InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ First Class Dog ❯ Dizzy Up the Girl ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I'm so excited to be writing another chapter! I was thrilled that people were reading and reviewing the very next day I posted. You guys have really lifted my spirits. Oh, and if you have anything… any situation you'd die to see just send me a message and I'll try to incorporate it if it'll work for the story. For example, I really need some good activities for Kagome and Inu Yasha to do at the hotel or locations to be traveled to over the three weeks. I've got some ideas but more would really help spice up the story. Thanks for reading!
Also, what do you guys think about me possibly starting a story with a different ending from the manga? I was considering keeping them together… but in modern times. With all the consequences and drama that comes with adjusting to a modern world. The whole gang would be in it, too. Not just Inu Yasha and Kagome. What do you guys think?
Inu Yasha vigorously rubbed his hair with the towel to dry it out even more, then got frustrated and shook his hair out, sending droplets of water everywhere. Kagome squealed and jumped behind the couch to avoid the water hitting her. He watched her flee with a grin. The dog-demon knew she *hated* it when he did that but it was extremely entertaining to watch her freak out. He reached up and touched his now-black locks. It felt pretty dry so he shuffled over to bedroom and retrieved his shirt. As he bent to take it he couldn't help but remember the picture of Kagome sitting above him, ranting and raving as she tore off his clothes. He'd seen it happen before but… this time he couldn't argue with her. He might have even liked it a little. He shook his head at the thought, conscious of his black hair again, and yanked on his shirt. Buttons sucked. The dog-demon was still struggling with the concept but he eventually got them all done up. His stomach growled and he was suddenly aware of Kagome's presence in the doorway behind him.
“Here.” She tossed him a dark brown suede jacket and continued, “Put that on. It'll look nice at dinner.”
As he turned he caught the jacket in one hand and tugged it on, then he heard a snapping sound. Kagome was much nearer, examining his face; she had a white strip of what looked like a bandage hanging out of her mouth. Upon further inspection he realized it was stuck to her bottom lip. He wondered if it was some strange accessory for dinner.
“Squat down.” She said.
He crossed his arms sullenly and responded. “Why should I? You've been ordering me around all day. Who died and made you queen, huh?”
She eyed him, refusing to take the bait, her hands moved to her hips. She was assuming the sit position. Not good. He knew the look well. Even with the piece of bandage stuck to her lip he rather preferred to keep his dignity so he dropped down to a squat. To his shock he felt her hands in his hair. One hand pushed back his hair while the other touched his ear, sending a shiver down his spine.
“Inu Yasha,” she murmured, “This might be a little uncomfortable, but people are going to freak if they see your ears? As soon as we get done with dinner and we can come back here you can take this off. I don't mean to put you through all this…but… I'd hate it if you left.”
She said the last part so quietly that had he been human he wouldn't have heard it. He could his ears get warm and hoped she couldn't feel it. She rubbed his ears between two fingers for a moment, marveling at how soft they were. To Inu Yasha it felt like heaven, her fingers were cool and soothed the burning in his ears from the blush. Without thinking he leaned his head into her palm. He almost looked peaceful.
“Ah… I'm sorry I have to do this but I have to tape down your ears”
He grabbed her hand, amber eyes flashing at her. She glared back at him her cheeks a rich red color.
“Do you want to get dinner or not?”
He refused to respond but he dropped her hand. As gently as she could she applied the medical tape to each ear and pressed them against his scalp, then flipped his dark hair over the tape. The hanyou reached up to scratch at his ears, they itched terribly.
“This dinner better be worth it, damn it!”
Several minutes later the grumpy half-demon and the miko argued their way down the elevator to the dinner hall. Kagome gave the greeter their names and the woman escorted them to a dim lounge-like area with chocolate brown tables encircled by rounded maroon, high-backed seats. A delicate looking glass vase sat in the center of each table with two white roses carefully arranged inside. The plates seemed to match the white of the roses perfectly with a thick gold line surrounding the lip. She was relieved to see chopsticks instead of forks, as was common in upscale hotels. The chopsticks themselves were chocolate brown with a gold band across the handles.
The two slid into the seats and Kagome picked up the sheet of fancy printed rice paper laid across her plate. It detailed a dinner of small samples from the finest meals on the menu. The half-demon was staring at his menu, he didn't recognize the names of half the styles of food on the list but the descriptions were making him salivate. They were too busy reading to notice the waiter filling crystal glasses. Moments later Inu Yasha was sniffing the air. Something smelled good. Very good, and it was heading their way. Another waiter appeared and set down a serving plate in front of them, explaining that their drinks were specially prepared to compliment the food.
The dog demon descended on the food immediately—until Kagome pinched his leg from under the table.
