InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ From Rin With Love ❯ From Rin With Love ( Chapter 1 )

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Dear Sesshoumaru . . . . ..
I'll follow you always
I'll have no regrets
I'll go where you lead me
I only want to be with you
You and no one else
I'll gladly be called your servant
If it means I can serve you
I'll happily be your companion
If it means I can stay by your side
I'll always be on your side
I'll be happy just to see you
To be sure you're safe and well
I'll be happy knowing you're happy
I'll dwell where you dwell
I'd live anywhere to be with you
Please don't ever ask me to go
It'd only break my heart
Cause you're my reason for living
You have been from the start
You give me purpose
My heart belongs to only you
So do with it as you please
You can store its love
Or throw it out
I've put my trust in you
You saved me when no one would
You helped me so much
I believe you're the only one who could
I think it was destiny my meeting you
You're my destination
In return for what I give
I only ask one thing
I ask for you're acceptance
Of all the things I bring
Love, loyalty, and devotion
You'll never know
How much you helped
How you've let me grow
You made me what I am today
Alive and happy
So thank you my love
Thank you, so very much
I'll cherish all our memories
And all that is to come
And with these words of thanks at last my letters done
From Rin with love
(a.n.) this was a letter Rin gave to Sesshoumaru to express her feelings to him.
Btw: Just so you know In this poem Rin is an Adult just fyi