InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Desires of a Youkai ❯ Desires of a Youkai ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

**Yes, I know… Inuyasha isn't mine. But, I can always hope, can't I?**
Desires of a Youkai
Sesshoumaru stood stiffly in the road, the sun just peaking over the horizon, ready to set any moment. The noises and smells of approaching humans enraged the youkai; they had disrupted his floating thoughts and were now beginning to be quite a nuisance. He had been listening to these insignificant beings for a while now.
`It seems like these men have just raided a village.' His thoughts tell him as he hears about villages, rice, and the village's weakness. He had also heard their worries of youkai in the area after nightfall. `They know no fear. They will know what this `fear' is once I introduce myself to these lowly pieces of filth.' He tells himself.
His hair and clothing danced happily in the wind as he listened to the humans talk of him. He heard one of them say, “Bah, it's just a human.” Sesshoumaru scoffed noticeably at this. He was no human; he was nothing considerably close to a human. `How dare they compare me to something so filthy!' He asks himself, his own voice ringing through his mind, stinging the very thoughts of his subconscious.
He was still listening to the men on the horses that were approaching him. He was not about to strike so quickly; he was not about to kill them. `Not yet.' He says to himself, smirking evilly at his now formulating plan, the plan that had always worked in the past.
The plan was to simply eliminate all threats.
Smoothly, he turns to face the beings he had been awaiting. His eyes glow a blood red as he prepares to try out the arm he had recently found. The men, preparing to fight some worthless person with no skills, draw their horses reigns taut and restrain from gong any further. Shock is the last emotion they feel before seeing Sesshoumaru leap promptly into the sky and leave their souls to wander with only one drag of the demon arm he recently acquired.

With grace, he lands on a tall rock, as his hair sets against his back again. He looks into the sunset, his mind racing with adrenaline, egging him on, telling him to fight more, to spill more blood. Victory set as he decided that fighting was to wait for another time. He had to return to Jaken and continue his journey.
His journey was to find the person who he had been looking forever since he had first met them.
Behind him, Sesshoumaru hears a rustling in the tall grasses. He discreetly sniffs the air for any scent he might recognize; it was only Jaken. As the little green toad walks out of the grasses, the Nintoujou Staff, or Staff of Heads, peeks out of the weeds. “That arm of the Ao-Oni you killed is strong indeed.” Jaken says, his scratchy voice ringing through the hills.
“Are you blind or just stupid?” Sesshoumaru asks, his right arm going to the one that replaced the left that his ignorant hanyou brother had savagely cut off. There is a sound of flesh ripping apart quickly and the large arm is thrown away, landing at Jaken feet. The small green youkai steps back slightly before Sesshoumaru speaks again. “Go find me a youkai with a more suitable arm… If you do not, I shall kill you.”
Jaken looks up at his lord as he thinks of his hate for Inuyasha. His memories were crystal clear. As he remembers the terrible that Sesshoumaru lost his beloved left arm. It was pure hell for Jaken ever since that day. All he ever did was find youkai with arms that may work for Sesshoumaru.
Sesshoumaru wonders aloud, when he will find an arm to replace the one missing on his right side. Just as this is done, a man clad in a baboon pelt slithers his way out of the tall grasses beside the powerful youkai lord. “You must be in quite a dilemma, sir.” He says, his voice ringing with malice. Jaken runs behind his masters' leg in fear, dodging any harm that may eventually come to him through this strange man.
“Forgive my rudeness, but you are the elder brother of that accursed Inuyasha… Sesshoumaru-sama, correct?” The man says, noting the same features of Inuyasha within Sesshoumaru. “What do you want, bastard?” Sesshoumaru asks, his eyes narrowing greatly to try and see through the strangers' intentions.
The man tells Sesshoumaru of his hatred for Inuyasha, how his wished the same as Sesshoumaru. He offers an arm with his own outstretched, his head bowed out of `respect' for the youkai he is in front of. Sesshoumaru sniffs the scent of the arm that this man was holding in front of him, telling him he should use to replace his other. `That is a human arm. Why should I trust this man? I know not even his name.' Sesshoumaru thinks, his mind running through all the details, trying to come to a conclusion.
