InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Free As the Wind ❯ Wind ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Kagura before her final mission - undertones of Kagura/Sesshoumaru - 100 words.



Free As the Wind



Kagura is going to die soon. Naraku knows she's trying to kill him. She doesn't think he knows about Sesshoumaru, though, and that comforts her.

Sesshoumaru is strong. He has the power to destroy Naraku - and she thinks he will, even if not for her.

But he confuses her too. He made her think, he made her try to be strong for herself, his words wouldn't let her give up hope. He is her hope.

Kagura will never be free as the wind, because she is going to die first. That's why she had to see him one last time.



~ final ~



:: secret sounds that you and I monopolize ::