InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Feudal Fairytale Ficlets ❯ Fangs ( Chapter 3 )

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A/N: Stray human tissues between his teeth? Honestly, sometimes I think Momigi comes up with this stuff just to get a rise out of me. So we've settled that the imagery here is very...vivid. As for the rest, I do like the detail of Rin getting bitten by a dog, but I think Sesshoumaru would be more likely to hunt down said dog and eat it than see the episode as any reflection on himself.
Witty Disclaimer: We don't own Inuyasha; however we are capable of stealing hairs and making Shikigami counterparts, complete with fun-noodle swords.
What good were fangs if they were never used?
When the bloodlust hit Sesshomaru hard, he would abandon his trusted blade and lunge full on at his foes, teeth bared. The sensation of sinking his fangs into the skin of his victim was sensual. Stray tissue would thread between his teeth as he tore away a chunk of flesh. Gore sprayed, throats screamed, bodies fell...bloody fantastic.
Then one day, while searching a village for food alone, Rin was bitten by a stray dog. Crying loudly, she sought Sesshomaru's comfort.
Somehow, he couldn't bring himself to use his fangs after that.