InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Destroyed Happiness ❯ Destroyed Happiness 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Destroyed happiness
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, and I do not make money off my stories.
A/N: Okay, here it is: chapter 3. I hope you'll like it. I bet most of you have already seen this coming, but still; I'm hoping my story is still unique... in its own way... even though I'm sure many writers have written about a similar thing.
And now... to answer your wonderful reviews (I am extremely grateful for each and every one of them - I love you guys): most of you were right!!! (you'll see what I'm talking about)
Well... enjoy :)
No; half a bottle of vodka just wouldn't cut it.
Slamming the empty bottle against the wall, Inuyasha briefly wondered where all this anger came from. It wasn't like he didn't deserve what he got, but he couldn't help thinking that maybe, maybe Kagome had overreacted. In his mind, she could have at least let him explain.
Where had her trust gone?
The alcohol hadn't gotten to his head yet as Inuyasha wanted, so he'd just have to go to the bar.
Trying to keep his anger in check, the devastated man picked up his keys from the floor and left the apartment, not caring that he was supposed to be at Sesshomaru's for dinner. Rin could wait. After all, the asshole had three women hired to take care of his daughter when he was away.
Reaching the bar that was so close to his home, he quickly ordered a shot of whisky. Clutching his head in his hands, Inuyasha tried to contain his frustration for the umpteenth time that day. Kagome had a daughter and a whole new life without him. He'd known this for quite some time, but the concept was only now beginning to settle in his brain and wreak havoc.
Somehow, he felt it wasn't fair. He'd loved her from the moment he'd clapped eyes on her and he knew she'd been in love with him, too. They were perfect for each other; he still felt every inch of that attraction he'd experienced years before. It just wasn't fair.
He was so engrossed in his musings and drinking that he didn't feel a distinctively feminine hand touch his thigh suggestively. Only when she squeezed to emphasize her point did he gaze up at her.
The woman was quite beautiful. Her long, black hair with blue highlights really made her deep, blue eyes and matching make-up stand out. She was dressed to incite, but he was left wondering why he didn't feel the distinctive stirrings in his blood. Was it because of his ex wife? Scanning her sourly, Inuyasha decided he liked the calf-length stiletto-heeled boots that matched her rather short leather skirt. And her perfect, rosy lips were so kissable. But she wasn't Kagome.
Scrunching his nose, Inuyasha made a point of ignoring her. He didn't have time for this shit tonight. He was sick and tired of refusing advances, and the fact that he was already a bit hazy didn't sit well in his stomach. What if he did something stupid from not being sober? The only thing he wanted was some peace and quiet to reflect on his pathetic life that was speedily going downhill.
But the woman was apparently relentless.
“Hey, gorgeous,” she said huskily, licking her pouting lips and then flashing him a bright smile that would have turned his world upside-down had the situation been different. “Have I told you about my plans of conquering the world?” she asked, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
Sighing unnoticeably, Inuyasha downed the remaining whisky in a smooth motion, appreciating the way it scorched his neck on the way in.
Turning his vague attention back on the seductive woman, he didn't show much interest. “So you're what, a model or something?”
He was sure she could see he was not interested, but figured that maybe it was a challenge for her. “No, honey,” she answered slowly, hoarsely, “I'm THE model.” Her statement was punctuated by her hand on his crotch and the whisper of her name dangerously close to his ear… “Kaguya.”
Kagome groaned out loud. She wasn't in the mood for this, but she couldn't have said no. She hadn't spent much quality time with her best friend and Ayumi had thrown that into her face so, naturally, she couldn't refuse coming to her best friend's favorite club.
Groaning again in annoyance, Kagome watched Ayumi make a fool out of herself on the dance floor. Whenever she got a little tipsy, Ayumi would dance wildly with the first man she saw. This wasn't an exception. True, this Bankotsu person was a lot nicer and smarter than any other guys Ayumi had been around, but Kagome wanted to make sure he wouldn't take advantage of the girl's state.
Unexpectedly, Ayumi showed up in front of her grinning widely.
“Say, Kags,” she drawled, gesturing towards the smirking Bankotsu as Kagome grunted at the nickname she'd been given, “can you do us a favor? I really, really wanna dance some more and Bankotsu has to deliver something to the bar across the street. Can you do that for us instead?” she asked sweetly, making Kagome roll her eyes.
`Sure… why not? Send Kagome... she'll do the dirty job! Stupid idiots!'
Smiling herself, Kagome pretended not to care. “Yeah, `f course. Just tell me who to go to.”
