InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Demon's Seeker ❯ Interlude: A Secret Revealed ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Interlude- A Secret Revealed
“Inuyasha…what I'm about to show you will no doubt cause you to curse me to hell and make you wish that you had never seen my face. But I feel that you have the right to know.” Kagome said as her fingers touched her shoulder, Inuyasha watched as her outfit changed into Seeker's.
He met her eyes and gasped, Seeker….was Kagome! He stood there, completely frozen; his best friend had been the one that had tried so hard to keep him away from herself. She was the one that had offered to avenge Sesshomaru at the cost of her own life.
She was the one that he hated with every fiber in his being. He growled bringing his claws up, he saw that she was not surprised by this, but instead detransformed and looked at him with sadness in her eyes.
“Go on….kill me…I know you want to….so that you can lay me at your father's feet and show him your brother's killer…I won't stop you.” she said, her head dropping, his hand lowered and he took a step toward her, she looked up at him when he was standing in front of her.
She closed her eyes as he raised his claws again, but then she opened them when nothing came, not even a small scratch, he was still standing there, a look of pure anger on his face, his claws held up above his head ready to strike.
She was looking up at him confused, her eyes wide, their blue-grey depths capturing him, he couldn't do it. He lowered his hand his bangs hiding his eyes, he felt her hand on his arm, and then he smelled her tears along with Naraku's scent.
His eyes went wide as she stood on tiptoe and gently placed her lips against his, a warm blush covered his face, her words echoing in his head even though she hadn't said anything.
`It's time to say good-bye, I have to avenge my family.' she pulled away and looked up at him, her tears still escaping her eyes, she looked completely and utterly miserable.
“Good-bye, Inuyasha….know that even though you hate me….that…I love you!” then she was gone with the small breeze, he stood looking at the last spot she had stood, before he fell to his knees, his scream of pain and loss echoing through the night sky.