InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Eien Wo Shinjiteru ❯ Chapter 5

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Author's Babbles: Gosh, I took so long to update, sorry about that. I just haven't had the spirit to go on with this, hehe! Didn't want to leave you guys hanging though. Thanks for all your reviews, they warm up my heart. I'll try to update sooner next time.
Please don't get tired of reviewing, arigato!
Chapter 5
Spring had always been Senjitsu Ayume's favorite season. At this time of year, the trees were budding, leaves started to unfurl from sturdy young branches. The flowers were at their most glorious, the hillside would be blanketed with a riot of colors and textures. And it was during the spring that the birds seemed at their happiest. You could hear them singing and chirping all day long. In the winter, all you could hear were the gloomy hoot of an owl and the lonely baying of wolves. She had always looked forward to springtime. This way, she can leave the woes of winter behind, at least for a time. Ayume remembered her children the most during the snowy months. And the bleak frost and bitter bite of the chilly winds always made the pain seem more acute. The heartache caused by their passing was heightened by the lonesomeness of their barren existence. Spring however, was a season of joy, a time of rebirth, a celebration of new life. Her children would never return to her, but spring has given her the notion that they were someplace else, living a wonderful life.
The child in her arms had been through perhaps the worst winter of her life. The blizzard and the avalanche in the form of those atrocious men had destroyed her innocence and shattered her illusions. Ayume was determined to help Rin get her life back. She had known the girl for only a few moments, but the bond she felt with her was so astonishingly keen that it seemed as if the she was hers. Her daughter Nishi, would have been Rin's age by now. They had both suffered a devastating loss. Perhaps, Rin's spirit would never be completely well again, but that would be determined by time. On this fine spring day, they would begin trudging the road to being healed.
Ayume glanced down at Rin. The girl's eyes were closed, but she knew she was not asleep, for her hands were still gripping the front of her kimono.
A shadow from the doorway blocked the sunlight from entering the room. Ayume looked up to see the figure of the youkai lord standing at the entrance.
“Rin, your guardian is here to see you now,” Ayume said softly. Gently, she disengaged herself from Rin's embrace.
Rin nooded mutely. She opened her eyes and reached for Ayume's hand. “I'm sorry, but you have not told me your name,” she said tremulously.
“My name is Ayume, Rin-chan. Now I must leave you two alone.” She squeezed Rin's hand reassuringly.
Rin squeezed back and gave her a small, sad smile. “Thank you for everything, Ayume-san. I owe you my life.”
“You owe me nothing, little girl. Now, I must go, I will see you later.” And with that, she stood and headed towards the door.
The daiyoukai stepped aside to let her pass. His face was as she remembered it: blank and impassive.
Sesshoumaru did not even spare a glance at Ayume on her way out. He had eyes only for Rin, his Rin. She was hunched on the floor with her back to him, her head bowed so he could not see her face. Silently, he walked towards her until he was only a few feet away. He got down on one knee and lifted his hand as if to touch her. But he hesitated and asked her instead, “How are you feeling?”
Rin did not answer. She continued to stare at the floor. Sesshoumaru reached out to touch her again. He wanted to reassure himself that she was fine, at least from any physical injury she had sustained, but her words made his hand freeze in mid-air.
“Please don't.”
Rin found that she could not look at him. She clutched the sash of her kimono and restlessly twisted it in her small hands. If she looked at him, she would surely break down, and if he touched her, by god she would fall apart. With a small cry Rin scrambled to her feet and frantically dashed to the other side of the room. She was breathing hard, and the ominous weight of his presence was threatening to crush her.
Sesshoumaru had not moved. And for a few moments he stayed motionless. Slowly, he rose to his feet. His hands were clenched at his sides. This was not the way he thought Rin would react. His head was reeling with uncertainty. He was not sure how to respond.
“I want you to know that I do not blame you for what happened. You have always been there for me. It was just unfortunate that this had to happen.” Rin spoke softly. Her tone was far from accusatory, in fact it was so devoid of emotion that the words rang hollowly in his ears, sending chills coursing down his spine. Finally, she looked at him. There was no light in her eyes. She had no more tears left to shed, it seemed. The Rin he knew had died last night. The woman standing before him was a ghost, a mere shell of the carefree and happy girl Rin had once been.
Sesshoumaru swallowed at the lump forming in his throat.
“I know that if you could have been there, you would not have let anything happen to me. But it did, and there is nothing we can do to change it.”
Rin smiled wanly as she continued, “The truth is, I am feeling such shame right now, although I do not understand why.” At this time, tears had gathered at the corners of her eyes. “I should have died. I truly wish I had died.”
Sesshoumaru shook his head. He wanted to wrap her in his arms and tell her that everything would be fine. She was safe now. But he found that he was powerless to move and that his tongue failed him.
A heavy silence hung in the air. Rin turned to stare at the fire in the hearth. “I would like to rest now.”
Sesshoumaru nodded. He left the room as quietly as he had come.
The tears began to roll down Rin's cheeks as she collapsed to the floor. She bit her lower lip hard to keep from crying out. Her heart was breaking in a thousand pieces. Why did this have to happen?
Chap 6 will be up soon, I promise!
Ja ne!