Just as Jaken starts to retort for his master, Sesshoumaru senses something inside that arm that he could not figure out. It was of the utmost purity; it glowed with a tint of malice though. There was no telling what this could be, but there had to be something he could realize before being told. He was Sesshoumaru, after all. `I know what this purity is. It is the same one I have sensed around…' He starts, his eyes widening slightly as he comes to the conclusion he's looking for.
“This is a human arm with a Shikon no Kakera imbedded deep within it, but you knew have already come to this conclusion, have you not, Sesshoumaru-sama?” The man says, his face hidden from Sesshoumaru's line of vision. Something made him distrust this youkai. `No, he is no youkai. He is but a hanyou, just like the one he despises.' Sesshoumaru thinks to himself, revealing secrets of this man to only his soul.
Sesshoumaru thought for a while longer, tuning out the droning man. He was only being told things he knew, such as his inability to have Tessaiga. He knew this and definitely did not like being reminded constantly. It was then that Sesshoumaru realized something. “Bastard, you speak of despising Inuyasha. But since you are afraid to confront him yourself, you are using me instead?” He asks testing this mans reliability to tell the truth. “Correct.” The man says, obviously not afraid to tell Sesshoumaru that he is doing so.
The man was truthful, but Sesshoumaru knew there was something odd about his person. Jaken, apparently angered by this mans intentions, jumped in front of Sesshoumaru, yelling at the person who had intruded the silence moments ago. “I will accept that arm.” Sesshoumaru says suddenly, Jaken very surprised by the answer Sesshoumaru had given the man. After receiving the arm, the man held out, what he called, a hive.
“This hive… It will prove quite useful.” He says, holding the brown ball until Sesshoumaru took it. Peering at the ball, thinking deeply about his decision, Sesshoumaru thinks of many questions to ask this strange, strange man. “Give me your name.” He says stoically, knowing that this one answer will probably have to do for the time being. “Naraku is what I'm called.” The man says, finally introducing himself to the youkai lord. “Naraku, huh?” Sesshoumaru inquired. “I shall remember that.”
Naraku, as he called himself, then left the taiyoukai and the little green imp to do what their new mission was. Sesshoumaru's subconscious was now tugging at his mind. `Why are you doing this for Naraku?' It asks, slightly displeasing him. `This is not for that Naraku character! This is for me. Tessaiga is the only thing I desire now and I just happen to be in Naraku's path.' `Sure, believe what you will.' `I shall.' He thinks to himself, cutting off the voice in the back of his head.
At that precise moment, he caught a drift of the scent he had been looking for recently and also one that he definitely did not want to have the displeasure of smelling. “Inuyasha.” He says aloud, Jaken looking up in surprise. “I suppose you will be going after him Sesshoumaru-sama.” “Hai.” He stated simply, walking towards the sunset.
No more then an hour later, Sesshoumaru had arrived upon what he had been seeking. He heard a girl inside. “I'm so happy we don't have to sleep outside!” She says merrily. “We get to have our meals cooked for us and sleep under a roof… Wonderful!” Then, his hanyou, half brother joined in her conversation. “I'm SO sorry we have to camp out all the time.” He says sarcastically. The two continued to talk and argue for a while longer. The young kitsune then joined in, telling everyone about Inuyasha's jealousies, which were quickly denied.
Sesshoumaru then noted that the monk was putting some kind of fuda on the outside perimeters of the home they were staying in. `Ha! As if there is actually anything for them to worry about. Well, besides me of course.' Sesshoumaru scoffs and continues to observe the group. The monk retreated through the shoji doors and Inuyasha immediately started pounding him with questions about how there was `always evil lurking about.' The monk explained that it was only a `white lie.'
`I must congratulate the monk. He is a very crafty, wise person. Human, but he would still make an excellent thief or even a skilled assassin.' Sesshoumaru thinks, his thoughts wandering over the scent that was now bothering him greatly. How was he supposed to kill Inuyasha under the pressure of what he wanted more then the Tessaiga, something he would not admit to wanting at all?
