InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Fear of Doubt ❯ Sango's Dillemia ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Fear of Doubt

Dragon and Sword Master: Sorry for taken a long time to update this! Schoolwork got me all cramped up, and I was barely able to update my other stories. This one is next. Sango is far, far away from Miroku for now. Maybe after all the versions, I can have decisions.

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Sango's Version

I wish that Kagome wasn't so sad all the time, but love can do that to you. Especially when the person you love doesn't show it back to her. How do I know of Kagome's pining for Inu-Yasha? It's the fact that she only confides with me; not Shippo or Miroku, but me. I wish that I could help her, but I, myself, don't know what to do when you are in love with a person that doesn't even acknowledge that we are even there. I know that for a fact.

On the outside, it seems as if I hate Miroku's guts, but in the inside, it's as if my heart is leaving me and going towards that monk. The monk that is always asking his stupid perverted question, but if he asked me passionately, I would have answered his stupid question with a yes. He and InuYasha are very much alike. They both have a girl that loves them, yet they see us as ghosts, just merely shadows that are there. This is why I know of Kagome's situation. Because I am also in the same boat as her, an expression that Kagome has taught me a long time ago, after I released my secret in front of her.

But is that image the only thing they see? A mere ghost from a past life or something else that makes us unable for them to see who we are? I hope that isn't what they see in us, but if that is what they are seeing, then why do we pine for them like stray cats?

Somehow, I believe that Kagome and I have something in common. We both have our loves right in front of us, but they each have their own problems that make us both mad. InuYasha has Kagome, and Miroku has his perverted ways.

Kikyo. That one name gives Kagome and I the creeps. She is dead and no more than ashes that could blow away with the morning wind. She has no right to be alive again and try to steal away the one person that she holds dear to her heart. I don't know what he is thinking, but whatever it was, he shouldn't have to protect her anymore. She betrayed him and all of us when she went to Naraku.


Dragon and Sword Master: I'm sorry if this seemed off-course, but as soon as I came to the part about Miroku, I just kept going with it. Sorry. I went to DJ's profile, and saw that his thirty-two story list was dwindled to twenty-five. WTF? I don't know how this could happen, but I am pissed at this. Fanfiction's authors, if you delete ANY of my stories, there will be hell to pay. Now, your regularly Fic of the week.

This week's fic of the week is none other than Into the Well we go by Lil Tanuki. Summary: Yusuke and his gang have a new mission, to investigate three new girls at their school. A miko and her two demon friends, one day they follow them all into the Bone Gobbling Well and into Feudal Japan. What's Inuyasha and Co. reaction? Read and find out!

She has a very good crossover here. I've seen many more before, but this and another story are two of the best stories that I have ever seen. This story introduces two great characters, that have come from the past to the future. How you ask? Read and find out! The other story will be revealed with the next poem.