InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Give Me a Chance ❯ Accidental meeting ( Chapter 1 )

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Give Me a Chance
By: InuLover ^_^ (with unwanted commentary by InuHater ~_~)

Chapter One: An Accidental Meeting

It was a typical morning for Kagome Higurashi; she was late for school. She hurried into her green and white school uniform and ran downstairs. "No time for breakfast gotta go, see you later mom." She said so quickly the words ran together as she grabbed a slice of toast and hopped out the door on one foot trying to put her shoe on at the same time.
"But Kagome-" Started Mrs. Higurashi but her daughter was already out the door. "Your not late, your early," she said to the door.
Kagome rushed into school praying the bell hadn't rung yet. There were students in the hall, only a little but that was good news. She was nearing her class when… WHAM! She slammed into something as hard as a brick wall or someone. "Hey bitch, watch where your going." Someone growled. Kagome looked up from where she was sprawled out on the floor surrounded by her books to see Inuyasha the school's bad boy not to mention hot hanyou. Actually he was the bad boy of the whole school, human, hanyou, or demon.
Kagome fixed her round wire rim glasses; they'd been knocked askew when she fell. "I'm so sorry," Kagome scrambled onto her knees to gather her books. Then she realized what he'd called her. "I know I ran into you but you don't have to be so rude you jerk." She glared up at him then stood straightening her clothes. She glared at him one last time then walked away.
Inuyasha watched the strange girl go. Her glasses magnified her eyes unflatteringly making them look to big, her hair was in a low ponytail with strands already escaping and to top it all of she was wearing the school uniform, and nobody wore the uniform. Not event the geeks and kiss ups. "Where's the fire anyway," He called after, "School hasn't even started yet."
WHAT! That stopped Kagome cold. School hadn't started yet? She looked at one of the hallway clocks. 6:50. The first bell of the day didn't even ring until 7:30. "But my alarm clock said…" Kagome trailed off remembering that she'd set the clock fast to make herself think that she was late so she'd be on time for once. "Well," she said to herself, "It worked, to well." Needing someway to pass the time Kagome went to the Library to catch up on the fanfic's she was currently reading. Finally it turned 7:30 and she went to class.
Inuyasha just couldn't get that girl off his mind. Something about her was familiar he just couldn't figure out what. When he went into his second class of the day he figured it out. When he walked into the classroom he started to head for his usual seat in the back of the room when he saw Kagome sitting towards the front next to yet another girl wearing the school uniform this one didn't have glasses but she did have her hair wrapped in a bun at her nape. They were talking quietly ignoring all the other people in the room. Making a split second decision Inuyasha slipped quietly into the seat behind Kagome. When Miroku, Inuyasha's best friend entered the room he was surprised at the changed seating arrangements but shrugged and said nothing slipping into the seat next to him.
Inuyasha studied Kagome or rather the back of her head, listening to her whispered conversations with the girl next to her. The other girl's name was Sango, he discovered. He breathed deeply testing Kagome's scent. It was an unusual scent. Made from a mixture the smell of books, and flowers, and homemade goodies. It couldn't be natural. How was it he'd never noticed it before? But then in a closed classroom with girls who wore heavy perfumes it wasn't surprising he hadn't.
"Hey," Inuyasha whispered to Kagome when the teacher wasn't paying attention. Kagome ignored him. "Hey," He said again tugging her ponytail. "I know you hear me." He tugged harder.
"Ow," said Kagome loudly.
"Inuyasha, Is there something you wish to tell Miss Higurashi and the rest of the class?" asked the Teacher.
"Nope," said Inuyasha coolly, "I thought I saw a rat under her chair but it was a false alarm, not a rat just a super big roach."
"Ahhh!" Kagome jumped up into her seat along with half the other girls in the class. The girl, Sango didn't move though.
"Inuyasha, you will stop frightening the girls in this class half to death or you'll have detention!" said Teacher. "You know how girls frighten easy."
"Hey, what was that you said?" called out one girl.
"Are you trying to say, you guys," she put a lot of disgust in that one word, "are braver than us and don't get scared?" asked another.
"Yeah that's what he's sayin' cuz it's true." Called one boy. Soon class was in an all out debate boys against girls complete with flying objects such as paper, pencils, pens, and in one case a shoe.
"Sheesh, it was just a joke." Grumbled Inuyasha viewing the chaos that had taken over the classroom. The only people not participating in the debate were Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango, and Kagome. Inuyasha followed the debate listing to the views, the insults and dodging a few thrown objects before trying to get Kagome's attention again. "Hey," She didn't answer. "Don't ignore me that's what started this whole mess."
"I started this?" demanded Kagome twisting around in her seat. "You're the one who had to try and frighten all the girls in class."
"It was just a joke Teacher's the one who insulted the female race. But I'm not trying to start another debate. What kind of perfume do you where?" asked Inuyasha.
I don't where perfume." Kagome faced forward and set out to ignore Inuyasha.
"Stop lying there's no way that can be your natural scent."
Kagome whirled around again pinning Inuyasha with a freezing glare. "And just why is that? Us unpopular, unnoticeables aren't aloud to smell good?"
Inuyasha opened his mouth to reply but Miroku, wisely, cut him off. "Speaking of debates don't you two have anything to add the current one?" he asked.
Sango watched a pair of balled up socks fly across the room that had quickly been divided into boy and girl territory with her, Kagome, Inuyasha, and Miroku in the middle. "We're neutral." She said with out turning around. She and Kagome stood and gathered their books. "Now if you'll excuse us the bell will be ringing in 5, 4, 3, 2," RING!!! They left. Unfortunately the two girls and Inuyasha and Miroku were the only people to notice the bell. And so the whole class except the four mentioned had detention for being late to their third bell class. The teacher was assigned to watch over the assigned detention date. The detention was turned into another debate that soon spread to the whole school turning boyfriends and girlfriends alike against each other.

And so I happily leave you on that unhappy note to go convince InuLover that her story's a bust and she should just stop writing it.
Much hate,