InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Destinies ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

~*~*~*~hi hi peoples!!! This is my third fanfic! And conviently `three' is my lucky number! So, this is definitely going to be good. Alright here ya go~*~*~*~

Summary: Kagome has never been through the well or even known about the Shikon or anything ok? She is just a regular teenage girl that writes fanfiction just like us. One day, an unexpected visitor shows up at her home. What's he got to do with her stories? Is he really just a story or is he real? Sess/Kag


By: bubblesbb03

Chapter 1


Kagome Higurashi had a pretty much normal life just like the rest of us. She was popular in her school, she had a kind and understanding boyfriend named Hojo, and she was top in all her classes and a very kind and likable person. Just recently she had also become well known and popular online too. She had discovered a site called `fanfiction'. Thousands of people were into it, so she decided she might try it also.

She started writing stories for a show that she loved. It was called Inuyasha. The whole story was based on her own cities past myths and such. The story went like this: (AN: its going to be slightly different from the real one do to some circumstances ok?)


Five hundred years ago there was a priestess named Kikyou, along with a half-demon named Inuyasha, a monk named Miroku, a demon exterminator named Sango, along with her pet fire neko, Kirara, and an orphaned kitsune pup name Shippo. Together they were hunting an evil half-demon by the name of Naraku.

Kikyou wanted to destroy the evil hanyou because it was her duty and so she could get the wish-making jewel, The Shikon No Tama, out of his grasp. Inuyasha was helping because Kikyou was his love and would do anything for her (AN: Yes I know its corny and so EWWWWW. >~<) It was said Kikyou was the most beautiful and powerful of all mikos and was destined to defeat the great evil and keep peace in the world.

Miroku was hunting Naraku because the hanyou had placed a curse on his entire family and any male in the family would have a wind tunnel in their right hand. Each year the hole would grow bigger until the hole eventually sucked up the person's entire being; and this curse would be passed on to each generation until Naraku was deceased.

The taijia, Sango, was hunting Naraku because he had destroyed her entire village and family. Kirara was Sango's pet and so she was with Sango everywhere she went.

Lastly, was the orphaned kitsune pup Shippo. He was orphaned because at one point in time he had had the jewel with him and a couple of demons, named the Thunder Brothers, attacked him and his father while they were protecting and delivering the jewel to the legendary and most powerful miko, Kikyou. His father was killed while protecting his son and thus, Shippo was left orphaned and vulnerable to the two demon brothers. Thankfully, Kikyou and her lover hanyou, had rescued him and so Shippo has been with their group ever since.

Oh and of course there were other opposing people out to kill Inuyasha and Kikyou too. One was a demon, actually the half-brother and Taiyoukai of the Western Lands, named Sesshoumaru. He was actually not out for the jewel, he just wanted Inuyasha's sword; the Tetsusaiga. Legend has it that that sword was so powerful, that it could take out one hundred demons in a single stroke of the blade. That's why Sesshoumaru desired it so much; he wanted all the power he could get.

And there was also Kouga, the wolf prince. He was not a bad person, as was Sesshoumaru, but he always would try to make Kikyou his mate; always saying that he was in love with her. So, as expected, there would always be quarrel between Kouga and Inuyasha.

(AN: So altogether, everybody was out to get Naraku and Kikyou was like the ultimate miko and protector alright? Oh and there's NO Kagome.)

~*~*~*~End story telling~*~*~*~

Kagome sighed as she walked up the shrine steps of her home. Today had been another usual unexciting day. Hojo complimented her and brought her flowers and stuff, her friends gossiped about one thing or another, and she had math homework AGAIN.

Yes, everyday she homework from that hellhole that was called geometry class. Again she sighed once more. `Maybe if I go into the house unnoticed, then I can get up to my room and start writing and updating my story; and NOT have to do on my homework yet. Hopefully mom isn't home………' she thought, wishing.

She always wrote about `Inuyasha' and always her main character was Sesshoumaru, the evil, half-brother of Inuyasha. Always she wrote romance stories about Sesshoumaru and an OC named Kagome………

Yes, she totally loved the character of Sesshoumaru, but of course she never mentioned that to Hojo and not even most of her friends; well the ones that weren't involved with fanfiction that is. If she told that to a friend that didn't have one clue about `Inuyasha' or Sesshoumaru that she liked the character, then there would be rumors spreading like wildfire throughout the school that she was cheating on Hojo. Then she might be deemed a slut or two-faced, blah blah blah………and so on and so on, you get the picture.

