InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Do I Loathe Thee? ❯ Taijiya and Monk ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I Loathe Thee?

Chapter 3

Taijiya and Monk

1. I really do thank everyone for informing me on how Sango’s village was destroyed! I will use that in a future chapter.

2. I’m glad you are clear as to what’s going on.

Thirty or so years after the priestess (miko) Kikyou had sealed her hanyou, Inuyasha, to the Goshinboku, a baby girl was born to the fortunate couple of a demon-exterminating village.

Before passing out from exhaustion of the birthing, the pale woman smiled meekly at the miracle she had helped to bring into the world. One word slipped passed her lips as she entered the world of dreams, “Sango.”

The dark haired man took the delicate bundle into his arms.

“Sango.” He cooed to the child. She opened her small eyes scarcely evidently before shutting them tight. She shot her tiny fists in the air. The man chuckled, his deep voice calming the child. He lightly prodded her little nose, and her fingers found their way around his own. Her hand barely made its way around the older man’s index finger. He smiled at the unexpected strength from the infant girl.

He had expected something so small to be able to lift a piece of paper at the most. She had surpassed his expectations. She had a slight grip for a newborn.

“My beautiful Sango…You shall make a wonderful taijiya someday.”

He kissed her forehead and gently rocked her in his arms.

Years after the demon exterminator family has a girl born to their family, they have another child. This one, being a boy, they name Kohaku. To the dismay of the family, the mother dies during childbirth. Kohaku and Sango from there forth are brought up by their father. They are both trained in the ways of the taijiya. Which will later help them, or destroy them in life?

A few years before the infant Sango was born, another miracle was brought into the world to the family of a Buddhist monk. His mother had died in childbirth and shortly after being born his father had been sucked into a curse of a "Kazana". The evil man, Naraku, had placed a curse on the infant boy’s grandfather. His grandfather would have a slowly expanding wind tunnel in the palm of his right hand. The curse would be that it would be passed down through the generations of men in his family until Naraku could be defeated. This curse was passed down to the baby boy, Miroku.

Due to the fact that the boy Miroku was orphaned a monk friend of his father’s, Mushin, took him in.

Mushin treated Miroku as if he were his own and trained him in the ways of monkshood.

Miroku grew strong and with the aide of his wind tunnel learned to defeat many a demons.

1. Does everyone believe that my chapters are incredibly short?

2. Should I introduce Kagome in the next chapter?

Please review and answer the questions. They are very important. Thank you!!

*.<-~Steffaniey the Lavishly Splendid~->.*