InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ For Her, Everything I do ❯ For Her, Everything I do ( Chapter 1 )

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For Her, Everything I Do
Title: For Her, Everything I Do
Prompt List/Ficlet Number: Chopsticks - 1 - Rush
Author: Inu Hanyou Nikkie
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst/WAFF/Drama/Squish
Universe: Canon
Word Count: 400 words
Summary: InuYasha makes plans for something special for Kagome.
Warnings: Lots of WAFF and Squish-y goodness.
Disclaimer 1: I do not own nor make any monies off of Inuyasha and the gang. No, that pleasure completely belongs to the Goddess Rumiko Takahashi, Shounen Sunday, VIZ. I am only using them for pure entertainment value only
For Her, Everything I Do
He was in a huge rush. It had to be perfect.... No beyond perfection. After all that had happened between them, all the misunderstanding and irrational jealousies - everything would be a thing of the past never to hold any power any more after this moment.
And so he prepared diligently.
He struggled hard.
He put his pride away for once and sought the help and wisdom of the two people he dearly respected: Kaede and Kagome's Mother.
Kaede assured him after pulling him into a motherly embrace that the Real Kikyou would have wanted him to be happy, to go on with his life and to remember her fondly. Remember who and what she was like before her death and resurrection. Kaede gave him her blessings and while doing that a wind blew in and wrapped about him with the medicinal and incense fragrance that only Kikyou alive had. It lifted his hair gently and caressed his cheek. Kikyou had given her blessings as well.
Kagome's mother had done even more and broken more of his walls. She called him her son and placing a tender kiss to his forehead gave her brilliantly joyous blessings. She told him she was very proud of him and very happy that he survived for so long so she and her family can have him in their blessed lives.
He waited impatiently, nervously, for Kagome to appear on their side of the well and when the tingles of the time portal opening touched his youki he breathed in relief. She was back.
"Ohiyo, InuYasha," she greeted him with a loving smile, HIS smile.
"Keh," he muttered to maintain his image before silently landing beside her and taking her upon his back.
Kagome nuzzles her face into his neck and shoulders humming with joy when she took in her surroundings and noticed they were far from the village. "Where are we going InuYasha?"
"Somewhere away from the prying unwanted attention of the others. For something very important, Kagome."
She trusted the Inu hanyou utterly and completely so she went along with what he had planned. Within an hours travel at top speed, they've finally arrived.
Sure enough Kagome gasped at the flittering of butterflies, the explosion of colourful flowers, the warmth of the sun, the sapphire blues of the water like her eyes.
But nothing even compared to his eyes.
"I love you, Kagome."