InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Do I Loathe Thee? ❯ Betrayal ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I Loathe Thee?

Chapter 1


1. Those of you who guessed Kagome, I am sorry, you are sadly mistaken. This, like most of my stories starts out as Inuyasha and Kikyou, but fades to Inuyasha and Kagome.

2. I congratulate those who did know what woolgather meant. It means daydream.

To ~Alanna (sorry for misspelling my computer kept changing it) I do no like Kikyou either, yet I don’t think she deserves to be forgotten. In addition, I do not lie when I say she is beautiful do I? Well as beautiful as a cartoon can be.

“Sister! Sister Kikyou!” The young girl cried out for her fallen sister. She pulled the sobbing form of her elder sister towards her.

“Sister Kikyou, what’s the matter?” She frowned miserably at the scene. This young girl could count the number of times she could take into account her sister ever crying on one of her hands. Therefore, this was something significant.

Faint mewing coming from within her sister’s shirtsleeve, distracted her. Being the curious child she was, Kaede lifted Kikyou’s sleeve. Inside was the most delightful kitten her young eyes had ever set sight on.

“Sister Kikyou!? What is this?” The young woman laughed, wiping her tears away, and pulling herself together.

“Well, Kaede, I shouldn’t think I would have to teach you this, but a cat is…”

“No! I mean why!?” She huffily crossed her arms.

Kikyou looked sheepishly at the dirt floor. “Happy Birthday Kaede.” She managed to murmur out before shifting her gaze to her younger sister’s youthful eyes. Her breath caught in her throat when she saw the tears brimming her eyes.

“Kaede! What’s wrong?” She shook her head.

“Thank you, Kikyou. I love you.”

Kikyou remembered that day. The day her younger sister had told her that she loved her.

She remembered that as she lies here. She clutched the sacred jewel in her hand. She winced as the searing pain only worsened. She lay in a puddle of her own blood.

She had been walking through the forest to collect herbs when she came across Inuyasha. Her heart immediately swelled at the mere sight of him.

He was breathing heavily and surrounded by fallen bodies. Kikyou barely had time to gasp before he struck her. She spun, her eyes widened and landed on her face. She painfully picked herself up. She could feel tears pricking the backs of her eyes. She refused to let them fall.

“Inuyasha!” She cried out to him. “Why?”

He grabbed her by the throat and slammed her into a tree. She cried out and tried to grab his hand.

“Bitch! Give me the Shikon Jewel!” He breathed out to her.

“No!” She screamed, fearful for her life.

From the quiver on her back, she drew an arrow. She moved to reach for her long bow, before realizing it had fallen whilst she had been attacked. Using swift thinking, she stabbed him in the neck with the arrow. Immediately his hand released and she fell to the ground coughing.

His eyes faded from deep red to their bright amber. He blinked to clear his vision, and looked at the mess before him. His gaze landed on Kikyou, and then the throbbing in his neck became evident to his senses. He pulled the arrow out and stared at it questioningly.
‘Kikyou?’ He threw the arrow down and took hesitant steps towards his beloved.

“Kikyou…I’m sorry…I don’t…” She stood up slowly and painfully. She tried to hide any show of pain, to save her dignity.

“Inuyasha! I hate you!” She screamed, knocking and arrow. She took aim, and allowed her miko energy to fill the arrow. So many thoughts were filling her head, as her heart broke into a million shattered pieces.
’Why Inuyasha? Why?’ She let go and watched as the Fuin no Ya pierced his chest, knocked him into the Goshinboku, and pinned him.

His eyes widened in surprise as he reached out for her.

“Kikyou…I…” His eyelids drooped and his hand fell. He fell into a deep slumber with and odd peaceful look upon his face.

‘Kikyou…I…love you.’

She took shaky steps towards the hanyou. The hanyou that had been hers. She took in all of him. His long flowing silver hair. She ran her slender fingers through it. Not wanting to forget it. She gently ran her fingers over his soft ears. ’I will miss you, Inuyasha…’ With one last look at her lover, she fell to the forest floor. The Shikon sill tightly clutched in her slender fingers. Before she lost conscious, she heard a youthful voice calling out to her.

“Kikyou! Are you okay?” Young Kaede fell by her sister’s side.

“Kaede…” Her breathing became ragged. “Burn the Shikon with my body. I do not want any more demons attacking after neither I nor Inuyasha can protect you anymore…”

How was that?

1. Does everyone know why she only sealed him and not killed him?

2. Does anyone have a guess as how I’m going to incorporate the rest of the gang into the story?

Please review.

*.<-~Steffaniey the Lavishly Splendid~->.*