It was now that Sesshoumaru chose to take action. There would be no more waiting around, rethinking this only to get what it was that he truly wanted. The ground rang with reverberations of his coming. He watched happily as the villagers questioned what it was that was coming. It was only himself, and a couple or meaningless companions, whom he would not really call companions anyways. He wanted to laugh as he saw the villagers run in fear of the monster he had been set atop. He had wondered why he chose this method to get to Inuyasha. But why do meaningless things, like walk, if you can have someone, in this case something, do it for you?
Inuyasha gazed up at him in shock as he saw Sesshoumaru, speaking his name softly. Sesshoumaru jumped off the large beast, which was merely his pawn in all of this. Gliding towards the ground, he let poison flow freely from his left hand. Everyone Inuyasha was with had jumped back, including Inuyasha himself. The hanyou held his haori sleeve over his face and coughed.
“Your reaction is as slow as ever, Inuyasha.” Sesshoumaru says simply, his eyes noticing this large crater he had left in the ground between himself and the worthless hanyou. “Kuso! Sesshoumaru! What the hell are you doing here?!” Inuyasha asks, not really questioning his reasons one bit. He knew what Sesshoumaru was there for, Tessaiga. “Do not ask insignificant questions. I am here for Tessaiga.” He states, trying to reassure himself of that as well. “You bastard! You never learn, do you?” Inuyasha asks, grabbing the hilt of Tessaiga, getting ready to unsheathe it.
Sesshoumaru knew how to hurt Inuyasha immensely. He only had to rid the world of that human woman behind the rock, who was having a conversation about Sesshoumaru behind said rock. Inuyasha seemed devastated when he thought she had been killed during their last encounter. Sesshoumaru's attention turned towards the battle at hand. “Draw the sword, Inuyasha.” He demands coolly. “Or will you hand over the Tessaiga peacefully?” “Don't make me laugh! This time you'll loose more then just your arm!” Inuyasha spits back, finally drawing the magnificent fang from its' sheathe and attempting to strike him.
Sesshoumaru dodged the attack, or what most would call an attack anyways. The youkai continued to dodge the blade again and again, the attacks not fazing him in the slightest. “Inuyasha, you still have not mastered the Tessaiga, have you?” Sesshoumaru asks, the answer to his question overwhelmingly obvious. “Nani?” Inuyasha asks, not realizing how strikingly evident this was. “I'll make you eat your words!” He yells, jumping up and uselessly swinging the sword towards Sesshoumaru again.
Sesshoumaru simply grabbed Inuyasha's wrist and took the Tessaiga from it. He pushed Inuyasha away from his person and called forth demons from the mountain. “I shall show you the true power of our fathers fang.” Sesshoumaru tells the hanyou. As this was said, Miroku stepped out from around the rock, unwrapping the prayer beads from his hand. Therein lay the black hole, his wind tunnel. Miroku screamed to Inuyasha, telling him to move before it caught him as well. “Kazaana!” He yells, letting the void open up. Sesshoumaru then let the `hive' Naraku had given him into the air and watched as it burst. The creatures held within it flew straight into the void, poisoning the Kazaana, rendering it useless.
As the youkai from the mountain came closer, he swung the Tessaiga and a power flowed through it and out of the tip of the fang. The youkai were gone, nowhere to be found. Kagome stepped out from behind the rock, gazing at the scene before her. She walked closer, inspecting the situation. “Sesshoumaru.” She says quietly. Her voice sang to him like a soft lullaby. Her scent of interest was highly distinguishable in the air. `Is this woman lusting after me?' He asks himself, turning only to find her standing next to him, looking up at him sweetly. “Sesshoumaru, how did you do that?” She asks, wonder and amazement apparent in her eyes. The scent of mandarin oranges was flowing around the two of them.
“It is nothing woman.” He says, shifting his attention back to the hanyou that had been glaring at him from the ground. “Inuyasha, you shall give me Tessaiga, or I shall take it.” Sesshoumaru says, narrowing his eyes to basically nothing. “I won't give it up you bastard!” Inuyasha yells, ready to protect his sword. Sesshoumaru whipped the sword to his side steadily, just as before, getting ready to attack Inuyasha. Kagome decided now was a good time to snap out of her trance and save her friend. `My friend?' Kagome asks herself. `No, Inuyasha is more then a friend.' She shook her head violently and ran around Sesshoumaru and in front of Inuyasha. “Kagome! Get out of the way! He'll kill you too!” “I'm not leaving you Inuyasha! If you die, I'm dying with you!” She yells confidently, sticking her arms out, leaving her wide open to attack.