“Save me some!” She hissed, looking about to see if anyone noticed his boorish behavior. The other couples had apparently come in much earlier and were too engrossed in their food. He grumbled but slowed down, allowing Kagome to snag some pieces of food, all perfectly cut to be easily handled with chopsticks. After a few bites she reached for her glass and took a sip. Inu Yasha had already downed his. She blinked at the taste. Was this alcohol? She wondered then dismissed it. No, they knew she didn't meet the twenty-year-old drinking age. It certainly did compliment the meal well. That was for sure. Her companion had somehow acquired another glass of wine from the silent waiters flitting about and had drained that one as well. As the food on the serving dish dwindled the drinks came and went, Kagome had only drank two glasses and already she felt a little light headed. There was no telling how many glasses Inu Yasha had gone through.
She chanced a peek at him. Even with his heavily tanned skin she could see the red tint to his cheeks. It made her giggle a little. Amber eyes turned towards her, a piece of food still in his mouth as he mumbled,
The miko snorted at his silly expression. He swallowed the piece whole, coughed, punched his chest, and then downed yet another glass. The half-demon growled. What was so damn funny? Kagome quickly grabbed for her third glass of what she was pretty sure by now was wine and gulped down half the contents to stop her giggling. Feeling very content with himself he shrugged her reaction off and cleared the serving dish.
It was quickly replaced by a fresh set of chopsticks and a smaller platter of dessert samples. The wine was changed out for something of a different flavor to compliment the new arrangement of food. The two set to work on the food with gusto until Inu Yasha's sensitive ears picked up the most obnoxious voice he never wanted to hear: Ikume.
“Damn!” He cursed, leaning towards Kagome he whispered into her ear, “Ikume and Shiro are coming… let's get the hell out of here.”
She pouted, “But I'm not done yet!”
Inu Yasha grabbed her arm and yanked her away from the food, panicking as Ikume's voice drew closer, “C'mon.”
Grumbling, she allowed him to drag her out from behind the table, grabbing one last sip of wine before being swept away. As she stood she stumbled, her mind spinning as the blood and the alcohol rushed to her head, but was quickly caught by the half-demon muttering to her about not making too much noise. By some miracle they slipped away unnoticed. However, the trip to the elevator was a much more difficult task. Kagome's steps were slow and wobbly. He snickered at the sight of the miko's valiant effort to maintain her balance. What was that word Kagome used?
“Heh, trashed.”
His own mind was more than a little fuzzy and he had trouble staying one step behind her as her next step always seemed to go in some unplanned direction. She came to a jerky halt at the elevator, and then slowly leaned backwards, apparently forgetful of gravity. The hanyou put his claws on her shoulders to steady her. The elevator chimed and she stumbled forward, tripping on her way in, causing Inu Yasha to have to zip around her; only to find that he was not quite as equipped to catch her as he normally would. He stumbled and fell to the floor sideways; Kagome flopped on top of him. The elevator attendant had apparently seen this many times before and closed the doors behind them, taking them on to their floor.
The door chimed and opened on their floor. The two were still trying to disentangle themselves—not an easy feat when one is drunk. Somehow the half-demon was able to get on to his feet and extended a hand down to Kagome. She took it with a giggle and made a feeble attempt to rise to her feet; instead she kept falling back on her behind. Shaking his head he tucked his arm under her legs, the other around her back, and swept her up off the floor. He then made his cautious journey to their door. His world wasn't spinning nearly as much as Kagome's. The miko had leaned her head against his shoulder, her arms wove around his neck, and again he became aware of her sweet scent. The demon killer who could strike fear into the hearts of his enemies wore the dopiest smile ever.
“You smell good, Inu…Yasha…” Kagome murmured into his neck, he could feel her lips on his skin, soft and warm. Before he could respond he realized he was at the door to their room. It took quite a bit of effort and dexterity to hold Kagome in one arm and find his keycard with the other—mostly because he was having some trouble maintaining his concentration on his balance while holding her securely. After a couple of attempts and a string of curses the door finally accepted his card and allowed them inside.
“Damn magic doors.” He grunted and stepped inside.
Once the door was shut behind him he carefully worked his way towards the huge bed and gingerly set her down. Kagome seemed to have other ideas, though, because she held onto his neck tightly. Unable to keep his balance he fell forward into her stomach, instinctively jerking his arms out around her to stop his face from colliding into her torso. He ended up face to face with Kagome, her eyes half-closed, peering up at him through her thick lashes. He stared back, then cleared his throat and stuttered.
“Y-you… need to get some rest. Where do you keep your pajamas?”
“I got `em. No worries, m'kay?” Kagome slurred and unhooked her arms from his neck. She slid off the bed slowly and stumbled into the next room where her suitcase lay. Inu Yasha attempted to follow her out but the world suddenly leaned sideways and he had to stop in the doorway to the living area to keep his balance. The wine seemed to be acting stronger than it had moments ago. Kagome, nearing the couch, crossed her arms in front of her and pulled her sundress up and off her head. The half-demon tilted his head to the side (to follow the leaning room) and gaped at her figure navigating the dangerous slope in his vision with only a little trouble.