Ayumi squealed excitedly and kissed her friend messily on the cheek leaving a small, wrapped package on the table. “Just leave it to the bartender,” she said, emptying Kagome's cocktail from the table then hurrying back to her dancing date.
Kagome didn't waste any more time watching the two grind their pelvises against each other and crossed the street hastily, frantic to get the job done.
The moment she entered the bar she wondered if it was an exclusive one or something. The music was quite low and there were very few people inside. But what made her breath stop and her knees grow weak was the sight of Inuyasha and a female companion talking to each other, the woman's body suggestively close to his.
Suddenly, the provocative woman that was quite beautiful leaned down and grabbed her husband's crotch.
`My husband?! He's not my husband anymore!' Kagome argued with her mind as she promptly turned around, refusing to watch any more. Tears of pain and frustration threatened to fall on her cheeks, but she hurried to the bartender and left the package she was supposed to deliver before her waterworks could be given the chance to turn on.
Just as she was about to turn away from the sight of Inuyasha and walk outside, she found herself colliding with a hard, tall body.
Rising her eyes, they widened ridiculously at the sight of the man she hadn't seen in so long.
Her sharp voice sounded wrong to her ears, but her surprise was great. What was Sesshomaru doing in a bar? He didn't seem to be looking for either drinks or female company. The man, her ex brother-in-law didn't say anything or show any emotion, but that was expected from him. However, even though she was quite used to that, it still made her nervous.
“Um… hello. Sorry, I've got to go,” she said with the same squeaky voice while trying to push past him.
The outcome was… he did not budge. “You are a coward, Kagome Taisho,” he said, deliberately challenging her.
She frowned at him and immediately corrected his mistake, “Higurashi.”
For an instant, she could swear she saw the ghost of a triumphant smirk on his lips, but it might have been her imagination, because they suddenly moved according to the solemn words that were being thrown at her, “I see.”
Eyes widening, Kagome painfully realized her mistake. Would he tell Inuyasha?
“Turn around” was his harsh demand and she didn't dare disobey him for fear of him telling Inuyasha what she had unwillingly disclosed.
`I'm such an idiot. I should have known Sesshomaru would pull his conniving stuff at me.'
She knew exactly what he wanted her to see. Slowly, she turned around, praying to all the Kami that the sight wouldn't damage her forever.
Inuyasha knew his eyes should have been wide, but they were in fact pretty narrow. Oddly resembling twin slits, actually. He'd spent quite some time being confused that he wasn't sure how to react anymore. While his mind had been desperately trying to get a grip, the woman, that little witch - Kaguya - had started teasing his ear with her talented tongue while languidly rubbing him through his jeans. And it wasn't working.
Unsure if it was the alcohol or anything else, he scrunched his nose and frowned at the bold woman before he pushed her hand away from him, almost scowling in disgust. He'd had to deal with horny bitches like her for years, but it didn't get easier when the only touch he wanted and would always welcome was Kagome's.
“Just leave me the fuck alone you slut! Can't you see I'm fucking mad?” he shouted at her, not caring that he was in a bar where other people would hear whatever he said. He saw her flash an incredulous look at someone who was vaguely familiar in the shadows of the room.
Even angrier, he clenched his fists and proceeded to talk her out of ever approaching him again. “I thought I told that bitch girl friend of yours, Yura, not to come close to me ever again. That request is available for the whole female population, so just get off my case already. You saw I wasn't interested.”
Her hurt scowl was pretty clear even in the dim light, but she preferred not to reply and just leave him talking instead. This didn't piss him off further; on the contrary, it just served to make him feel relieved.
He'd chosen his brother's bar for a reason: there weren't many people who came here, and the ones who did come were distinguished ones, so he could drink to his heart's desire without interruptions. But these women that kept coming onto him proved his strategy wrong.
Slightly calmer, Inuyasha ordered another shot, never noticing the astonished gaze of his ex wife behind him.
Kagome had a hard time believing that what she saw was true. Inuyasha was refusing any female advances? And that girl looked gorgeous enough to be a model, too! She couldn't help but feel a slight hope bloom inside her chest, forcing her to believe he was acting like this because of her. Because he still loved her.
Had Inuyasha had lovers in the meantime? The scene he'd just caused led her to believe otherwise, and this made her content for some reason. Still... after so many years?
Turning around to face Sesshomaru, she wasn't surprised to see him still expressionless, as if what he'd witness was a very normal occurrence. Somehow, she didn't doubt it was. But the next words that came out of his mouth shocked her into taking a step backwards. She had always known that her brother-in-law thought highly of her, like Inuyasha didn't deserve a woman of her caliber, but this was a way too personal admission on his part.
