InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ First Year: A Wedding Gift ❯ Conversations ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters but I love them dearly.

The woman walked back to Kaede’s refurbished home, overwhelmingly dejected.

Why?! Why couldn’t they all stay here? A village Sango had grown quite comfortable in.

Kohaku’s continued rejection was one thing, one very painful thing.

But Miroku, just when she thought she had the monk figured out, had him tied down he threw her for an incredibly humiliating loop. She thought back to his finely set eyes. Miroku certainly had a way of being mysteriously conciliatory.

He had always made her feel as if he had some secret, some wisdom beyond her. But it was something she had to believe was true. 'Miroku please help Kohaku.'

She stared down. Sango’s hemp zori were terribly frayed, matching the rough state of her traveling clothes. The taijiya juggled her options. Ohama offered her sewing lessons; she could learn and feel clean and presentable in her street garments for once. Or she could avoid the dreadful task and find Inuyasha or Shippo for something distracting to do.

She headed off to the direction she last saw Inuyasha.


Inuyasha had spent this nine day period trying to get his bearings, attempting reconcile what he thought his place to what it actually was.

Returning from the mediou sans Kagome he expected their group to do as all people did who no longer had business with each other, separate. But strangely they did not. The monk left but with the assurance of returning, Kohaku one of those assurances. Inuyasha was also sure the monk and taijiya still had business with each other, for their entire lifetime he supposed, as married humans did.

Once realizing Kagome’s needs were with her own family and settling her in her own home, he got faint notions of travel. His strength now exceeded that of any youkai in his land. Inuyasha could feasibly go anywhere, maybe even beyond his country.

But Shippo, Sango and Miroku’s faces, waiting anxiously. Even after what happened with Kagome they were still glad to see him alive and successful. No sooner did he have a warm bowl of stew and rice in his hands did not only his friends but the entire village entreated upon him for help. To repair, to clean away shouki and youkai, all things he felt much obliged to do (he grumbled his thanks to a wench five hundred years in the future.)

So it continued this assumption of help and general expectation of him staying.

Not only that, but his bastard of a brother left his young charge in this village. Inuyasha had the distinct feeling the girl was now under his protection. Asshole! He dare think Inuyasha was just going to care for his dumb little girl. Inuyasha grumbled into the high branches of the tree he was resting in. He supposed he had to now.

All of this irked Inuyasha to no end. Not just because all these people took him and the possibility of him leaving for granted. But that assumption spread something warm within him and crawled across his skin making him restless.

Now he was stuck in this two bit town with nothing to kill. Sitting, away from the much detested village he was even more restless.

“Heyy,” Sango called, seeing a lone foot dangling from a budding tree.

There was no answer for a while then a curt, “Hey.”

Sango pursed her lips. She was a bit worried about him. Miroku had warned her not to let him fall back to old tendencies, not to let all Kagome’s work on him be for not. Even though she and Inuyasha weren’t that close Sango would do her best not to let him calcify back into a giant jerk.

Besides she recently found herself in need of company. “So… how you holding up?”

“What are you talking about?”

“You know, without Kagome.” The taijiya plucked at some bark.

“I’m fine, she’s better off. What else is there to know?”

“Yeah …” 'Jeez talking to this guy is hard!' “Well were both alone now.” She nervously chuckled, “We should do something.”

Inuyasha hung his head down to get a good look at her. Really his face couldn’t be more incredulous. “… Do something? Like what?”

“Well …” Sango was stumped. The only thing they really bonded over was killing youkai and there was none in their apparent vicinity.

The taijiya let out a frustrated breath. She squat down and rested her back against a root. “I don’t know. I shouldn’t even be out here. I should be with Ohama and the sewing circle.”


“You know, learn all those skills – cooking, pickling, weaving, laundry and … sewing.” She sighed at the last one.

Inuyasha’s indignant snort was louder this time. “Sango, why would you want to waste your time on those things? When the skills you have are much more important.”

“You say that, but I’m going to be married and maybe a mother soon. I’m going to need those skills.” Sango said thinking of the possible repercussions of her and Miroku’s shared evening. She smiled wryly. If that was the case she would hunt him down and force him to marry her right then and there.

“Still stupid.”

“Maybe …”

The two had a silent moment, the forest moving and squawking around them.

Sango could respect his want to be alone. She was a bit of a loner herself. The taijiya grew up in a tight knit community but was usually the odd man rather the odd woman out. She often went on solitary exterminations and enjoyed it.

Not like Inuyasha though, she knew he was really alone for a long time, which is why she was out here, to remind him he could be alone, but now had a tight knit family waiting for him to come home.

“I can’t believe your really marrying that lecher,” Inuyasha stated out into the open.

She smiled, “I know. There must be something wrong with my head.”

They shared a laugh.

Sango grunted standing back up, “I better go take my lesson.”


“Oh and Inuyasha don’t go completely wondering off.”


Taking that as an affirmative Sango stepped to her fate of housewifery leaving the hanyou a bit more grateful.

Five hundred years and a few months later

For Kagome, life, especially school moved on. With everyone already talking careers and universities first week into school, what else could a girl do but buckle down. Looking back, Kagome was grateful for the work load.