Reaching the suitcase she rifled through it until she found the top half of her pajamas. She couldn't find the matching pants and kept checking again, and again, for the missing bottoms, not realizing she'd missed them three times sitting right at the top of her pile of clothes. Designating the search as futile, the miko hesitantly navigated her arms through the long sleeves and fiddled with the buttons. Inu Yasha would have continued to stare at her indefinitely but his ears began to itch. Remembering that they were away from prying eyes he reached up and gently peeled the medical tape off of his ears and scalp, wincing when he pulled out a few hairs. He crumpled the tape up in his fist and tossed it neatly into a nearby garbage can, feeling pretty darn cool for doing so while he was so dizzy. His satisfaction in himself was short-lived as he heard Kagome's pouty voice much closer.
“Inu Yasha. Help. These buttons don't work.”
He opened his mouth the question her but she moved right past him and plopped unceremoniously onto the bed. She waved her arms.
“Help, help. Ooh… they spin.” Kagome giggled, now enchanted with her hands, splaying her fingers out above her head.
The dog-demon's alcohol-addled brain found nothing wrong with the arrangement and he found himself stumbling over to the bed, crouching over her prone figure. He grumbled as his claws fumbled with the buttons.
“Always need m'help… so helpless.”
Kagome had managed to bring three buttons together in the center of her shirt so he decided to work his way from the middle up first. Amber eyes squinted at the buttons that kept slipping from his fingers, agitating him to no end. No matter what he seemed to do or where he looked the buttons just wouldn't cooperate. Stupid human inventions, obis were so much better. That gave him an idea. He slid off the bed and ambled back into the living room to his clothes, searching slowly he finally came up with the sash from his fire rat robe.
“Mu-huh-ch better,” he slurred as he returned to the bedroom.
The hanyou scrambled back up onto the bed, scooped her body up with one arm, wrapped the sash around her waist several times, and then secured the ends within the wrappings to keep them from coming undone. Without a thought he let go of her body and watched it flop back down to which the miko gave a groan. He observed his handiwork for a moment, proud at his accomplishment. The half-demon decided she looked better that way anyway and nodded to himself in agreement. Deciding his work there was finished he began to crawl towards the end of the bed when his foot became caught on something. His head swung back slowly only to find that it was Kagome's hand on his ankle. She was on her side, propped up on one elbow while her free hand tugged gently on his foot.
“Wait. Stay here with me.” She whispered, he couldn't tell if her cheeks were pink from the alcohol or something else. Her blue-gray eyes bored into his, he loved making her angry just to get the chance to look into them. He gulped and nodded, crawling back towards her to lay on his side facing her, using one hand to hold up his head. He watched her eyes grow concerned and felt a cool touch on his cheek.
“You're flushed. Are you sick?”
Rendered speechless after he became lost in her eyes, it was all he could just to shake his head `no.' Her fingers traced the shade of his blush from his cheekbone back to his jaw and then slid down his neck where she curled one finger around a strand of his hair that had fallen forward. For a time she examined it, then shifted off of her elbow to lay on her side with her head on one of the thick pillows. As she laid down she held onto his hair, causing the hanyou to tilt his head down towards her or risk getting his hair yanked out. His lips were mere inches from hers and he sucked in a halting breath. He could give her just one kiss, he reasoned, and if she got mad he could always blame the alcohol. As if acknowledging his intention the miko closed her eyes and let out a soft sigh. He moved in slowly, his own eyes slid shut as he drew close enough to feel her breath on his lips. A single word slipped through.
He waited there just to hear her say something, anything, to let him know this was okay, just once more.
He hesitated then whispered softly, “Kagome?”
Still nothing.
His ears swiveled forward to pick up the rhythm of her heart beat. It beat slowly, steadily, not thrumming with life as it did when she was agitated or excited. Kagome had fallen asleep. Inu Yasha exhaled, having suddenly remembered that he had been holding his breath for some time. He wouldn't steal a kiss like some thief. Pulling his head back a little he realized Kagome had locked on tightly to his hair. He wouldn't be going anywhere for a while. Slowly, carefully, he scooted down so that he too was lying on his side. It felt odd laying down on something so soft when he was so used to his bed being a tree branch or grass. Admittedly, he was closer to Kagome than he had ever been while she was asleep. He allowed himself to entertain the thought that this place by her side might very well be the only place he ever wanted to be. It was then the hanyou decided that he could close his eyes and wait for her to relinquish her hold on his hair. Moments later he was sound asleep.
A few hours later Kagome shivered. The two had fallen asleep on top of the comforter and by now her body had become chilled. She had detached her fingers from his hair long before then so she had no trouble rolling on to her side, her back to Inu Yasha. Oblivious to his proximity but still chilled the miko wriggled about, seeking to snake her way under the covers. When that proved fruitless she scooted further into the center of the bed until her back touched something warm. The warmth molded itself to the back of her body and another warm thing draped around her upper arm. Comfortable again, the unconscious miko tucked her arms beneath Inu Yasha's limb. She slipped quickly into deep sleep.