InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ General Inuyasha Fanfic #1728 ❯ That Morning ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

RC: This is chapter 2… and yea. I couldn't think of an ending, sue me… NOT REALLY!
At Kagome's school
Kagome: Ok Inuyasha, you just wait out here until I call you ok?
Inuyasha: Sure…
Shippou: That was fun! ^_^ We should ride Inuyasha more often!
Inuyasha: … K, see ya later then. *runs to a nearby tree and lies down on the tallest branch*
Kagome: Ok, I won't be long. *enters the school*
Inuyasha: … *sigh* This is gonna be so boring.
Shippou: Well, I'm gonna be with you.
Inuyasha: *flicks Shippyou off the tree*
Shippou: *falls and lands headfirst on the grass* Ow… X_x
Inuyasha: Kagome seems so serious at one point, and so carefree the next.
Shippou: Well, we just have to hope that nothing goes wrong and she has a huge mood swing.
Inuyasha: Yea but… I just don't get her sometimes.
Shippou: You like her, that's why.
Inuyasha: Grr... quiet you little runt!
Shippou: See, *climbs back up the tree* she doesn't know how to feel when she's around you.
Inuyasha: … *sigh* (The little bastard's right. Should I be more inviting? Or do nothing at all and hope this all turns around… Damn, I can't just let this sit the way it is, I have to do something.)
Shippou: ... You're gonna say “Feh” right?
Inuyasha: *sigh* … Feh.
In the school
Teacher: That's how the Pythagorean Theorem works.
Student: You didn't say anything yet.
Teacher: Oh, how stupid of me… Well then let's move on…
Kagome: (I'm so nervous. What if Inuyasha doesn't behave and starts to attack Shippou. I tried to get this thing set up ever since Inuyasha started to brag that he bet Myoga couldn't kill a living thing… Oh well.)
Teacher: Kagome!
Kagome: Huh! O_O
Teacher: Can you answer the question?
Kagome: Umm, no.
Teacher: Well, then you would know what the formula of density is. Can someone please tell Kagome what the formula for density is?
Student: Mass over Volume.
Teacher: No! It's Mass divided by Volume!
*bell rings*
Kagome: *sigh* (Well, its time for lunch)
Inuyasha: *sleeping*
Shippou: *chasing squirrels*
Kagome: *comes out of the school* Inuyasha! It's time!
Inuyasha: (Damn! Ok, Inuyasha, just pretend you're asleep and she'll leave you alone)
Shippou: Hey Kagome! We're here! ^_^
Kagome: Ok, coming!
Inuyasha: (Damn!)
Shippou: *into Inuyasha's ears* HEY! GET UP! KAGOME'S HERE!
Shippou: Well, you wouldn't get up, so I got you up.
Inuyasha: Let Kagome leave me along or you'll never get up.
Kagome: There you are.
Inuyasha: *sigh* Ok, fine! I'll follow you to your stupid dance class.
Kagome: Ok great, but let me eat lunch first.
Kagome: Just to get you ready. ^_^
Inuyasha: …
Shippou: Can I go to lunch with you? ^_^
Kagome: Ok Shippyou. You wanna come too Inuyasha?
Inuyasha: If it'll get you to leave me alone for a while, then sure.
Kagome: Great! Follow me! ^_^
Shippou: Ok! ^_^ *climbs on Kagome's shoulder*
Inuyasha: (I shouldn't ruin it for her. I mean, all I've been doing is acting like a jerk)
Kagome: (I hope he isn't coming just to make me happy)
Shippyou: (Squirrels are funny) ^_^
In the cafeteria
Kagome: Ok, I'll get us some food.
Inuyasha: Ok, what are we having?
Shippou: *gone*
Kagome: Where's Shippyou?
Shippou: *playing in the cafeteria food* I like swimming. ^_^
Lunch Lady: *staring at Shippou* Oh well, more iron.
Inuyasha: Should I get a seat?
Kagome: Yea, any table is good.
Inuyasha: Ok
(Sits at a table that so happens to be seated with some of Kagome's friends, Ayumi, Eri and Yuna)
Inuyasha: *looking at Kagome as she enters the line*
Yuna: Who's he?
Eri: I dunno, but he's really hot.
Ayumi: Yea I mean look at him.
All 3: *stares at Inuyasha*
Yuna: Well, he's mine!
Eri: Not likely slut!
Ayumi: O_O He's looking at us.
Inuyasha: *still looking at Kagome*
Yuna: No he's not!
Eri: Who's he looking at?
Ayumi: It's… Kagome! O_O
Yuna: Wow, how'd she get someone like that?
Eri: Let's find out!
Inuyasha: (Hmm, I wonder if it'll be alright when we eat. I should try to be less serious. She wants to have fun at this dance thing she loves so much, *sigh* I guess I'll try to have fun)
All 3: *go to Kagome*
Kagome: Hey! What's up! ^_^
Ayumi: Don't “Hey!” us!
Eri: What are you doing with our dream guy?
Kagome: What do you mean?
Yuna: The hot looking guy in the red kimono!
Kagome: You mean Inuyasha?
Eri: Wow, we know his name ^_^
All 3: *sigh* *little thought bubble with Inuyasha in it kissing them*
Kagome: Umm, you got it all wrong. ^_^'
Yuna: That's what you want us to think.
Kagome: He's not exactly, your type?
Ayumi: He's gay!? O_O
Kagome: NONONO! Not that! ^_^
Inuyasha: *walks up to Kagome* Umm, I shouldn't ask but what's up with them?
Kagome: Umm… ^_^
All 3: … Umm…
Inuyasha: Uhh, I'm gonna look for Shippyou.
Kagome: Ok.
Inuyasha: *moving through the line*
Student: Hey! No cutting!
Inuyasha: *pulls out Tetsusaiga* Who said that!
Kagome: Oh crap! O_O Inuyasha! Put that down!
Inuyasha: (Oh crap! Why did I do that?) … Umm, it's a show and tell project, hehehe… *runs outside*
Shippou: *back floating in the stew* Hmm, I should follow Inuyasha. He could get into even more trouble. *follows Inuyasha*
Kagome: Inuyasha! *chases after him*
Ayumi: … Wow, he's so brave.
Other 2: … Yea.
Ayumi: Wait, did he have dog ears?
Yuna: Umm… I dunno.
Eri: It's best not to think about it.
All 3: *sigh* *little thought bubble with Inuyasha in it kissing them once again*
Inuyasha: *back on the tree branch*
Kagome: Inuyasha, are you ok?
Inuyasha: What do you mean am I ok? I didn't get hurt!
Shippou: What happened?
Kagome: Not now!
Shippou: Ok. *chases squirrels*
Inuyasha: I always act badly when I'm around people being jerks. I can't help it!
Kagome: It's ok! It doesn't matter right now! Just come with me to the dance class.
Inuyasha: No! I'm just gonna go home!
Kagome: Just come, you'll be fine!
Inuyasha: *drops from the branch and starts walking away from the school*
Kagome: (Inuyasha…) Please come… It'll make me happy!
Inuyasha: *ears twitch* (I can't believe it, she doesn't care that I almost killed people the whole day) …*sigh* Fine I'll come.
Kagome: … Thanks Inuyasha. Come on Shippyou!
Shippou: *running away from the mother squirrel* AHHH! OKOKOK! I'M COMING!
Inuyasha: (Kagome…)
Kagome: Inuyasha… please don't leave me
Inuyasha: … Ok.
Kagome: *hugging Inuyasha as they walk* Thank you.
Inuyasha: (Kagome…)