“Woman, why do you not move.” “I'm not going to leave Inuyasha open to attack when I know I could have prevented some of the blow with my own body!” She yells, closing her eyes tightly. Sesshoumaru slid up behind her and lifted her up, drawing his cloud beneath his feet. “Where are you going with Kagome and Tessaiga?!” Inuyasha yells, chasing after the retreating beings.
Sesshoumaru eventually landed in a field, roses uncharacteristically surrounding the two of them. Kagome tried to run away, but only succeeded in falling on her face. Sesshoumaru walked to the terrified girl and helped her sit up. “What do you want with me?” She screamed, trying to pull her hand away from the one that was still attached to it. He only held her slender hand tighter as he move d closer to her. Their faces were an inch apart and Sesshoumaru could feel her skin radiating heat, as well as that spike of lust once again.
Acting upon his youkai desires, his lips crashed against hers. Her gasp made him smirk in triumph. This wasn't what he had planned on doing. He actually wanted to hold her hostage. `It becomes hard when a woman is the object of your desires.' Sesshoumaru says to himself. When Kagome finally had the state of mind to break apart, she did so. She also moved backwards a couple of feet.
“Sesshoumaru, what are you doing?” She asks, her voice rattling from not only curiosity but also from the events that had just taken place. “Kagome.” She gasps. “Ever since I almost killed you in my fathers tomb, ever since I saw you break the spell around the sword…” Then there was silence. “Well, keep going already! I don't have all day!” She says impatiently, crossing her arms and looking slightly disgruntled. “It is nothing. Pay no heed to what I have said or my actions.” Sesshoumaru says, standing up and turning away from the girl to leave.
`Oh no you don't!' Kagome thinks, her eyes narrowing in suspicion. Smirking suddenly, she runs behind him and jumps on his back, making his equilibrium fail. Gravity took its toll on him as he fell on the ground, Kagome landing without any pain. “MMFFF! MMFFFG!” Kagome heard Sesshoumaru say. “What was that Sesshoumaru? I can't hear you.” She says, innocently wondering what he could have said. He lifted his head up slightly. “Off!” He yelled quickly before his head sank back into the Earth, awaiting freedom.
Kagome sat there for a couple of minutes and then finally got off of the youkai lord. He turned towards her, glaring at the young female. “You impudent wench!” He yelled, stalking quickly her way. She stood up and started to run, hoping there was a chance to get away. Of course, there wasn't. Not with Sesshoumaru around. He ran at her, not using any energy at all, and grasped her waist with his arms. He gently kissed her neck, making her shudder in pleasure.
Kagome then pulled away unexpectedly. Sesshoumaru just stared at her like she was crazy. “Sesshoumaru, I demand to know what's going on and why you're acting so… nice… to me.” Kagome says with all seriousness. “Do you really want to know?” He asked, moving close to her pulling her into her grasp once again. “Hai.” “Continuing my story from before, ever since I saw you with… Well, with my brother… I yearned for you Kagome. Why do you think I came around today?” Sesshoumaru asked, obviously a rhetorical question.
~*~ An hour later ~*~
Kagome was sitting in between Sesshoumaru's legs now, her head against his chest, and had been blushing for a while now. Sesshoumaru had announced his feelings for her, and she realized that it wasn't Inuyasha she wanted; it was always his brother. “Sesshoumaru…” Kagome says, staring off into the skies. “Hai, Kagome-chan.” “I think I've realized that it's never been Inuyasha I've wanted to be with.” Kagome told him, not really realizing that she was releasing her secret to him. “What do you mean?” Sesshoumaru asked, confused about the current subject at hand. “It was you.” She explained a little more thoroughly.
Sesshoumaru was silent. `She cares for me. I wonder how this shall all turn out. I mean, this was not to be expected, by either of us.' He thought, his arms closing around the young woman in his arms. Sesshoumaru turned her around slowly and pushed himself towards her, holding her and capturing her sweet, addictive lips once again.