InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Do I Loathe Thee? ❯ Last Day? ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
I Loathe Thee?

Chapter 5

Last Day?

1. I’m pleased that there are some who like the story!

2. I’m working on that one.

“Uhn…” The young girl rubbed her eyes and pushed her raven tresses away from her face.

‘What time is it?’ She glanced to her alarm clock; a small smile graced her features. ‘Mom let me sleep in.’ She stretched her arms above her head and stood out of bed.

Glancing at her calendar, a larger smile replaced the previous one. ‘Today’s my birthday!!’ She screamed giddily and ran around her room like a lunatic. Seconds later an old man came running into her room screaming about demons. Her smile fell and she quickly ran over to reassure him everything was fine.

“Jii-chan! You know demons don’t exist!”

“Yes they do! I saw one just the other day! He had green hair and was walking…” She hastily shoved the man out of the room, fearful of his ramblings.

“What a great start so summer.” She mumbled before changing for her last day of school.

After she had dressed and eaten, she kissed her mother goodbye and told her that she would be staying after school with some friends for her birthday. She picked up a dish of cat food for her kitten.

“Buyo! Buyo! Where are you?” She searched all over the house. Not finding him, she decided to look outside.

“Kagome! Over here! I think I found him…But he’s in the old well house we’re not supposed to go in!” Her younger brother’s wide fear-filled eyes made her sigh.

“Souta, you know those stories are just what they are; STORIES! Nothing is going to jump out of that old well and eat us!” She gently scolded the boy for believing such rubbish.

“But, sis!” She sighed again and set the dish of food on the ground. She walked towards the well and sat on the ledge.

“Look, to prove my point, I’ll go down in the well. Just be ready to help me back out, okay?” The young boy nodded and slowly walked towards his sister.

She lost her balance and screamed, falling over the side. She clamped her eyes shut and braced herself for the impact of the ground. Instead, she felt as if she were floating. A bright bluish light surrounded her; she could faintly see it through her closed eyelids. Before she had a chance to open her eyes, she felt herself landing softly on the ground. Her chocolate orbs fluttered open and she looked up.

‘No roof? What’s going on?’


I’m sure you’ll all be pleased to read this: The next chapter will be long. Moreover, due to the length, it will probably take a little while to write…But I already know what I want to happen and it shall take great length in writing to get it there.

1. Was there anyone who just out right hated that chapter?

2. What can I do to make the next chapter better?

*.<-~Steffaniey the Lavishly Splendid~->.*