InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Give Me a Chance ❯ Give Me A Chance ( Chapter 8 )

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Since I don't believe I've said it in a while, I don't own Inuyasha.
Chapter Eight: Give Me A Chance
Even though Kagome had brushed Kikyou off what she'd been told stayed on her mind and bothered her quite a bit. So when Sango arrived Kagome shared the information with her. Sango's advice was to just forget about it. They knew from experience that Kikyou was a cheat and a liar who would do anything to get her way. “I've been thinking, maybe the time to come out of the closet, so to speak, is now.” Sango said. “We're juniors, next year is our last. If we do it then she'll have one little period of ruin and then go right back to being Miss Popular in college, if she goes. I want to do it now. I want her to suffer a little.”
“I suppose your right.” Kagome conceded. “And I bet Inuyasha wouldn't mind helping out a bit if I asked him the right way.”
“Kagome your not gonna just use him to make Kikyou jealous are you? One of you could get hurt.”
“Calm down Sango, I'm going to tell him. He's not stupid, he'd know if I were using him. But anyway lets get ready. I can't wait to see them. I just love his eyes.” So the girls spent the rest of their time cleaning up a bit and getting ready before the boys got there. Sango was already dressed in pair of jeans that were just the right amount of tight with a purple off the shoulder top. Kagome ran upstairs and changed into a pair of blue jean low rider Capri's with light blue stitching and a matching light blue-scoop necked shirt. Before she went back down stairs she stopped at Souta's room.
“What do you want?” asked Souta cracking his door.
“I got a friend coming over and he's bringing his younger brother. Keep him occupied for a while?” She asked. Souta thought about it for a minute.
“Six bucks.”
“Two,” countered Kagome.
“Three and it's my final offer.”
“Okay. Bring him up when you get here.” Souta closed his door and went back to whatever he'd been doing.
“Kagome, they're here.” Called Sango.
“Coming.” Kagome raced down the steps, shook her hair neatly into place then went to the door. She greeted the guys and cooed over how cute Shippou was then took him upstairs and introduced him to Souta. They hit it off immediately went into Souta's room to do whatever it is little boys do.
“Cute kid.” Kagome turned to see Inuyasha had come up the stairs behind her. She blushed.
“He's alright when he's not being a nuisance.” She said somewhat shyly. Feeling emboldened by Kagome's blushes and her shy manner Inuyasha slowly backed her to the wall then lowered his mouth to her's. Kagome did nothing to resist. Downstairs Sango was wondering what was taking so long and sent Miroku upstairs to get them. He came back down without Inuyasha and Kagome.
“Well?” asked Sango.
“They're, um, talking. They'll be down in a minute. I think.” He answered. Suspicious Sango went up herself. When she saw Kagome and Inuyasha kissing rather heavily she gasped loudly and they broke apart. Kagome blushed and looked away but Inuyasha looked a little put out by the interruption.
“Would you mind coming back later?” He asked plaintively. Kagome giggled and took his hand to lead him downstairs. “There's the party snacks he asked as they made their way down the stairs.
“There's popcorn, chips, and my own personal snack mix, and soda's too.” Said Kagome. “I'll get them.”
“I'll help.” They went straight to the kitchen. Kagome was got the popcorn bowl from the microwave where she'd put it so the popcorn would stay warm, then got the snack mix, while Inuyasha got the cold sodas out the fridge. She was pouring the chips into another bowl when felt Inuyasha come up behind her. He lifted her hair away from her neck then placed a cold soda can there. Kagome shrieked and spun around right into his arms.
“Why'd you do that?” She asked.
“I thought it would be funny.” Inuyasha smirked.
Kagome huffed and spun back around to the snack bowl slapping Inuyasha with her hair in the process. “Opps,” she said over her shoulder. “Sorry.”
“Apology accepted.” Inuyasha said nuzzling against her neck. “Your not wearing perfume.” He commented.
“You said you don't like it when I wear perfume.” Kagome answered relaxing as his arms slipped around her waist.
“True, it disguises your natural scent, which smells much better than any perfume. But I can't smell it in human form unless I get this close.” He pressed Kagome back against him breathing deep and taking in her scent.
“Fine with me.”
“Kagome I-”
“Would you guys come on already!” yelled Sango.
“Coming,” Kagome answered. She grabbed the bowl with the snack mix and the chips and Inuyasha put the soda's on a tray and grabbed the popcorn. After arranging everything on the table in front of the couch they opted to sit on the floor with their backs against the couch while they watched the movies. “Tonight's feature presentations are,” Kagome announced as she turned out the lights and started the first movie. “All three Scream movies, I Know What You Did Last Summer, I Still Know What You Did Last Summer, Final Destination 1 and Final Destination 2.”