“This is as much as I am willing to interfere on my half brother's part,” the businessman revealed, leaving the woman before him agape.
Suddenly trembling, Kagome found herself asking the question that had been plaguing her ever since she'd seen Inuyasha once again.
“Did you tell Inuyasha all those years ago that I asked about him?”
There was a long while when the stoic man didn't answer, but eventually he saw fit to divulge such information. “It was not my business to meddle.”
Kagome found herself nodding automatically, a grim feeling coating her innards. Sesshomaru hadn't told Inuyasha she'd tried to speak with him! Granted, it had only been once, as she'd been reluctant to insist. So Inuyasha probably thought she'd avoided him all those years? Well, she had for a while, always asking Ayumi not to answer to her ex husband's frantic calls, until she learned something she now wondered if she should have insisted he knew.
Shrugging off the uncomfortable sensation, she bit her lip, not knowing what to say. Awkwardly, she settled for, “Thank you… I guess.”
“This Sesshomaru will not say a word,” he assured her, leaving her in favor of going to Inuyasha and probably stopping him from drinking more than he already had. Kagome wondered how often this happened. Did Sesshomaru have to do this many times a week? Perhaps every day? Had Inuyasha turned into an alcoholic?
Nevertheless, she didn't let her musings make her remain in the same bar as Inuyasha as she scurried to the club. Rubbing her arms when she entered, she noticed Ayumi wasn't on the dance floor anymore. In fact, she wasn't anywhere to be seen. Groaning, the woman left.
A lot of things had been on Sesshomaru's mind. The day before he'd seen Kagome in his bar and had felt compelled to refuse to let her leave without seeing how Inuyasha was without her. Had she understood his point? Did she know in what condition she'd left his brother?
A brief look at Inuyasha's slumped shoulders and broken demeanor told the businessman more than any words could. Something had happened that had driven Inuyasha both angry and more depressed than he'd seen him in a long time.
The dinner was awfully quiet and even Rin knew to keep her mouth shut. That was a first. But even to her it must have been painfully obvious Inuyasha wasn't in the mood for talking. As a matter of fact, Sesshomaru was mildly surprised his brother had decided to come to dinner after all.
Not being the one for chatting and avoiding the subject for too long, he cut straight to the point.
“What happened?”
Inuyasha made a weird sound that hang somewhere between a whine and an annoyed grunt. In other circumstances it would have been funny.
The answer was pathetic. Even Inuyasha must have known that, what with the way he frowned.
“So you saw her,” Sesshomaru concluded when his brother refused to say anything more. Inuyasha didn't as much as flinch and that told the older brother that he was dead-on. “Was she with her husband?” He knew that wasn't possible, but he wanted to know what it was that had Inuyasha so down.
The devastated man shook his head slowly, still refusing to make eye contact with anyone. Seeing as he wouldn't get any information yet, Sesshomaru resumed his eating until a few meekly spoken words halted his fork midway to his mouth.
“She was with her daughter…”
Rin's eyes snapped wide open in time to watch her father show the biggest amount of surprise she had ever seen him express. His eyes were slightly wider; it was almost impossible to notice, but they were. Even his lips were somewhat parted - however, she didn't know if it was from his shock or from the fact that he had been about to swallow a forkful of steak.
The businessman stood up abruptly and left the apartment, leaving the other two wondering what had brought the sudden departure.
Kagome was brutally brought out of her sleep by some equally brutal knocks on her apartment door. Wrapping her arms around her nightgown, she hurried to open before whoever was out there would wake up her daughter. The moment she opened the door, a flash of black rushed past her, almost throwing her into the wall. She closed the door unthinkingly when she realized the man that had barged into her home was Sesshomaru.
His glare was scorching and she found herself shrinking further into the wall. Whatever made him so angry wasn't good.
“Where is she?” he demanded, his eyes blazing as Kagome's widened in sudden fear.
“How did you find me?” she asked, vaguely afraid of his answer that unfortunately never came. She was sure it hadn't been a problem for him.
“I shall feel compelled to tell him myself if you do not do it as soon as possible,” he said grimly, letting her know that he was more than serious.
Suddenly, the severity of the situation hit Kagome harder than a truck. She'd kept things from Inuyasha, probably in a subconscious desire to hurt him back and lie to him as he'd lied to her, but did that make her like him? `Am I any better?'
“I have never imagined you could do such a thing,” he spat at her, malice enveloping his words.
Her face was blank when something clicked. “I wanted to talk to him when I found out, but you didn't deliver the message.”
