InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Half Souls ❯ The First Half ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Half Souls

Written by: Yasashii the Aggressive Kitsune

Disclaimers: If I owned Inuyasha, do you think I'd be living in a small house and working for slightly more than minimum wage? Didn't think so.

Notes: I haven't died! I'm still around! My creative muse stopped talking to me for a while, so I haven't written anything in a few months. For those of you who have read "The Fuedal Wizard of OZ," I am working on that right now as well. This idea popped into my head after watching episode 48… ;_; It just wasn't fair! ~Yasashii

~~~ The First Half ~~~

The mission. The tama. It needs to be completed no matter the cost. I find that I need to keep telling that to myself. Every day I feel like I'm losing sight of what's really important. Or maybe I've just been blind until now.

Maybe it was the way she worried about me, or the way she would throw herself into danger without a second thought, or it could just have been the way her hair blew in the breeze… The tama. It needs to be completed. I have to finish it… but do I really want to anymore? Somehow, the tama doesn't seem like it's worth that much when I look at her. The demon in me would rather shove such thoughts and feelings under a rug and forget about them. However, the man in me, he can not help but dwell on it. Sometimes I think that part of me is weak, but if he were not there I fear I would have hurt her by now. He is the wise part of me. The part of me that loves her.

Is that fair? To say that only half of me loves her? She thinks that no one understands her predicament between herself and… her other self. But I understand better than anyone else. Sometimes it feels like my two halves are completely different people. The man wants to hold her close and never let go, the demon wants to push her away and hide. I know she's confused and uncertain. I wish I could reassure her… the tama. Don't forget about the tama. Just finish the tama and then she can go back to her world and forget about me while I wonder what might have been.

"Inuyasha? Is there something wrong?"

"I'm fine, leave me alone, wench! You broke my concentration!" I scowl and turn away abruptly, like always. I don't like being cruel to her, but it's all for the best if she stays away from me.

I hear her turn and walk away, but I do not give chase, I don't say anything. I don't even move. I guess that she is going home again. She's been going home a lot lately. I know it is because of me. She thinks that I don't know how she is feeling, how hard she's trying to hold back her frustration. I wish I could help her, but I have no choice. I will always have no choice.

Always… Kagome.

~~~ Owari ~~~

Any comments are welcomed and appreciated!