But if she told one of her fanfiction friends then she could have whole conversation about how hot he was or something of that matter; and it would be perfectly fine.

Kagome brought herself out of her daydream of Sesshoumaru when she reached the front door to her house. Hesitantly she pulled the door handle up and opened the door, all VERY slowly. She really didn't want to make any noise, so she just might make it out of her homework situation. Cautiously, she peered inside, not fully inside the house herself. Seeing no one, she bolted to the stairs, intent on making it to her room computer and starting on that story.

Halfway up the steps, a stern voice stopped her right in her tracks.

"Kagome………" the stern voice turned into a warning voice.

She winced and slowly and almost fearfully, looked back over her shoulder. She gulped. Her mother stood there, her arms crossed over her chest and glaring at her like she had done something incredibly bad.

"Yes momma?"

"Are you forgetting something? A something that has to do with, shall I say, school perhaps?"

Kagome gave up her dream of ditching homework and gave into reality. Nodding slightly, she sighed, and trudged back down the stairs while slowly and solemnly dragging her feet and book bag along with her. She didn't say a word to her mother as she plopped down on the couch and took out her homework.

The first few minutes her mother watched her like a hawk, making sure she was indeed doing her homework, then after the said minutes, she went back to her motherly and cheerful attitude; satisfied that Kagome wasn't going to skip out on her homework as soon as she left the room.

Towards the end of her homework paper, her mother informed Kagome that she was going to go grocery shopping. She also said that grandpa was out Kami knows where and Souta had gone to a friends house after school.

`Thank Kami I am going to have the house all to myself! YES, that is so awesome! I can write my new chapter without any interruptions whatsoever!' Kagome rejoiced in her mind.

So as soon as her mother was out the door, and Kagome was finished with her work, she bolted ALL the way up the stairs. She slammed her bedroom door shut and planted herself into her computer chair. Then she started up her computer and opened up the internet and then her mail.

`I have to check and see if I got any reviews today first.' She thought. "Let's see, junk, junk………oh look I got three reviews today!" She exclaimed to nobody. The reviews were all good and just the usual `great chapter' message.

So with that out of the way, she then went on to fanfiction and checked her favorite stories to see if any had been updated. She only had Sesshoumaru stories on her favorite stories list. None of the lazy authors had updated their stories, so without further ado, she started working on her story.

~*~*~*~somewhere unknown~*~*~*~

The Fates watched Kagome carefully through a mirror then smiled. `Yes she will be the one.' The Fate thought. Then she changed the image to the real Inuyasha world. `Let's see, who shall be the other?' She spotted Sesshoumaru in her mirror. `Ah yes! The one Kagome likes. I'll send him!'

She chanted a spell and watched it take effect on Sesshoumaru. He disappeared into thin air. The Fate switched her gaze back to Kagome and watched the events unfold………

~*~*~*~back in the real world; Kagome~*~*~*~

Kagome was humming a tune happily as she rapidly typed away on her computer. She didn't sense another presence in the room until it was too late.

A clawed hand went around her throat and hoisted her into the air. She yelped in surprise when her feet were no longer on the floor.

"Wench, where am I?" a deep and commanding voice said.

~*~*~*~End Chapter~*~*~*~

Oh, what a cliffy huh? ^_^* don't kill me! I know the whole chapter is short, I'm ashamed, its only 5 pages!

But neway………I like this story so far, but what do you guys think? I let my mom read it and she thought it was great. Personally, I think this chapter is friggin boring. But it *is* well written, and it explains all the important stuff that would probably confuse you later it I didn't explain it now. Oh and ya know what's funny? The whole Kagome tryin to ditch her homework was just like me in real life, and my mom acts the same way as Mrs. Higurashi. And yes I do like Sesshy a whole lot too. And all my fanfic friends do too. So this story is kinda like my real life; without the whole somebody from the Inuyasha show coming to my house and all. Heh heh.

So newayz, REVIEW please! ^_~