She was never the kind to get overwhelmed by tragedy, sure she could appreciate a good cry every now and then but sad things would never halt her. She wouldn’t allow life to turn her into some kind of depressed potato. Kagome had always been that way, since her father died.

But given the bluntness of the disaster, the cold magic-lessness emanating from that well. If her school work had been any less, her schedule been less full with every type extracurricular or intensive program she could fit in. Kagome would have succumbed to that clawing in the back of her head. Lost herself to that terrible anxious and paralyzing grief.

But Kagome didn’t and wouldn’t. She would continue to strive and get A’s and win awards until that darkness was small and ignorable.

The last bell of the school day rang out.

Kagome was busy shoving her books into a pale blue bag when a hand thumped against her desk.

“Jeez, Kagome-chan I don’t think that’s the way an exemplary student would be putting her books away.” Eri’s grin grew wider, “Maybe I should tell sensei.”

Kagome smiled at her friend’s joke though not fully appreciating it’s brilliance due to her ears burning from the speech her teacher gave the entire class calling Kagome the aforementioned ‘exemplary’.

“Did he really have to say all those things? Is he trying to make me explode from embarrassment?” Kagome said making her way out of the now empty classroom.

“Don’t complain,” Eri returned, following the girl. “Remember last year, you were worried for being called out for the exact opposite.”

“I guess you’re right.” Kagome then turned and started against the flow of outside bound students. “I’m off to archery and then a F.L.J. meeting,” She quickly threw over her shoulder to prevent any propositioning from her friend.

Once a large enough swath of people separated them Kagome pulled out her phone only to be greeted with a text message from the girl she was just speaking to.

'That meetings been canceled. We R going shopping!'


Kagome slumped her shoulders, but not about the shopping. Eri had a tendency to be generous with lending money to friends who were short on cash (which Kagome woefully was.) But because Eri had recently gotten a boyfriend and instead of spending actual time with him, She preferred spending time with her friends talking about him, asking them what outfits they think he would like and demanding their opinions on his faithfulness.


“It’s like when I look in to his eyes I feel it but I’m not sure he feels it,” Eri said slipping a beaded tunic over her head.

“And what about you Kagome-chan,” Yuka had joined the shopping party and was now sick of Eri’s prattle so she decided to torture Kagome.

“whaa…?” the questioned girl was distracting herself with a particularly expensive and pretty formation of lace.

“C’mon you must have somebody you like,” Yuka was seated in front of the dressing rooms inspecting the multiple rings she had placed on her fingers.

“Oh you know her, she loves to play hard to get.” Eri sighed pulling back the curtain adorned in a sparkly, short number.

“Guys, I’m not some sort of tease.” Kagome said indignant.

“Oh yes you are.”

“A tease and hard-to-get are two different things.” Of the three, Yuka was least clouded in the head.

“Well whatever. You should have seen her with archery guy, he was all over her.” Eri made dramatic hand movements to prove her point.

“Ooh who’s archery guy?”

“He’s my coach!” Kagome heaved. Did these girls have nothing better to do than scam on her love life?

“Even better, now you have that whole forbidden love thing going on.”

“How old is he, Kagome-chan?” Eri was eager to get the logistics so she could get their forbidden love on track.

“He’s a senior.”

“When you said coach I thought you meant old, now I’m jealous I love older boys.” Yuka had a lustful longing on her face.

“You could be visiting him in his dorm room next year!”

“Hentai!” Kagome’s cheeks were rising in color at her friends’ presumption. Were these girls already doing such things? She barely had time to worry about biology class let alone her own biology.

“I didn’t mean it that way.” Eri replied to her friend’s insinuation.

“You did a little, Eri-chan” Yuka said raising her eyebrows.

“Hey what about jealous guy?” Eri suddenly remembered. Too bad she missed Yuka’s frantic head shaking.

It had been an unspoken rule between the group not to mention Kagome’s jealous boyfriend or the day she missed the entrance ceremony, when they found her family screaming into a well-less well shrine. If such things were spoken Kagome would clam up and a block of ice would surround her for days.

And as per schedule Kagome icily replied, “Oh him? He moved away.”

But Eri was too blunt, loud and selfish to deal with her friend’s angst for too long. “Get over yourself Kagome-chan! I’m sick of your moping. All you do is school work. Just go out with archery guy!”

Kagome was surprised by her frankness but had nothing to reply.

The coldness was soon forgotten. They all laughed at Eri’s recent overpriced purchase and finished the outing in a café that was too fancy for them, drinking Jamaican coffee none of them really liked.

Author’s note: So this is going to be the basic format of the rest of my story, the long main chapters about Miroku and Sango and short side chapters to catch up with Kagome and Inuyasha. Their stories will all intersect but I like it formatted in this way because it makes it easier to organize my ideas.

Anyway, don’t you just love Inuyasha and Sango bonding? I’m looking forward to writing about their advancing their friendship. I even wrote a theme song about it I just need to find something good to rhyme with “best friends forever”.

Hope you liked it!

Love, Whattown