InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ F.L.A.M.E.S ❯ Memories Of The Truth ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
An Inuyasha Fan-fiction


Chapter Eight:
Memories of the Truth
© 5/28/2005
Story © by Kira
Chapter © by Corin

A/N: yeah well Kira couldn’t come up with a chapter for Corin so here I am the creator of Corin writing the chapter for Corin…>>“ well I am here to explain a bit about this chapter. Just so you people know, when there is a bright flash of light that means it is going to a new memory. Yeah it’s kinda confusing. And to tell you all…this chapter will be longer than all the other ones…--’’’ I like to write long chapters….when I start writing again…yeah well I’m sorry for boring you ^^ bye! Oh!! I don’t own any Inuyasha characters…neither does Kira. -sighs- but I wished I own one certain character….-looks at Sesshy-
Sesshoumaru: back off woman
Corin: -pouts- damn… well on to the story


Corin slowly sat up from the medical table and looked around. “Huh? Where am I?” She quickly moved from the table to stand on the floor. She wasn’t expecting the random dizziness and fell to the floor. “Oh, hello floor.” Corin growled and pushed herself up, finally she was kneeling on the floor. “What is this place?” She sighed and looked at her arms. ‘Huh? What’s this?’ Corin ran a hand down her arm. ‘I’m pale. What does this tag say?’ She grabbed the tag and read what was on it.
“Tenshi, Model number 003. What the hell is this?” She finally stood up and looked around. She saw no one but she looked at a tray next to the table. Her eyes widen and she gasped. “Oh my god….” Her eyes continued to remain on the tray, that held the bloody medical tools. “I have to get out of here.” She ran out of the room and arrived at white room with nothing on the walls.
“Hello, Tenshi model 003. It’s nice to finally see you again.” A voice said. Corin turned around to where she knew the door was and saw a male doctor. “W-who are you?” Corin backed away from him. “Hmm…it seems you are fighting with my mind. No problem though.” The doctor mumbled something and Corin fell to the floor holding her head. “STOP IT! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!” Corin screamed causing the windows to break. She then fell face first to the ground, passed out.

A bright white light flashed in the room and Corin opened her eyes. “Tenshi, get up. If you don’t get up they will take you apart.” A female voice said. A ten year old Corin quickly got up and stood with the other demons, that were standing in a straight line. Before Corin could even blink, the door opened. A female doctor came and started inspecting them. “You.” Corin jumped slightly and bowed her head. “Yes ma’am.” The woman moved to stand in front of Corin. “Why did we create you?” Corin glared in her mind but started to answer. “You created us to be the perfect demons and to take out the Hanyous and all the other ones that call themselves demons.” The woman nodded. “What else?”
Corin blinked back the tears that threatened to fall. “To please whoever we are given too. Until they grow tired of us and we are destroyed.” The woman smiled. “Nice job. You will do excellent. Come with me.” The woman started to leave the room and Corin followed. As she passed all the other demons they would place a hand on her shoulder. Corin and the doctor walked into a room where Corin saw two men.
“This certain Kitsune has caused us trouble before. Her and her family. But we have solved the problem. Apparently she only acted like that because her family was there. So we got rid of the family.” A man’s voice said. A man leaning up against a wall nodded as he looked over Corin. “She will do fine. I’ll take her.”

There was another bright flash and Corin ran through the forest. ‘I have to get away from here!’ Corin’s silver hair flared out behind her as ran. Her cerulean blue eyes widen in fright. She continued to run until she arrived at a beautiful Victorian mansion. ‘Maybe someone can help me there…’ She ran until she arrived at the door. Corin started to pound on the door. “Please! Let me in!” She pounded on the door for about 5 minutes until the door opened. She saw a man with firey red hair and ocean green colored eyes. “Please…help.” Was the last thing she said before passing out.
The man gasped and picked up Corin holding her bridal style. “Sutaa! Come here and help me!” The man yelled as he carried Corin up the stairs. A girl that looked about 14 years old appeared at the top of the stairs. Her sapphire blue eyes widen as she saw her father carry a young girl that looked no younger then 12. Her mahogany colored hair rested at her mid back. “Come on Dad. Let’s go put her in one of the spare bedrooms.”

Another bright flash happened and Corin stared out in to the front yard. She watched as Sutaa walked away from the house. ‘Me and Sutaa never have gotten along. It’s been 2 years. She won’t even look at me. Maybe it’s because her father was busy helping with my Kitsune magic…she just felt left out…’ Corin turned away from the window and stared at the mirror in front of her. Instead of her silver Kitsune ears, they had been changed to bright red dog ears and her unusual silver hair was now black and red. Her mahogany colored eyes closed as she let the illusion fade. She now stood them in her Kitsune form. ‘I have to change what I look like so they won’t find me. That even means I have to change my species.’

