InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Dreaming ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ A - All Readers ]

Disclaimer: Someone stole my new pencil case with all this new stuff in it that I never bothered labeling and I've given up on it so I can't put a claim on that either.
Chapter 2
I didn't want to go, but Mama made me go to school. She smiled at me, but when she turned away, her eyes darkened, her stance drooped, and her mouth became a thin line.
They had seen her unconscious at the bottom of the well, and Mama had called the fire department to help get her out. Jii-chan had rambled particularly more than usual, and last I had seen him he was in a ceremonial kimono, carrying `sacred sake' and several `o-fuda' - rectangular parchments with kanji written on them in calligraphy, having customary uses.
“He~y, Nezu-kun. Something wrong?”
I started, and turned to see an innocently concerned Akihiro. He was my best friend.
He asked again and I answered uncommitfully. He asked again and I relented slightly. “Nee-chan got into an accident.”
His eyes popped and he leant toward me. “Really? Oh, wow! Was it a car crash? Was she hurt bad?”
There was no way I was going to say she had fallen down the old well at my place. It sounded stupid, even to my ears. “I'm really not too sure.” Vague was the best answer I could give at the time. “O-kaa-san forced me to come. I wasn't able to find out anything.”
If Kagome had broken her leg, I could've created a story about how she rescued Buyo from Goshinboku, but fell and broke her leg as she was going to climb down. It was heroic enough, and gave her a streak of tom-boy-ishness. She was, afterall, a girl.