InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Don't give up on guys ❯ Chapter Seven ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Doot doot, I'm here again. Here it goes!
“Someone talking,”
`Someone thinking'
Flashbacks or dreams
*~*~*~*~* Scene change
><^><^><^ End of chapter
(Me speaking)
Summary: Kagome used to be a popular person, that is, until Kouga broke her heart. She has given up on love or even liking anybody. Now Kagome is unpopular and her twin sister, Kikyo, is a very popular person and she teases and makes fun of her. Now that they are in High school, a guy catches her eye. He is the new guy at school. Inuyasha. But does Inuyasha start to like her? Will he try to teach her that not all guys are jerks? Will he win her heart?
Don't give up on guys
The spy hid down lower in the booth, trying not to be seen by the couple sitting close to him. He growled deep in his throat. How low. Asking out someone you were paid to take out before. He huffed. And she said yes! Inuyasha couldn't and wouldn't believe it. So, he decided to ditch Kikyo and watch Kagome and Kouga's date without them knowing. How foolish. Risking his relationship with Kikyo just for Kagome. He sighed. He shouldn't like her, but he couldn't stop his heart.
Kagome groaned to herself, faking a smile. She thought she really did like Kouga, but it was just a lie. He was to boring. She just couldn't take it much longer. “Kouga…”
Kouga blinked at his date, stopping his wonderful story about how he won the football game last week. She was there; she didn't need it to be retold. “Huh?”
“Kouga…I was there. I'm hungry, can we order now?” She asked, trying to act as sweet as she could. Which, was proving to be quiet hard.
Kouga smiled and nodded. He really liked this girl. She was so wonderful. “Waiter…Food please.”
Inuyasha groaned. So annoying. So boring. He was talking about the football game. Inuyasha knew she was there, because, well, she went with him and Kikyo. Inuyasha and Kagome ended up talking to each other than with Kikyo, but they didn't mind. They had fun. Joking around and stuff. Inuyasha's eyes darted to Kouga and Kagome. Waiter. That's when his idea came to him.
Kagome swore she had ordered to a different guy. But then again, they did change waiters sometimes so…she couldn't really do anything. But this guy…He looked to familiar. Like she knew him or something. Who was this guy? His hair…so much like Inuyasha's. But his eyes were brown. Not golden. Shaking her head, she smiled at the waiter then took her food. Who really cared? The sooner she ate, the sooner she leaves. Just as simple as that. She began to eat as Kouga tried to talk with her.
Inuyasha growled. Kagome didn't notice. Then a soft smirk rose. What a perfect plan! Grabbing the desserts, he walked towards the table. Taking a deep breath so he wouldn't kill Kouga, he smiled. “Miss, your dessert.”
Kagome looked up at him and blinked. She hadn't ordered any dessert. “I didn't order any….” She began.
Inuyasha smirked. “Oh, this is from the gentleman over there.” He nodded toward a random guy.
Kagome blush. Was she getting hit on? She glanced over to the man, completely ignoring Kouga. The man was kind of cute. “Really?” She squeaked, looking back at Inuyasha.
Inuyasha nodded. She really believed him. Perfect. Kouga, tired of being ignored, grabbed Kagome's arm. “Yes, he might be flirting with you but you can't be flirting back!” He yelled. He hated being ignored.
Kagome gasped. She brought her eyes up to Kouga. For the first time in her life, Kagome was scared of Kouga. He looked so scary. “S-stop Kouga! That hurts!” She squeaked because closing one eye out of the pain. Kouga wasn't listening. He was squeezing it tighter.
Inuyasha's eyes grew. This was horrible. Kouga was hurting him. He, without noticing it, grabbed Kouga's wrist, making him let go of Kagome. “Don't. Ever. Touch. Her. Again. Got me?” Inuyasha's eyes flared. No one would ever hurt Kagome with him near. Never.
Kagome stared, widen eyed. The waiter really was Inuyasha…and he was protecting her. She jumped up, running into Inuyasha's arms. “Inu….Inu…” She whispered. She felt Inuyasha wrap his arms around her, whispering soft words to her.
Inuyasha smiled down at her as she looked up at him. “Its okay.” With that, he and Kagome left Kouga, who was swearing under his breath. Once outside, Inuyasha held Kagome out at arm length, his hands on her shoulders. “What the hell! Why where you with him!” He spat at her.
Kagome winced at the harsh words. “I'm…sorry. I don't know.” She looked down. She didn't mean to make this mad. Her bottom lip trembled. Great, she messed up her friendship with Inuyasha forever.
Inuyasha, noticing she was about to cry, pulled her into a hug. “Sorry.” He said softly. He didn't mean to make her cry, he just needed her to understand what he felt. He put his finger under her chin, making her look up at him. He gave her a soft smile. All of his memories with Kikyo flashed out of his mind as he leaned down. He felt his breath fly onto her lips then bounce back to his. His eyes went closed as he pressed his lips against her, is a soft, loving kiss.
Kagome stood, shocked. The one thing she had ever wanted. He was kissing her. But wait, he was with Kikyo. Not Kagome. But her twin. Herself only different. Pushing him again, she screamed. “Stop it! Stop it! What about Kikyo, you cheater!” She yelled before running away, tears streaming down her cheeks. Breaking her heart was painful.
A/n: Bwaha….END! How'd I do? Eh? I luff this chapter. ^^;
Inu: It sucked.
Sesshy: Yeah.
Sango: I wasn't in it!
Kouga: Grrr Inu-kuro!
Miroku: Stupid!
Kagome: Ahh so awesome. I love it!
All: o_O What?
Meh: Yay go Kaggy! ^__^;;