I am Vemariel the Fallen Star.”
His smirk grew and Kagome's fear grew. “Stay away from me! I am just Kagome! Nothing more!” Kagome turned on her heel and fled from the male who scared her so. Chills ran down her spine as she heard his laugh echo throughout the Eden around her. “Kagome, you cannot run from me! I will have you killed and balance will be overthrown! Do you not sense it on the horizon? The change that is coming? You cannot escape destiny though you've managed to avoid it thus far!”
Kagome jolt up her bed, gasping and covered from head to toe in sweat, her body so tense that her back was arched painfully. Her eyes glowed an electric blue, and a mark stood out prominently upon her brow. Her sheet clung to her body like a second skin, the black silk standing in stark contrast to her now pale skin. Behind her, a pale white outline of feather wings hovered like a ghost, seen but intangible. Sensing a foreign presence in her dark room, Kagome electric eyes darted about. Finally she came to see the outline of a tall male hear her doorway, his gold eyes reflecting what little light there was in the room.
Kagome let a growl escape her throat, baring her teeth at the intruder. “Remove yourself immediately from this room demon.” The figure didn't heed her warning and instead slowly approached her. “Miko, you will calm down. You will hurt yourself unless you relax.” Kagome let out a snarl, her blue eyes turning purple. The golden eyes narrowed as they saw this change. “You are no angel. Was this Sesshoumaru mistaken?” The purple eyes slowly started turning red as Kagome's growls grew in volume. Suddenly, a small voice came from the doorway behind Sesshoumaru. “Sesshoumaru-sama, Kagome-sensei, Rin is scared. The house is shaking and there is a loud scary noise…”
The red eyes suddenly snapped back to a subdued ocean blue. “Kami…what's wrong with me?” Then Kagome passed out, her body slumping back onto the bed. Sesshoumaru turned toward the door where Rin stood. “Prepare a bath for Kagome, Rin. I will bring her shortly so you can help bathe her.” Rin nodded, her fear not totally assuaged from earlier, but always willing to help her Kagome-sensei. “Hai Sesshoumaru-sama. Rin will do so.” With one last glance toward Kagome's bed in the dark room, Rin turned and jogged down the hallway. Sesshoumaru walked the rest of the way over to Kagome's bed and brought up his hand to brush her dark bangs off of her forehead. There sat a black pentagram, and it wasn't fading away this time. He looked down to her peaceful sleeping face and sighed. “Miko, you have a long road ahead of you. But this Sesshoumaru is surprised, for he thought you were going to be the angel, not the demon.”
A/N: Fine! Hehehehe. Someone asked me why I put -sensei at the end of Kagome's name for whenever Rin addresses her or talks about her. Well, sensei is the term used for teacher, and because Kagome took up the position as Rin's instructor, she gained the title sensei. Rin uses it much like how she uses -sama on Sesshoumaru. She can still be regarding them as either friend or parent, but she uses the highest honorific with their names because it is proper.