InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Everytime ❯ Chapter 3

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Thanks to all my readers and reviewers!
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha
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In Kaede's hut, Miroku and Sango were talking by the fire while Shippo was curled up next to Kirara. Inuyasha was in the corner of the hut just sitting there with a dull look in his eyes as he stared at the walls.
“He doesn't usually get this upset about being called a half-breed.” Sango said.
“True…”replied Miroku. “Usually he starts a fight with whoever called him that or at least yells back.”
“Do you think it was someone he knew that called him that…like Kikyo or somebody else from his past he never told us about?”
Just then Kagome burst through the door. Her face was flushed and she was out of breath from running all the way to the village. She looked around the hut and saw a yawning Shippo, the curious looks of Miroku and Sango, and…
“Inuyasha” she breathed. He didn't acknowledge her presence. He sat in that same position, with the same far away look in his eyes.
“Kagome, why are you back so soon? Didn't you just leave?” Sango questioned.
“And why would you come back in the middle of the night? It's dangerous.” Miroku added.
“I needed to talk to Inuyasha.” Kagome stated.
“Well, I'm afraid he isn't in the mood to talk. He's been upset for a while about someone calling him a half-breed…I don't see what he's depressed about now considering he's been called that before….”Upon seeing Kagome's worried face he trailed off. “Kagome what's wrong?”
“Nothing.” she quickly replied. “I'm just worried about him.”
Kagome walked over to Inuyasha and kneeled by him.
At Kagome's voice Inuyasha inwardly flinched. His eyes lowered from the wall to the floor and he hung his head, his bangs shadowing his face.
`I can't let her see how much she hurt me. Showing pain is a weakness… a human emotion.'
“Inuyasha…”She tried again. Getting no reply she stood up and walked over toward the fire.
`This is going to be harder than I thought. I don't want Miroku and Sango to be listening, too…I don't know what to say either!'
“Kagome…do you want to go to the hot springs with me? It will help you relax.” Sango asked, sensing her friend's tension.
“That sounds great.” Kagome said. `Maybe I can come up with something to say to Inuyasha…'
“I will come along! Its dangerous at night with all the demons out there, I must protect you ladies from harm.” Miroku exclaimed.
“No thanks, Miroku. I can handle myself. Besides, Kirara is coming, too. Right Kirara?” Sango said in response. Kirara mewed in reply.
“Let's go then.” said Kagome.
At the spring Kagome was unusually quiet. Sango knew something was bothering her best friend.
Soon they finished their bath and dried off. As they finished dressing, Sango had to break the silence.
“Kagome, is there something troubling you?” Sango asked.
Startled out of her thoughts Kagome quickly replied, “No…I mean…there's nothing wrong. I'm just a little tired.” She put on a fake smile for her friend.
“Kagome…you know if something is wrong you can tell me about it and I promise not to tell a soul.”
“I know, Sango, but I…I did something horrible…I said some things…to someone…” Kagome started as tears welled up in her eyes.
Sango didn't like where this was going. “Go on” she encouraged her.
“Sango, I'm the one who called Inuyasha…a half-breed…and a mutt. I even brought….Kikyo…into our conversation. Well, it wasn't really a conversation…it was more of me yelling things at him…” Kagome started crying. “Oh, Sango… how could I have said such things to him!? I didn't mean it! I really didn't!”
Sango walked over to Kagome and embraced her in a motherly like hug.
“It's ok…don't worry about it. In a couple days I'm sure Inuyasha would be willing to listen to reason. He knows you didn't mean it. Just wait a little while to apologize…you'll see. Everything will be ok.”
“….thanks, Sango…”Kagome said as she dried her eyes and Sango let go of her.
“Anytime, my friend. Now lets go back to camp before the boys start to worry” Sango said as she scooped up Kirara and headed back to the hut.
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