“I thought you didn't like scary movies?” asked Inuyasha remembering Sango's party.
“I generally do there's just some I don't and the one Sango played I particularly dislike.” Said Kagome. Inuyasha bent his legs up and opened his arms to Kagome in invitation. She accepted and sat down between his legs and leaned back against his chest, he wrapped his arms around her. Sango and Miroku adopted a similar position. As they watched the movie in a comfortable silence Inuyasha let his mind wander.
If only we could be like this all the time, he thought. If only I could get Kagome to accept me for who I am. To accept all of me, I could truly be happy. I can see myself being with Kagome for years to come, starting a family, growing old together. I won't give up on her, he thought fiercely; I'll get her to realize the depth of my feelings for her. I'll get her to feel the same. Feeling all the better for deciding this he just relaxed and wallowed in the comfort that was Kagome.
“Inuyasha,” Inuyasha realized with a start that Kagome was calling him. They'd already put in Scream 2 and were halfway through the movie. “Can I play with your hair?” She asked. “Please?”
“Uh, sure.” Said Inuyasha somewhat surprised at the request. Kagome scrambled up and onto the couch were she sat with her legs on either side of him brushing and playing with his hair. She found herself wishing for his dog-ears so she could rub and caress them again. The long even brush strokes lured Inuyasha into a semi-awake state. Miroku and Sango only made it to about three quarters of I Still Know What You Did Last Summer before falling asleep. Kagome made it to the opening credits of Final Destination 2 before falling asleep. Inuyasha didn't bother watching the movie. He climbed onto the couch with Kagome and pulled her close snuggling into her hair, but he didn't sleep. At some point he got up and checked on Souta and Shippou to find they to were asleep.
Kagome woke up shortly before sunrise to turn over and see Inuyasha staring down at her. “Good morning,” she said smiling sweetly.
“Good morning Kagome,” he answered softly. “Come watch the sunrise with me?” he asked. Kagome nodded and together they went out and stood on the porch steps.
“Inuyasha,” Kagome asked hesitantly. “You and Shippou live with your aunt right?” Inuyasha nodded absently, sunrise was near and he could feel his blood tingling. “How, how did your parents die?”
“I really don't like talking about it Kagome.”
“Okay.” Kagome could sense his sadness and wished she could do something about it. She looked up at him and tangling her hands into his hair she slowly pulled him down for a kiss as the sun rose. She could feel him changing back to hanyou form but didn't break the kiss. It was Inuyasha who pulled away after a moment staring down at her with his now golden eyes. “Inuyasha can I talk to you?” Kagome asked. “I want to ask you a favor.” Inuyasha nodded mutely and they sat down. “Sango and I have decided to exact our revenge on Kikyou, starting Monday. I want your help, if you'd agree to pretend to be my boyfriend just for a while. Just tell me what you want in return.”
“Kagome,” Inuyasha started. He stopped and just stared at his hands. “Kagome all I want is for you to like me for who I am. For you to realize that I'm not just another backstabbing, butt kissing, social climber. I'm a real person Kagome with real feelings. I'll agree to help you under one condition.” Kagome nodded holding her breath. “I don't want to pretend to be your boyfriend. If we do this I will be your boyfriend, for real.” Kagome opened her mouth to speak but Inuyasha stopped her. “There's a school dance in three weeks, twenty one days. Be my girlfriend for just those three weeks and my date to the dance. And when that night is over you can tell me weather or not I'm the kind of person you want to be with. Just give me a chance Kagome, just this one chance to prove to you that I'm not just some vapid playboy type. Please?”
Kagome didn't answer for a moment she stared into his eyes as though searching for sincerity. She looked away for a moment, tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, chewed on her bottom lip for a moment then soothed it with her tongue. “Okay,” she said finally. “Three weeks, twenty one days. But understand Inuyasha, you're the one who wanted this to be real. If I find you with some other girl or something like that, I'll make your life a living hell. Understand?”
“Understood.” Said Inuyasha letting out the breath he'd been holding. He stood and offered Kagome his hand and pulled her to her feet. Then he pulled her into a hug. He wished that time could just stop at that one moment, because, he realized suddenly, he'd just found his soul mate and he was never going to let her go.
All right you guys that's it for this chapter, a whole page longer than usual. What do you think? Did you check out my other fic's yet? I'm gonna keep pestering you till I see your names on the review pages.