A sudden unidentifiable emotion flickered in his eyes, but it disappeared the moment it came. “I had no idea it was something of this importance. You did not insist.”
“And why would I? He hurt me and when I couldn't find him I assumed he left. Why would I think he wanted anything more to do with me?” she asked.
He seemed a step away from shouting at her and she wondered if she would like what he had to say. Probably not.
“Why did you tell him you had a husband?” he asked suddenly, not believing her look of sheer confusion.
“Who told him that?”
“I assume you did,” he replied, intentionally using the same verb she'd used.
“Well, I did not!”
Sudden understanding crossed Sesshomaru's features as he remembered his brother had mentioned something about calling Kagome's best friend, Ayumi. It was probably that girl who told him that lie.
“Tell me, Kagome. Why is it that you hid this from him for all these years?”
His tone was slightly sarcastic, mocking her, but she wouldn't let him have his way.
“It's not like he didn't deserve it.”
Her words angered the older brother for some reason and he found himself wanting to scratch some sense into this crazy woman. Coolly keeping his composure though, the businessman's upper lip twitched. “You have no idea what you have done to him.” Approaching her and almost causing her to ingrain herself in the wall she stood against, he spat out maliciously, “You have destroyed the man you knew as Inuyasha Taisho.”
She didn't know why, but she was trembling. The words he said, they couldn't be true! His face was almost touching hers as he leaned down and glared at her spitefully. “He's an idiot and he's a bastard, but he is not evil and he did not lie to you to hurt you, but to protect you.”
Feeling it was more than he would have normally said, Sesshomaru straightened and sent her another dark look, meant more to scold her for making him state thoughts he didn't usually let others hear than anything else. Without a warning, he dashed out of her apartment, leaving the quivering woman alone with his words pounding in her head.
`To protect me?'
Shaking uncontrollably, Kagome fought the sobs that threatened to consume her. She remembered all those times when Inuyasha had insisted he would always protect her, even from himself. She let herself slide against the wall, landing unceremoniously on her butt. Unthinkingly, she threw a nervous glance at Aiko's bedroom and tears did start falling freely down her cheeks.
`He lied! He lied to me! He broke our vows…He left me defenseless against my pain…'
She relived that fateful night when Kikyou had appeared at their door demanding a divorce. The pain felt fresh, as did the betrayal. Why had Inuyasha seemed fit to hide his marriage to Kikyou from her?
`He didn't want me to know! He wanted to have his path open in case he'd ever want to return to her!'
As preposterous as the idea sounded, she found she believed it and had always believed it.
`Is that the kind of faith I have in Inuyasha?'
When the only answer she could think of was yes, she cried some more.
The door flung open and a pretty woman dressed as a maid bowed deeply in fear. “W-welcome home, Sesshomaru-sama!”
He ignored her and stormed to the dining room, not at all surprised to find it empty. He knew Inuyasha would be in Rin's room if he wasn't already at his own apartment drinking himself to sleep. If `that woman' didn't tell him soon, then Sesshomaru would make sure Inuyasha knew.
`The nerve of that reckless woman!'
Opening his adopted daughter's door, he watched his younger brother asleep next to the girl. He looked troubled even while he slept and Sesshomaru didn't doubt he was having terrible nightmares. The ever stoic businessman wasn't one to care, but even he had had enough after so many years of seeing Inuyasha barely get by.
Sesshomaru made sure the door would screech sharply enough to wake his brother, who was always alert to the sounds around him. As expected, Inuyasha opened his eyes curtly and stood.
“How long was I asleep?” he asked, rubbing his eyes in a slow motion. Sesshomaru didn't reply; he merely walked out of the room, a clear sign for his brother to follow.
As soon as they were in the dining room, Sesshomaru didn't waste any time.
“Who told you Kagome is married?”
Inuyasha's eyes snapped wide open. “Ayumi,” he answered, unsure of where this was going.
“Hn,” the businessman acknowledged.
“Where were you?” Inuyasha asked, suddenly suspicious. It had been weird that Seshsomaru had rushed away from dinner, and it was even weirder that he was asking this question now of all times.
“You should mind your own business.”
“Then you should mind yours, too,” Inuyasha said, narrowing his eyes. What was it with Sesshomaru and his stupid questions? Until today, he hadn't asked a thing.
“Very well,” the older brother stated, retreating to go to bed. Annoyed, Inuyasha made to follow him, but quickly realized he had nothing to gain from this. Instead, he helped himself out of Sesshomaru's home, heading straight to his, where he'd be left alone to his own devices.