There was one more bright flash and Corin saw Alayasha heading towards her with claws extended. “Yasha?” Alayasha didn’t say anything but rushed towards Corin ready to attack. Corin jumped and landed behind Alayasha. “Yasha! What’s wrong? Why are you trying to attack me?!” Corin shouted as Alayasha continued to head towards Corin.
~Kill her.~ Corin blinked as she head a voice in her head. ‘Wha?’ The voice started to talk again. ~Kill her. You know you have wanted to kill her since you first met her. You know who her parents are…and you hate them. You hate one in practically.~ Corin jumped away from Alayasha and held her head. ‘Get out of my head! That’s not true!!!’ The voice started to laugh. ~You have never been strong enough to get rid of me. And you never will be. You thought you could hide yourself from me? Change your form so no one would find you? Well you were wrong. I found you…and you won’t get away this time.~ Corin closed her eyes and screamed out in pain. “LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” ~What are you doing?! Stop it!~
The area around Corin started to glow a pale blue color and then Corin started to glow purple. “You have treated me wrong for hundreds of years. I won’t let you ruin the life I have now.” Corin said before her hair started to fade from the red black color it was to a pale silver. Her silver gray eyes changed to a cerulean blue. “COME OUT AND SHOW YOURSELF!!!” Corin yelled out as her ears changed from black dog ears to pale gray fox ears. Corin sighed as her pale gray fox tail finished growing.
“So you think you are so tough to fight me now?” The voice said. “Fine then. Let’s fight.” Corin looked around and couldn’t see anyone but Alayasha standing there, staring at the ground. “Yasha?” Corin then gasped as she saw a shadowed figure take over Alayasha’s body. “What are you doing?! Get out of her!”
“You think you are so tough to beat me now? Well then, if you are so tough then you don’t mind killing your friend to get rid of me?” The voice said through Alayasha. Corin stood there staring at Alayasha wondering what she should do. ‘I’m sorry, Yasha. But to get rid of these horrible memories I have to get rid of him…’ Corin blinked back the tears that threaten to fall. Corin mumbled some words and a whip appeared from no where. “Are we going to fight or are you going to stand there all day?” Corin said while snapping the whip. Before she even had a chance to blink, Alayasha was holding Corin up by her throat. “Not so tough now…huh?” Alayasha said. Corin began to choke from the lack of air.
‘I have to do something…if I don’t…she’s going to kill me.’ With out thinking Corin quickly kicked Alayasha on the side of her rib cage. Alayasha screamed and dropped Corin. Corin laid there for a few seconds trying to catch her breath. Alayasha started to head towards Corin again. ‘Shit!’ Corin quickly stood up and landed a kick to Alayasha’s right temple. Doing this caused Alayasha to kneel to the ground and hold her bleeding head. Corin then reached down and grabbed her fallen whip. She walked behind Alayasha and wrapped the whip around her neck.
“I’m sorry.” Corin said before she tighten the whip. Alayasha began to claw at the whip trying to unwrap it from her neck. Corin cried softly as she could sense Alayasha began to lose her life force. “I’M SO SORRY, ALAYASHA!” She tightened the whip as hard as she could and could hear the snapping of a neck.
Mist started to form around Corin and the next thing she knew the mist was gone and she was standing alone in a forest. “It seems I have gotten over my fear.” She said as her fox tail swayed side to side. She looked up at everyone else that were fighting. “I would go help them…but they need to do this on there own.” Her once happy cerulean eyes were now cold and without emotions. Corin started to walk out of the forest towards where she smelled Alayasha.

A/N: well…-blinks- who knew how fuck up life….o.o’’’ yeah I said it was going to be kinda of long…but for it to be longer I would have to control some of the characters and I don’t feel like doing that.

Salem: keh! You are just lazy….

Corin: well you are suppose to be my muse and give me inspiration!

Salem: -lays down on a lawn chair in his swim shorts- it’s summer…I get the summer off…

Corin: -growls as she glares- THAT’S IT!! -Attacks Salem-

Salem: oof!!!

Kira: -peers out at them from her window in the house- Right… well… I think she stated it all quite nicely. And if she wants she can help co-write this damn story… I really love this story but… I think I need help writing it now. It’s gotten to the stage where I need to view it from some one else point of view to keep writing. –Turns away from the window and goes back to the desk plopping back down into her chair, turning on the computer- Sooooooo having seen this I know what to write next. Arigato Corin-sama!!! –Begins to type furiously-